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Category: Fetish
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Jessica pulled into the Mall parking lot and always parked as close to the handicap parking spaces as she could. She got lucky today and found a space right next to one. She always liked to either sit and watch them or walk by as someone was getting out of their car. Someone had just pulled into the HC spot just before her so she sat for a few minutes to see what would happen.
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Yin and Yang

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
There was nobody special I wanted to see at my ten-year reunion, but I went anyway, and was pleasantly surprised. It was a fun evening, and I collected a few phone numbers of people I hoped to reconnect with later. As the evening wound down, I ended up at a table with an old friend, drinking beers and talking. Keith and I had played in a couple of bands together in middle school and high school.
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Her Presents

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
She had a number of surprises for him... We had just gotten back from a friend's wedding. They had a nice ceremony on a golf course under some trees and then a party afterwards inside the club house. It was an open bar and they had hired a band. We spent most of the night making the rounds saying hello and visiting with both families. After several drinks and a couple of dances we said goodnight.
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The Test

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The music was pumping and the club was steamy from the press of over 700 undulating bodies. Even though I was wearing only a matching cropped tank and front zip mini skirt with spiked boots I was glazed with a sheen of sweat. It didn't help that the outfit was all red latex, it looks and feels fabulous but doesn't breathe well...especially in a crowded club. My hair was water slicked back from the bottles being sprayed into the crowd for cooling purposes and tucked behind my ears to prevent it from whipping into the eyes of other dancers on the packed floor.
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