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Nipple Slut Peggy Sanford

Category: BDMS
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This is a tale of the best humiliation-pain-cum slut I have ever met.. Her name is Peggy Sanford, and she is by far the most willing little bitch it has been my pleasure to use. We met on the net, and soon enough I had her under my thumb. Peggy came to me dressed as instructed: in mini, heels, garter belt and stockings (barely covered by the skirt) and a tight, thin top. As I let her in the door, I instruct her to turn so I can inspect her body.
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The car arrives promptly at 09.30 hours, as stated on the card she had opened when she rose that morning. Sara has her small handbag with her, a light coat, and nothing else. Dressed smartly in a blouse and knee length skirt she closes and locks the front door, making her way down the path on sensible 2 inch heels, sheer stockings swishing together as she approaches the sleek black Mercedes that awaits her. A liveried chauffeur steps from the car and opens the rear door as she approaches.
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