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Mrs. Lachlan

Category: Mature
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Mrs. Lachlan. Jimmy’s mother. And our neighbourhood’s MILF. You could hear the gasps emerging from every teenage boy (and some grown men) when she glided past. She had the kind of melons you felt like you could wedge yourself between and survive for days in the middle of the ocean. And the kind of mouth you thought could swallow an apple whole, or, alternatively, the kind of mouth you thought you could unload into until you were dizzy and nauseous. She was a real piece of meat. Prime rib.
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Thy Neighbor’s Daughter

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The family was out shopping. I was left at home to begin my favorite weekly duty. Not! Mowing the lawn. It’s a big lawn and I do it with a self propelled push mower because it’s about all the exercise I get. Takes me about three hours if I don’t take too many breaks. I squared off a corner and spied a figure jogging down our country lane. I couldn’t make out who it was yet, but I hoped it wasn’t my neighbor, Trudy. She would stop and yak for an hour about nothing.
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