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Category: Incest
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"You don't think it's a big deal that you fucked your own brother?" was all Sarah's mother could say. The moment the sentence left her mouth, she realized how absurd it was. Sarah rolled her eyes, "It wasn't like that! They were just hookups. We followed the rules. It is NOT a big deal!"
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Coitus Interruptus Coitus Cuckoldus

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1. When Trixie Ann got home (late, after her MBA class), she first checked on Judy, her daughter and Eddie, her son. They were asleep and did not wake when she straightened their covers and kissed them softly on the cheek. Then she made her way quietly to the master bedroom. Her husband Alan was already in bed. He greeted her sleepily and rolled over.
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Breeding Stock

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It started with Sasha. I met her online in a chat room and we hit it off and have been having very sensual role playing scenarios and just hot erotic conversations about various aspects of sex ever since. She is an extremely sensual erotic woman and her descriptions of her body make my mind work overtime producing fantasies and images. After a while, I learned she had a roommate that was equally into role playing named Nikki.
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Oh Baby

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I fought back tears when I saw the spots of blood that heralded the onset of my period. Despite the increased use of fertility drugs, I was not going to be a mother this month. I crawled back into bed with my husband Todd, waking him to cuddle with him. Sunlight shone through the blinds.
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