
This story is dedicated to that very special someone in my life and grew out of a playful conversation. Hope it was worth the wait hon'
"Life" such as it is, on the other side, isn't so very different for us than it was when we were mortal. For one thing, it's fairly boring most of the time. For another, our "jobs" take up much of our time.
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You probably haven't heard of the Isle of Sula. Not unless you're one of the eco-tourists who come trekking oot here, or one of the estimated 27,000 members worldwide of Clan MacCuilish. That's about 15 times the current population of the island, probably no more than 40 of whom were born with the MacCuilish name. Basically, we're a tiny wee island towards the south of that thin rocky spine off the coast of Scotland known as the Western isles, or Eilean Siar in Gaelic.
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