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My Best Friend’s Girl

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21st September

“Come on Steve, we’ll lose time on the court.” Steve was being harangued as usual by Nicky for leaving her with the two children to feed and put to bed. I’d only known Steve and Nicky for three months. In that short time, Steve and I had discovered a mutual interest in squash. We’d become good friends, and it seemed that we’d known each other forever. Steph, my wife, had met Nicky at school functions.

They’d hit it off, and suggested a Saturday night get together for quiet drinks. Steve and I had immediately clicked, similar sense of humour, similar interests, sport (all varieties), work, and families. As couples we were completely different, but we were all mid thirties and we got on famously. As Steve got in the car, he said,

“This is getting beyond a bloody joke, how do people get out for five hours to play golf? She’s moaning on and on about me going out, but we’ll be back together at your place in two hours, after I’ve stuffed you at squash”.

“Dream on mate,” I staunchly replied as I drove away. However, he was probably right. He had the better all round squash game. In the five games we’d played, I’d won two. But I’d been reliant on a cruel serve. It was aimed to come out of the sun into the backhand corner, and then roll down the wall. Properly executed, the receiver needed to be eight foot tall, have a good backhand, and very lucky even to return it. However, if my serve was less than perfect, Steve would take command, and the tee. He was a big powerful guy, and the rest of the game would involve me desperately trying to return his shots from wherever on the court he’d placed them. Fatigue usually won, as did Steve.

“She’s had her hair done today, been out all afternoon! I watched the kids while she had a nice pamper at the salon. I hardly saw a try in the rugby match.”

“You didn’t miss much, most of the game the ball was in the air. Why don’t they play more like the Australians? They play the running game.”

“I know what you mean, anyway I’m out now. Looking for a good thrash on the squash court. I hope your serve is crap tonight.”

The game went as predicted. My serve was crap! It held together for the first game, which I won. I spent most of the next three games following the ball into various corners of the court attempting to ‘dig’ out a shot, which would put Steve under pressure. I did play some good shots, but he was always in control and won the three games fairly comfortably.

We showered. Steve wore his trunks, as usual. And then adjourned to the squash club bar for the ‘final game’. Just one beer, and some conversation about the week’s trials and tribulations before returning home to the girls. Steve was ex armed forces and now working as an engineer at a local factory. He loved his work, but he’d told me that Nicky had designs on an improved standard of living. She’d been encouraging him to ‘moonlight’ as a security guard driver on his days off. I suppose that that’s fair enough, but since Nicky herself didn’t work other than as a housewife, I confess that I thought she was being more than a little unfair. I’d never said anything to him, other than bemoan when our squash matches had been cancelled in the name of money.

My job as a travel agent manager was fairly lucrative, although very hard work, so part time work was not an issue. It also allowed me some flexibility with my hours. So if Steph fancied a day out for any reason, I could simply arrange a day off.

We dispatched the weeks issues, mainly football, rugby, some current affairs and a small amount of indecent discussion about a female TV presenter. The latter topic introduced by me I must admit. It may be true that men think of sex quite a lot, but they rarely talk about it. And even when they do, it is without any relationship attachment whatsoever, simply sexual. We set off home via a liquor shop for provisions, wine for the girls, and beer, of course, for us.

When we got home, Nicky had already arrived and the girls were halfway through a bottle of the house white wine. The beer and conversation began to flow. I was shattered from chasing Steve’s shots around the court. Steve was in good form, and the girls were enjoying themselves. Nicky had recovered from the ordeal earlier and was chatting away to Steph.

“Lets play Trivial Pursuits,” Steve suggested.

“Steph, do you know where it is?”

“Of course, it’s in the unit, would you like to get it darling?” she smiled. Damn, she’s spotted and rejected my coded request to stay in my current position on the floor. I dragged my tired frame to its feet and recovered the game.

“Girls against boys?” said Steve.

“Not a chance, we’ll lose it on the sports questions,” said Nicky. You and Steph, play Joe and me.

“Ok by me” I said.

“And me,” said Steph.

I’ve never played such a relaxed game of trivial pursuits in my life. I was laid on my side on the floor resting my head on my hand, with Nicky knelt beside me. If you count cheeses in place, we were winning. But neither of us could add to our score and finish the game. After a short intermission for a snack we carried on our tour of the board. The alcohol, music, and warmth in the lounge was having a narcotic effect on us, all of us uncharacteristically uncompetitive. Each question triggered two or three minutes of conversation before an answer was volunteered. Time for the team asking the question to either talk amongst themselves or doze. The food break seemed to have made the lethargy worse.

