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Saturday Threesome with Young Steve

Category: Gay Male
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I had been happily married for twelve years before I started having fantasies of sucking cock. My wife, after bearing two children, still was a curvy, gorgeous woman with a large appetite for sex. At the age of thirty-six, she was at the peak of her sexual drive. I, at the age of forty, could still perform in bed almost as well as I could when I was twenty.
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Gently, Firmly

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
She woke up a little later than usual, her first reaction to check the clock. Before her heart could race at the thought of being late, she remembered it was a Saturday, and her next thought was of the night before, the smell of his cologne and sweat and cum drifting up from the sheets. Looking around, she wondered if he had left – a typical one-night stand – or if maybe he was just in the bathroom.
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