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Sweetness is Led Astray

Category: BDMS
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As a writer here, I am quite different. I write for women! I write in the 1st and 2nd person present text. I write for those women that are sexually bored, sadly underappreciated in their roles as girlfriend, wife and mother, or frightfully inhibited, but hiding a secret insatiable fantasy side...I write for those women that yearn to be in the grasp of strong, successful, attractive dominant that are mysterious, successful, powerful, erotic.
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Grace’s Dream

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The dream comes often. It is never quite the same, but it is the dream, nevertheless. One thing always happens in the dream. Always. In the dream she is: Confident She believes in herself and her abilities. The decisions she makes are good, and the consequences of those decisions are positive. Aggressive people don't disturb her – she deals with them directly and forcefully, if necessary.
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