
A cold and rainy Saturday in February. The rain is unusually heavy. Instead of the usual "mizzle" that mists the air with tiny, slow-falling droplets, it's pouring in sheets, pattering against the window. It fills my bedroom with a dull and depressing sound. My mood is equally bleak. I'm snuggled in bed, shivering and miserable. I have the heat maxed but it's taking forever for the room to warm up.
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Many wonder about the obsession of anal sex and when viewed from a purely superficial standpoint, I guess I could see why one questions the attraction to the act. Clearly, other sexual acts are acceptable outlets for our sexuality and if you want to get kinky there are sex toys, oral sex and positions to explore, right? Why all the curiosity about anal?
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Mary was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am about to relate.
Mary had been my wife for over twenty years, mother of our kids, confidant, no doubt the best thing that had ever happened to me. She was not, I hasten to add, perfect, nor was I, by any means, and we had the usual ups and fortunately few downs. However, one morning, Mary just didn't wake up.
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