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Encounter with an Angel

Category: Fetish
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It was another long night at work. Apparently there was some event going on, a charity thing. Word had it that there would be a lot of cigar smokers there. Great. A lot of grumpy old men throwing their money at Nicaraguan orphans. Not that I have anything against the orphans. It just means I am going to have my work cut out for me. I had drink detail. Even more fun for me.
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Now That’s A Fine Cigar

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
He had seen her several times before. She came into the shop, browsed around. However, he had always been with a customer or on the phone. She had always made her choices, paid for them, and left before he had a chance to even say hello. She walked out the door and out of his life dozens of times and he was always left disappointed.
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