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The Cat

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Somewhat early on a Saturday morning I was having a cup of coffee on my patio when I noticed a large cat looking at me. It was between two of my flowerpots towards the back but my pots are placed in such a way I could see each plant well from my chair. I could see the cat well. The cat could tell I could see it. It was a semi-longhaired charcoal grey cat that was a bit overweight. By the time I took my first sip of coffee it had relaxed.
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Love Me. Hate Me. Fuck Me?

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Hey Lindsay, how's it going?" I asked. The brunette student sat on the floor outside my office. She was studying a page of class scribblings that had been transcribed into a dog-eared, spiral-ringed notebook. Even in the dim half-light of the hallway I could make out her lush and curvy form. Whoa! This girl knocked the wind out of my lungs. I had spent several sweaty nights recreating her image in myriad naughty ways.
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