
This happened when I was in college and shared a duplex with a friend and fellow student at the beach. It was summertime and we both worked at a hot-spot bar at the beach. It was a great summer. We spent our days at the beach and nights working at a place where it didn't even seem like working sometimes. It was the 70s when disco was hot, and the place was crawling with girls down for the week from Ohio and New Jersey. They just wanted to drink and get laid and we were happy to accommodate.
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That Tammy Burt and I were friends, good friends, was a fact, but I was never quite sure how it started. Okay, a shared love of programming helped, as did the fact that Tammy and her divorced mom lived just a block away, but at the time our friendship began, Tammy was only twelve and I was sixteen. Four years in middle teens was a lifetime!
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"Would you help me over in Reference, please?"
Richard looked up from his filing. He swiveled his head, looking for the source of the clear, but tiny voice.
"I'm rearranging and I need someone to help move the shelves and lift the boxes of books."
He spied Sylvia, standing a little to the side and behind him. Richard nodded "ok" and filed the last two cards. He closed the card file drawer and followed her to the reference room, for which she had already started.
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I've always felt attracted to younger men.
Some time ago, there was family living next to me in our small neighborhood. This was several years after my husband had died. I'd finally begun to feel somewhat whole again and yet the loneliness was getting me down. I had sexual cravings I hadn't felt in a long time and thought I'd go crazy if they weren't satisfied by someone, and soon.
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I was sitting backwards on one of the chairs in my tenant's kitchen, watching him cover an easel with bold strokes of varying shades of green. Sean had moved into the basement suite in late August, and we'd hit it off right away. He was a nice boy, 22 years old, a couple years older than my own son, who was also away at university.
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Mum put the telephone down and turning to me said, "Do you realize you haven't seen Aunt Emma for nearly two years?"
"Is it that long?" I asked, glancing up from the book I was reading.
"Yes, and she wonders why, she thinks she might have done something to offend you; has she?"
"No, I just haven't got around to visiting her and it's a damned long trek out there -- the far flung outposts of..."
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When she crossed over I-80, Nancy snuggled her lean frame into the soft leather that was wrapped around the driver's seat and kicked off her heels. The countryside and farms blurred beside her and she day-dreamed as the car continued its course, almost on autopilot, down I-57 towards Champaign, Illinois.
She enjoyed these drives. They represented the only time during the week when she could shut down, block out the irritations of her life.
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This account of some of the events in my life was written as requested by the love of my life, my soul mate, my sister Abby.
Here it is 1972 and I am living in Mobile, Alabama. Not sure how I ended up here but it seemed like a nice place to settle after drifting for a few months. I am enrolled in college and have made a few friends. With my injuries and scars from Viet Nam I am a little shy around people. I lost an eye and I wear a black patch over it.
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"I don't think I'll be able to attend tonight's committee meeting. My damn husband is out of town again and I can't find a babysitter."
I was standing behind two attractive women in the grocery store's express check-out.
"Amy, you have to come. You've done all the work to date and we need the project to remain on track."
"I know . . . I know. I'll make a few more calls and see if I can find a sitter."
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Although I had a fair amount of sexual partners during my first year of college, I had to admit that I had never imagined this would happen. Along with my fraternity brothers, Phil, Joey, I was in an older woman's apartment. She was naked and straddling Joey as he lay on her sofa. His hard-on was in her cunt. Phil stood to the side, had a fist of her hair in his hand and was pumping his cock down her willing throat.
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