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Breaching Gloria

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 2 votes
Recently, while preparing vanilla icing for a tray of cooling cinnamon buns, I heard Todd yell from the bathroom. "Gloria, I haven't got a towel!" It prompted my memory: I'd washed them earlier and had forgotten to replace them. However, there were plenty in the hallway. "Linen cupboard," I called back. He thudded down the passageway naked and wet. Hot, I thought.
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Beautiful View

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 2 votes
"Mmmm..." I purr as I raise my hands above my head stretching my rib cage and stomach. I feel my breasts shift upwards towards my face and jiggle slightly as I come back to rest on my back. I can hear the swirling and breaking of the water as it crashes against the sides of the boat, the slight rocking as we move with the waves. My whole body feels warm from the sun beating down on us, behind my eyelids the light is poker hot red and I can detect a slight heartbeat behind my lids.
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