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Lust Writ Large

Category: Anal Sex
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Her name was Marilyn, she said, as we stood smoking a furtive cigarette outside our respective work-places. She was a large lady, probably 200 pounds and 6 feet tall in her high heels. And while I’m not usually attracted to big woman, there was something about Marilyn that drew me to her. She had a pretty face framed by long, black hair but it was her confident manner, her casual frankness and her easy, infectious laugh I remember most – and to which I responded as I got to know her better.
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Fly the Friendly Skies

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I was beat. The plane had been delayed, the luggage lost and the boarding passengers rude and hoity. The trip was suppose to be a time for getting away, for forgetting about my present life for a little while and fly head first into a week of relaxation, fun and adventure. I had never left the kids and husband for longer than a weekend. I told my husband that one day, when the kids were up there in age, I would be the one leaving for awhile and would be pampering myself because nobody else would. He laughed then and said "sure hon, whatever makes ya happy".
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The Other Side of the Wall

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I felt like an idiot for not dressing up for the Halloween party, which was ironic since the reason I didn't dress up was so I could avoid looking like an idiot in the first place. I was going to this party to just find some sexy stranger to take home and enjoy. I thought my chances of doing that would be better if I didn't put on some ridiculous costume. But when I arrived, I discovered I was the odd man out in a house full of people dressed as everything from vampires to giant bottles of KY jelly.
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