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This Is What Happened

Category: Group Sex
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This is What Happened: A gal I met from an online chat a couple months ago invited me to come to her house for a little party. I had told her after we met in person, that I wasn't interested in developing anything with her, but I would like to be buds with her if she was ok with that, and she said that would be cool. We had chatted online on many occasions about a variety of different things, and I had revealed some of my kinkier desires, and she has always encouraged me to just “go for it”.
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And Then There Was Vickie

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Jill took a sip of her club soda and let her eyes gaze around the room, stopping occasionally when someone caught her interest. She still wasn't sure what she was supposed to be looking for and leaned closer to Lori to be heard above the music. "How about the blonde over by the bar?" she shouted in to Lori's ear. Lori shook her head and leaned closer to Jill's ear. "No, I don't think so. Seems more interested in the guy action. She's probably not a hotel quest. See the jacket on her chair?"
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