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Sitting at Stacey’s Feet

Category: Fetish
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The gathering at Alan's was supposed to be a pool party, but the clouds had been threatening all through the sultry August afternoon and few had taken a swim. By the time the barbecue was ready, it looked like it really would rain at any moment, so everyone crowded inside with their food. By the time I got mine there was hardly any place to sit, and I was grateful when Anne, who had already finished eating, waved me over to take her place on a low ottoman that had been pushed aside so it was near the end of the couch.
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Her Feet

Category: Fetish
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I recall the exact moment when I realised that my friend John's girlfriend, who's name is Emma, had fantastic, sexy little feet. We were out shopping; we being myself, Jim Hodges and a few others. Those being John, Emma and my girlfriend at the time, Joanna. Joanna and I finished that very night to be honest, but she's not really an integral part of the story anyway.
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