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My New Secretary

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
One thing I always wanted to do was to have my own business. A few months ago I finally decided to get started. It was a small distribution business. I was mainly the middleman arranging products to be shipped all over the country. I didn't have much of an overhead. And I didn't need an inventory, just an office where I could conduct my business and a place to hang my hat so to speak.
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At Work

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I work around men all day, not suit and tie types, but mechanics, truck drivers and factory workers. The blue collar type, with dirty hands and muscles hardened from hard work, really get me hot. I am one of the few women in sales to call on these types of customers, so naturally I draw a lot of attention when I walk in the shop. It doesn't hurt that I am a tall, attractive redhead with 40DDD breasts.
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