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Two Norwegian Sisters and Cousin

Category: Incest
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This is Johan in Kristiansand, Norway, telling Kari, his girlfriend, one summer morning why he is no longer as shy as he had been in the spring. If he seems to have been a little too naïve, that is because the incident takes place some forty years. They are supposed to be going to the library and then having a lunch of Sunday leftovers in his house, since his parents both work. Kari, who is a couple of months older than now 18 year-old Johan, already has some experience with her brother and is delighted when Johan suggests that they immediately go to his family's house, where they end up naked in bed together, kissing and masturbating each other.
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Forget Me Not

Category: Anal Sex
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The hotel bar seemed to sum up how Laura felt. She was trying to control her anger and not look at her uncomfortable partner, Roger, who stared at the rustic wooden table in front of him and fussed with his nails. She looked around the dimly illuminated room and was only vaguely aware of the folk muzak selection being played through incongruous speakers spaced around the walls. The faux Olde Englishe beamed tavern effect was completed by roughly plastered walls, prints of hunting scenes and neatly arranged horse brasses on leather straps. All purely for decoration.
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Not Alone at All

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She entered the stairwell and launched herself at the stairs, taking them two at time. She reached her apartment in no time, and was soon inside her place, locking the door behind her. She shed her clothing as she moved through the apartment, freeing her long, dark hair. She shook her head back and forth gently, causing the ends to caress the soft skin at the small of her back. She shivered slightly, nipples hardening, and made her way to the phone. She dialed her best friend's number and started to sing as it was answered.
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Fixing Hubby’s Porsche

Category: Group Sex
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"Shit! Shitshhitshitshit!" Sarah quietly screamed, looking at the scrape on the back fender where she'd kissed the nearby post of the mall's underground parkade. Tears welled in her eyes. "What am I going to do?" she lamented, beginning to hyperventilate, as she considered her husband's response. She wasn't even supposed to be using his pride and joy, a maroon Carerra 4. She wouldn't have been either, except that her Audi was making weird noises.
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