The sound of moaning greeted us as we pushed through the door into the darkened cinema. The actress on the big screen was getting fucked hard, and doing a good job of sounding as if she was loving it. In the dim light from the screen we could see that the matinée had attracted a few people to this porn cinema. Maybe fifteen or twenty.
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I received my invitation from you in the post. I knew it was from you as I recognised your handwriting. It merely gave an address, a date and a dress code. It gave me a few days to prepare.
After much anticipation the night finally arrived. I put on what the instructions told me: high heels, black stockings, a tight black skirt with a white blouse and black bra with a long overcoat on top.
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Work's done for the week, I'm showered, and I'm heading to my usual Friday night haunt. As I walk in I'm greeted with a smile from Tanya. By looking at Her You wouldn't think She works in a porn shop and supervises the theaters and booths out back, too. I have found out over time that She has a kinky core.
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'Can I cum on your face?'
That was where it all started I think, I was 18 and Greg was my first boyfriend. We had been sleeping together for a few months and it was all 'quite nice', all very so-so. Probably it was a bit like most first relationships between two virgins, you are both pretty clueless.
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Jocelyn's sets on Suicide Girls were always the hottest and most anticipated when they main the site's main page. She was a spritely little thing, skinny as a twig with pale, creamy skin. Her hair was dyed the same color as a fire engine, her puppy dog eyes milk chocolate. Her septum piercing matched the snakebite gauges in her lips. Her flat tummy and bubble butt were two of her favorite features about her body.
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