
On that particular morning, I woke up with a massive hard-on.
So it was quite convenient that my cock was deeply buried in Patty's throat at the time.
Chicken or the egg?
I had been "dating" Patty, if you can accurately categorize marathon sex sessions as "dating", for about six weeks now. During that time, my dick was usually buried in some orifice, crack, or crevice of Patty's torso and head a great majority of the time. Her eardrums might have been safe, but pretty much every other hole was fair game.
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I never intended for any of this to happen the way it did. I hope you can believe that. When I offered him my phone, it was merely to be polite and do a stranger a good turn. When I offered for him to come stay with me, it was as a person with means helping out someone who was going to go without. When I offered him a job, it was as an experienced businessman helping a young man just setting out in the world.
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The phone rang as Keith just finished telling me he loved me. It was Susie.
"Hi, Nancy," said Susie. "How's it going?"
"Fine," I replied smiling at Keith while pointing to a picture of Susie and me in a framed picture.
"Are you dating anyone, Nancy? Bill has this great friend I'd like to set you up with," stated Susie.
"Oh, that's so nice of you, Susie," I replied imagining what kind of bore her set-up would be. "But, I'm really busy at work and traveling a lot which wouldn't be fair to Bill's friend right now. Maybe another time."
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