
Sometimes you need to search far and wide to find those things that inspire you. Finding two wildly passionate minds that love to mix the creative process with erotic adventures is priceless.
I happen to travel quite frequently due to my work. I always enjoy visiting new towns and cities that are sprinkled across the landscape.
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"Debby Knut with the big old butt." The sound of that chant rings in my ears to this day. In kindergarten I realized that my butt was bigger than most other girls my age. Rather than I noticed, it was actually pointed out to me routinely by other children. "Debby Knut with the big old butt" was sung as I jumped rope while other girls just herd rhymes such as "My Mother told me."
I hated having a big butt. Some of the African American girls had butts that resembled mine, and I began hanging out with many of them, in hopes of not feeling different.
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At first it was a joke, something she brought up in soft, warm words they shared after making love that became a recurring joke between them. She would whisper in his ear as he entered her or the moment after their kiss broke. "I mean it Andres," she'd say is a sultry, practiced voice. "You wait. One day it will be your turn." He would turn and see the look in her eyes. "I'm serious."
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