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Valentine Anniversary Weekend

Category: Group Sex
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There's just something about the auburn hair Jess that says: "Fuck me!" Even back in high school when she was known as Ms Frostbite every guy in town wanted to be the stud to thaw her out first. In effect to wipe that come-fuck-me look right off of her face. Especially when she went through her rebellious stage, and rumors flew around the classes about her getting her nipples pierced just to spite her parents.
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I Never

Category: Group Sex
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Liz and Andy were so excited that Jessica and Mike were coming to visit. It had been awhile since the four of them had seen each other, and Liz and Andy always enjoyed their company. This time though, none of them ever expected how enjoyable the visit would be. Liz and Andy have been married for two years, and have a great sex life. The two of them had recently been experimenting with the swinging lifestyle.
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