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Thanksgiving Day

Category: Fetish
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My wife had to work Thanksgiving Day for about six hours, which was rare for someone in retail. She went in casually dressed in a nice pair of khaki pants, a nice blouse and some comfortable flats. We planned ongoing g to my parent's house later after she got home. This is a casual affair and we bother planned on having a few drinks before we go. When she got home we had a few beers while watching some football, I looked over and saw that she had on her black trouser sock that I bought for her. They gave the illusion that she had some sheer tights on.
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Mangy Threesome

Category: Lesbian Sex
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On the last night of our trip to Jackson Hole, we'd headed out for dinner and some shopping in town. I ended up buying a new bikini, but little else. Tori, my girlfriend, bought a pair of hot leather pants from Hide Out. When we were done, we returned to our hotel room, took all of our stuff out of our suitcases and repacked everything for my trip home on Saturday. We had plans for the night, so we got dolled up and headed off to Teton Village.
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