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Revenge & Company

Category: Group Sex
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As Larry sat across from the man on the couch, he couldn't believe that he was doing this, or that something like this was possible. He has heard about it through a friend over a week ago, and had spent many long hours on email and the phone to finally arrange this meeting. Bill, the man across from him, leaned forward and looked Larry in the eye.
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Susan’s Release

Category: Group Sex
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Chapter One When I met my wife, Susan, she was a sweet, toe headed girl who seems entirely too nice to be in the bar that I frequented with a group of buddies, we were all there for one reason, get laid. I had gone up to speak with her for just one reason, she just seemed out of place. Out of all the freaks and sluts, I'd met there; she was a shining star in the middle of a dark day, a beacon of innocence.
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Surprising Dowdy Dani

Category: Group Sex
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Gary and Daniella, Dani to most folks, had invited Sue and me to a casual card game and dinner. Two of Gary's younger friends were still there, helping him with the same car that had crushed Gary's legs two months ago. Gary asked them to join us, so they laid a thick 4x8' plywood sheet on the basement Bumper Pool table over some towels to protect the rails. Dani pulled a painter's tarp over the makeshift table and covered it all with a heavy tablecloth.
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Surprise Visit

Category: Group Sex
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"Hey Major Christen." I looked up as I heard my name, and tried not to grin as I saw the two girls waving at me. I was sitting in the BX food court eating an ice cream cone on my lunch break, just relaxing, and I waved back to them. They walked over and I took the time to look at the two of them.
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Surprise Party

Category: Group Sex
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I was away on one of my usual business trips. I had already been away from home 6 days and I had 3 more left to go. I would be getting back on Sunday...missing yet another weekend to have fun. As I was sitting there in my hotel room that night... fiddling around online with my laptop... my cell phone rang. It was the owner of my company. Plans changed and he would not be able to make it out to meet me tomorrow.
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Surprise Package

Category: Group Sex
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Approximately 99.99% of the male Lit readers have no doubt fantasized over the opportunity to have the infamous Lucia's (a/k/a the aptly named Gimmie_your_load) luscious mouth wrapped around their cock. As if her self-description as a "cock-obsessed fellatrix" weren't incentive enough, Lucia is a splendidly vivid and eloquent author, who also happens to be quite beautiful and amply endowed in the, uh, chest region.
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Surprise Dinner Party

Category: Group Sex
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After the shock of walking into the house from work and seeing my girlfriends, after the kisses and hellos and a scolding, affectionate look at my husband, I sat at the patio table and was handed a beer and got the details. My silly husband, bless him, knew how I enjoyed my nights with the girls, without our husbands, just chatting and eating things we shouldn't and laughing at our lives. He had conspired with Mona, my best friend of the group, to get the girls to my house for a night.
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Surprise Birthday Threeway

Category: Group Sex
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My hands were trembling as I sipped on my chocolate martini. I was fidgeting with the rim of the glass, running my finger around the lip of the martini glass. I kept glancing down at my watch, anxiously waiting for him to arrive. The surprise I had for him was becoming more than I could handle, as I was itching to have my fun.
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Surprise at the Adult Arcade

Category: Group Sex
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I was a single guy in my mid 30s, and had recently broken up with my girlfriend of the last four years. My libido had always been high, but now it was getting out of hand (pun intended!). I was running around more and more with my pants sticking out in front as if I had a kid's ball bat in there.
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Sure Cure For Depression

Category: Group Sex
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"Depressed? Damn straight I'm depressed. Waking up to find your, 'man,' the same guy you'd being screwing all evening, getting butt fucked by some dude can do that to you. Hell, I'd have to be crazy not to depressed." Sue Cangilosi finished her tirade by draining her fifth "Harvey Wallbanger" and then gave Cindy Davis a sad smile. "So what makes you think I'm depressed?"
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