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Swinging Among the Vines

Category: Group Sex
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We were an average couple, married for about ten years, busy with our lives and maybe looking for a bit of excitement. We had discussed swapping partners, or at least I had tried to introduce the topic, but Jill was always quick to change the topic. That’s why this turn of events took us both by surprise.

We had come to a show at a winery out of town, leaving our kids for the night with trusted babysitters, as we were looking for a good night out.

They were a fairly ordinary couple. late thirties. He shortish, trim, dapper with a neat beard, she with short brown hair, a little stocky, but nicely built. Pretty. She wore a low cut evening gown, her breasts rather full. They sat across from us at the dinner at the winery, and introduced themselves. Richard and Sue. From Victoria.

“We have a caravan, parked in the winery”.

The evening progressed well. We got on well with them, and got to know them. There was some flirting, and a fair bit of the wine was being drunk. We danced with our own partners at first, but they seemed keen to swap, so we did.

Then the band played a slow number. As I took Sue in my arms, I realised I was very turned on by her closeness, and that she seemed a little flirtatious, having been serious before. I enjoyed the smoothness of her bare back, the softness of her breasts against my chest. I was a bit embarrassed at first by my erection, then I released she obviously was not flinching from it, but seemed to be pressing her thighs against mine. That caused me to tingle even more.

I looked for the other two on the dance floor. They weren’t there. They were seated: Richard talking intensely, but smiling, occasionally emphasising a point on her thigh. Jill appeared to be enjoying his attentions. although she kept her legs out of range of his knees.

I remember going to the toilet, which was basically a hessian yard around part of the winery lawn. As I walked back, I came across Sue, making her own way back. In the dark, on this clear warm night, we walked together, close together. Our hands touched, and quite naturally my penis thrust up against my zip. Somehow, on some pretext, we went the wrong way, into the deserted winery and among the casks. We embraced. Her mouth was soft and yielding, playful, her tongue promising passion.

We broke away, agreeing we had better get back to the others, but not before she had got me to promise that we would go back to their van later. I began to wonder what the others had been talking about, and whether Jill was aware of what I could see might lie ahead. I was very excited by it all. Sue and I kept a sensuous came of footsies going for the rest of the dinner. I could hardly keep my eyes off her cleavage.

We did go back to their van. Richard and Jill went ahead, Sue and I behind, our fingers suggesting ways we might later intertwine. We made conversation, but my eyes were on the couple ahead in the darkness. They were walking together, but Richard could not get Jill to accept a friendly arm around the shoulders.

Then we were all dancing a “hava nagila”, arms around each other.

The van was spacious and modern. Jill climbed in on one side of the dinette table, and before I could move in next to her, Richard had done so. I took up a position on the opposite bench, and Sue joined me, with our champagnes.

Richard had turned on the light in the end of the van, where there was a double bed, and switched on some jazz, the mood set. I could see that Jill was well away, and was enjoying herself, inhibitions (almost) gone. The talk became more and more risque as we drank, all joining in with the bawdiness of the occasion.

I was tickling the inside of Sue’s thigh under the table, scratching on her tights. She would occasionally give my thigh a squeeze, as a promise of later delights. I wondered how Richard was getting on. He had his arm draped over the back of the seat squab he shared with Jill, and playfully tickled her shoulder now and then. In the midst of laughing they would touch, and he would use that to keep in contact with her.

At some point Richard and Sue suggested a ‘naughty’ DVD, which they just happened to have with them (along with DVD player). At that point, my earlier suspicions, that they had intended to have such an encounter, were confirmed. This was crunch time. I knew what I wanted: my loins were telling me. It was up to Jill.

Fortunately, she was loose enough to say yes, and go along with the fun. While she would not acknowledge it, I knew that sexy DVDs turned her on, and watching one in company would intensify the thrill for her (as it would for all of us).

Richard put on the DVD, and turned down the lights in the van to one in the little shower/toilet cubicle, the door ajar. On the pretext that Jill could not see the screen past him, he got her to swap places, so she was closer to the screen. So he and I sat opposite, the two women between us and the screen.

We started by being bawdy and smart about the actors (“What a pair?” “Who, him or her?” etc.). But I was already hard up against Sue’s lovely back, running my finger down her backbone, my other hand running along the outside of her thigh.

I could see Richard sitting close to Jill, and she was accepting his blowing on her shoulders in a playful way. As the film ground on, its sound track masking murmurs and sighs, my hand cupped Sue’s round breast inside her gown, and my lips brushed her smooth shoulders. She arched into me, her eyes obviously closed as she relaxed in the embrace.

Occasionally I could hear a laugh, as of a shared joke or tease, then a wiggle or rustle of protest over the table, but as the movie played on, I detected some sort of change. I thought I heard a catch of breath from Jill. Perhaps Richard had found a key. I looked over, and could see Jill turning her head back and up to accept his lips on hers.

I turned back to find Sue had been watching them too. We smiled at each other, and kissed wetly. My hand was between her legs, but there were too many layers of clothing. She stood, took hold of my hand, and led me to the couch/bench in the middle of the van.

