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Public Wi-Fi

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Today's technology can make one a little paranoid. I'm well known in my rather conservative community and the last thing I would need would be for people to find out about my fantasies. Like many people, I have a phone, a tablet, a laptop, etc. and I connect to my work network from home frequently. Lately, I'd become somewhat obsessed about my internet trail and fearing my browsing history being discovered inadvertently through some virus, cookies or some other thing of which I was unaware.
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No Tofu

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
When my dear friend Bok called me and said he had big news for our next coffee date, I had a pretty good guess at what it was. He would probably tell me that things were official with Corey, the guy he'd been seeing for the last couple of months. What I didn't expect was how the news would affect me. "Oh my God, Arnold, I can't get enough of his body. In the morning, it's like...we don't even want to get out of bed!" Bok exclaims, grabbing my hand.
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Quick and Dirty Facial

Category: Gay Male, Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I just joined and wrote this story in a few minutes. Please enjoy it. * I woke up around ten in the morning like I usually do and got up to go get my morning shower. I cast a quick glance at myself in the bathroom mirror and stepped into the hot water from the showerhead. I stood under the falling water and remembered the dream I had woken up from this morning. Lisa, the hottest girl at my job, was blowing me, begging me to cum all over her face. I reached down and gripped my already growing cock in one hand, gently jerking it as I thought about maybe giving myself a happy ending to the dream I had been having.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

I'm sure that we all remember our first time. We remember with fondness the guy that made us feel accepted and special. We remember our first love, so deep it hurt to be apart and nearly killed us when it ended. So many memories, tucked neatly in the files of our minds waiting to be savored like a fine wine in a passing moment. I shared the story of my first time with you awhile back and received so many wonderful comments.

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