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Mrs. Powers

Category: Mature
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I would like to tell you a story about how I hooked up with the finest lady in the world. Her name was Lisa Powers. Lisa was the most gorgeous woman you could imagine. She would have made any model jealous. Her long slender body had enough curves to drive most men crazy with lust. You can only imagine what she did to my eighteen-year-old body. Mrs. Powers, as I should call her, is one of my best friend's mom. She was in her mid forties, and for a housewife she kept herself in great shape. Mr. Powers worked with my dad at the local chemical company.
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Annie’s Ass

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"I just don't' know what to do anymore. She doesn't return any of my calls," my girlfriend Karen lamented as we talked on the phone. "We used to call each other every five minutes. Now all she wants to do is sleep." "Give her time," I responded, in my usual comforting, but unhelpful way.
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