Standing, she let me undress her slowly, the DVD providing a nice piece of moody jazz to accompany us. Her breasts did tumble out of her little bra as I released them, and I hungrily devoured them, she leaning back and groaning in her throat. Then we took off her tights and briefs, revealing full but trim thighs and a dark curly patch, which my finger immediately found.

We kissed deeply. tonguing fiercely, as her thighs thrust into my hand. She stopped me, just as the other two brushed past, Richard leading Jill by the hand, Jill almost sheepish, but already half unclothed, on their way to the double bed. I wondered briefly whether Richard and Sue had tossed for the bed. and he had won.

Then I turned my attention to this new and delicious woman, with new scents and different shapes and responses. She had almost undressed me.

Pulling down my briefs, she knelt and kissed my penis softly, nuzzling my fur, then she took me in her mouth. I gasped in delight, as she expertly brought me to the edge, then left me there.

She stood. we kissed roughly, then lay on the couch. I kissed her new body all over, she occasionally guiding me to pleasurable spots. I could hear Jill moaning in the other room, and knew that Richard had found some keys to pleasing her. I lay beside Sue, we smooched again.

And then I lay on her and entered her. From deep inside her, she seemed to be moving, and it was suddenly like riding a flowing stream. Her legs came up and around me, her heel pressing on the backs of my legs to drive me in. She almost yelled in release, her body rippling and bucking, which caused me to spurt, and continue to spurt, into her.

We kissed again, at first passionately, then as friends and new lovers. I felt so grateful to her, as to anyone who might present a new gift of experience. I became aware of the DVD playing, but now it seemed irrelevant, not a part of our lives.

The others were very quiet. I could remember hearing their breathing, increasing in urgency at some stage and I heard Richard call her name and exclaim some endearment to her as he came. I felt very warm and comradely toward them. The intimacy of making love only metres from one’s partner made it all so acceptable and sharing.

Sue and I made quiet conversation, thanking each other for the little pleasures we had bestowed. She turned, and we were like two spoons together, my flaccid penis between her rounded buttocks.

I stroked her gently for some time. Then she said, to my surprise:

“Why don’t we join the others?”

She turned as she spoke, raising herself on the couch. I hesitated. I was completely inexperienced in the etiquette of foursomes. How did I phrase this?

“Sue, I think you should know I don’t…”

“Oh, don’t worry, Richard’s not that way either. You’re safe.”

She kissed me, and got me on my feet and into the other section, where we jumped on the double bed like kids joining their mates in a game. Jill was taken aback, still in Richard’s embrace, his flaccid penis still encased in a condom. But Sue didn’t give Jill a chance to be embarrassed. She called,

“We’ve come to join you, folks. Move over.”

We all snuggled in. Sue, still taking the initiative, teased:

“You know, Jill. These big fellas think they’re so strong, but we can turn them into little weakie babies. I reckon you and I could have them whimpering for help, just using our little mouths. Let’s start on … (here she played a came of eenie-meenie-minie-mo, to choose between us, then pointed at Richard, and said,

“You take the top half. I’ll take the bottom.”

She quickly took up her position kneeling over Richard’s bottom half, teasingly kissing and sucking and tonguing her way, and ripping off the limp condom, which she put I know not where. Jill was forced to join in, nuzzling his chest and tummy, then nibbling his neck. Richard was delighted, but in an ecstasy of torment, as they covered his body.

Then Sue expertly took his erection in her mouth and started work on him. Richard groaned, then grabbed for Jill and began kissing her hungrily, and playing with one nipple.

At first I felt left out, but I decided I had better join in rather than sit out. I knelt between the women, and said,

“You know, the problem with making a full frontal assault, is that you leave yourself open to attack from the rear.”

And I ran each hand up a smooth thigh, and found two openings moist and warm. Each woman caught her breath in mid-kiss. but their hips responded to my fingers almost in unison. I gathered that Jill had not climaxed with Richard, since she seemed keen to push on toward that little peak. She fell back from his lips, onto her back, and I left Sue for a while, to go down on Jill.

Jill twisted and groaned, thrust, and held my head onto her as she came, breathless and moaning. I turned to look at the others, and seeing Sue’s juicy buttocks, I jumped up and positioned myself over her for a rear entry to pussyland. She drew in breath as I entered her again.

She was still sopping from our previous encounter, wet and sloppy. I thrust, and she worked her hips back onto me, still gobbling, her man’s penis, he almost going crazy as she increased the rate of her tonguing.

Richard came in her mouth. It was obviously not the first time, since it didn’t faze her. She swallowed slowly, let him fall out of her mouth, and began to concentrate on her own pleasure. I had one hand on an ample dancing breast. It was full and with an engorged nipple. My other hand meantime was busy fingering the entrance to her opening. Suddenly Sue went wild, calling out my name, and urging me to fuck her, fuck her, fuck her.

We came together, in a glorious twisting and bucking and moaning, falling on to the bed, a jumble of bodies now, everyone gently caressing and stroking. If this was swinging, I was all for it!

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