
"I hate to say it but I think I'm done for the night." I sat back against the leather seat in the booth we were occupying and gazed out at the crowd packed into the club. Shouts and laughter competed with the bass pumping from the speakers, and people were downing shots at the bar.
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Ted couldn't believe his luck. He was beginning to think he had some Irish blood in him or something.
He hadn't had sex in weeks, since breaking up with Tabitha. Then, out of the blue, her best friend Trish had bumped into him in the grocery store.
He'd been his usual jovial self. Sure, maybe he flirted a bit with her. But who wouldn't? Trish was a hottie!
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I was cursed. Not by the evil witch of the mountains or some wizard living in a cave somewhere. I was cursed by my own parents. I am their first child. They named me after my mother's favorite cousin. What they either didn't know or didn't care about was that he hated his name.
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Sitting at the computer in my office, the problem wasn't solving itself. I needed a break. I ran my fingers through my hair, leaned back, stretched my arms, moaned audibly and then decided to take a walk. I pushed my chair back from my desk, stood up and headed for the door.
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A torrent was falling straight down in lazy sheets. It was the heart of rainy season, and Mother Nature showed truth in advertising. I would have just stopped right there on the trail to wait it out had it not been for the fact that it would have resulted in being stuck on an unmapped "road" -to use that term loosely- after sundown. Driving in the dark through the jungle was a good way to get stuck in the mud or, worse still, a flash flood.
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I was on a quiet tropical island, resting up after a week of a difficult conference. My company always arranged these weeks of work in the best places – this was no exception. Sun, warm crystal clear sea and fish galore on the coral reef – it was a real paradise. I'd gone away from my colleagues, who'd preferred to stay in the busy capital and enjoy the high life – I needed to relax.
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When I arrived at the tavern, I was trying not to look around too much. In my visualization it was them that approached me, strangers with familiar faces. I tried to appear confident and comfortable, but in all honesty I was neither of those. Sitting casually on a red faux leather stool at the bar, I ordered a Vodka and Soda and drew a deep breath. My lungs registered the dank sticky alcoholic air that I inhaled, the kind of air you can only breathe in a place like this.
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The craziest thing showed up in my email this morning. My close friend Karen sent it to me with no comment, just a link to the ad itself. The first odd thing about it was that she sent it to me around 3:00AM. The next odd thing was the content of the ad. It said that a married couple a few towns away was hosting an 'adult' hot tub party with a twist. Naturally, none of the people would know anyone else there, and the twist was that everyone would be wearing only a special blindfold.
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Cold rain, wind and hail pummeled the city. The power had been out for some time. Jeanne didn't know the exact reason why. She didn't care. She was just pissed.
The entire city had shut down, traffic had come to a complete stop, she'd missed her meeting, and she was soaked to the bone. Jeanne could do nothing but shiver in her flimsy business suit as she scurried down the murky, old brick street of the French Quarter. She held her briefcase over her head as if that would somehow protect her from the driving rain.
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I could smell the sex in the stale air of the room. The blindfold had been removed but all I was in complete darkness except for the dim glow of a black light creeping around a door. Despite the position I was in I was not frightened though my adrenaline was racing full on. I waited.
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