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Bush Pilot

Category: Lesbian Sex
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It was the closest I've ever been to hell, and heaven, on this earth. My name is Christine Wonderle. I'm a divorced, 32 year old small transport plane pilot in Alaska, one of the hundreds of "bush pilots" that earn their living in Alaska, ferrying people and goods from small town to encampment, and back again. Alaska is pretty much as wild as people picture it, with many areas only accessible by plane or boat. I'm good looking, and don't lack for dates, but I'd been working hard on my business, so I didn't get out much socially.
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Another Good Workout

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Marti was gone when I woke. The only evidence that she had really been with me was the rumpled pillow beside mine, and the pleasant soreness of my body. She had really given me a work out! Now what? I wondered. What kind of relationship were we to have? Was this just a one-night thing, an expression of intense lust? Or would it become something more lasting? I didn’t know, but I hoped I would find out soon. I had to be with her again!
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