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Brooke Ch. 02

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Brooke II: Finding Allison entered the bedroom, reached for the buttons of her blouse and whispered, "Cool." The young woman strutted as if she owned the room. She peeled off her top and short denim skirt, and circled the bed in nothing but a dampened thong. Her blue eyes flashed and her straight brunette hair steamed behind. The lean body dripped sexuality. At that moment Allison did own the room.
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Threesome On The Deck

Category: Group Sex
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"Why aren't you having sex with Trevor?" asked Jen during lunch with her best friend. "If I had a housemate who was: a good looking guy, with a big cock, knew how to use it and liked to eat pussy .... I'd be fucking him two to three times a week. Maybe even two to three times a day on the weekends!" "You're such a slut!" replied Tina, laughing. "Believe me I've thought about it ever since I broke up with Steve two months ago.
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Clit Fuck

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Two erotic words that are rarely used together. When my best friend Brian told me about a party he'd attended the weekend before, he used those same two words to describe for me an act he had personally witnessed and found to be one of the most sensual erotic sights he had ever seen. At first, I had a hard time trying to believe him, though I immediately agreed to consider going with him the following weekend to check it out for myself.
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