The picture was almost dreamlike. Nicky was looking particularly attractive, in a skirt and fitted polo neck woolly jumper. If, before this evening, you’d asked me to describe her to you, I’d have simply said tall brunette with big tits. I know that that will sound outrageous, but she wasn’t really my type, so I’d not looked too closely before. However, knelt beside me in profile, with this relaxed atmosphere I was able to see just how good a shape she was. Her perfume smelled pleasant, and her breasts looked perfect. I couldn’t see much of her legs, but the bit I could see looked fine. This was terrible; I was ‘stirring’ looking at my mate’s wife. I lay on my stomach for a while, but that only seemed to make it worse.

Eventually the CD finished, and Nicky offered to put another one on. I stayed where I was, and was greeted by a good view of her long legs as she got up and walked over to the HiFi. She selected some CD or other, and then knelt down to load and play it. After two attempts:

“How do you operate this damn thing?” she said. Reluctantly I got up and knelt behind her, my chin on her shoulder.

My, her perfume did smell nice! I reached around her in golf lesson fashion, pushing various buttons to select the tracks she’d asked for. This took a few seconds; Steph and Steve were still deep in consultation about the last question. Something then came over me. The closeness, the warmth, the music, her perfume, Hell I don’t know! But once the first track began to play, my hands went and cupped her breasts, squeezing gently. The fraction of a second that they were in place, they were able to confirm just how fantastic her tits were.

However, they were definitely unwelcoming. She stood up immediately, I fell backwards and she marched back over to where we had been a minute ago. I followed her and regained my place. She then moved back a full four feet further from me. She had an expression like thunder! I didn’t look at Steve or Steph in case I made the situation more obvious. I simply started to read the next question, and hoped to god that no one would notice, and that Nicky would forgive me.

The un-finish able game continued. After a little while, and lots of soft requests from me for consultation on answers to questions, she returned to her position alongside me. Thank god, I thought! Maybe she’s forgiven me. I tried to avoid any further problems, but in spite of my mistake I was still ‘stirred’, probably more so, but now I had to behave myself. This self-control was severely tested after about half an hour when a tired Nicky lay down alongside me resting her head on my stomach. Nicky’s head and one hand were resting on my bare flesh in the gap between my shirt and my trouser waistband. Her fingers moved occasionally causing tremors in my stomach muscles through to my groin. Her finger tips were separated from my very excited ‘friend’ by millimetres, any movement from her or me stood a fifty percent chance of blowing my cover. I was hoping that she wouldn’t move too much, otherwise I’d be in trouble again! She did seem to be very relaxed, so maybe I had got away with my indiscretion?

Eventually tiredness overtook us, and the game was abandoned. We broke up for the evening, and we said our goodbyes at the door. I gave Nicky as little eye contact as I could get away with. I didn’t want to push my luck.

24th Sept

After a couple of bad days, I’d decided that I must talk to Nicky to apologise profusely for my unforgivable behaviour on Saturday evening. I’d been like a cat on hot bricks since Saturday. Had Steve noticed what happened? If Steph had, then she’d said nothing. Our relationship was still cordial, but was Nicky intending to point out to her what a shit she was married to? I also wanted to know how to approach Steve. Was I going to get a black eye, or worse next time we met? I hadn’t known them for long enough to predict either of their behaviour. Would my secret come out? I’d taken Joe junior to football on Sunday morning, and never seen a thing he did. He’d kept looking expectantly at me as he fell in the tackle, but nothing was registering in my mind. All my thoughts were taken up with what I’d done the night before, and the possible ramifications.

Life at the office yesterday seemed unimportant, and my attitude to the staff had been detached. I needed to sort this out, put things right. Steph had a meeting this morning so I left home, opened the shop, got the staff going, and then went into my office to phone Nicky. After three or four attempts, I concluded that I couldn’t do it by phone. It needed eye contact to overcome my likely clumsy use of words. I was simply going to throw myself upon her mercy, a pathetic approach I know, but this is my first and last offence, surely I deserved a stroke of luck. Hopefully she’d understand. I pushed her number.

“Hi Nicky, it’s Joe. I just wanted to nip round and talk to you. Is that OK? There was a long pause.

“What about Joe,” she said in a quiet detached voice.

“Nothing bad I promise, but I just need a few moments of your time.”

“OK, but I’ve just taken the kids to school, you’ll need to give my fifteen minutes or so.”

“No problem, see you in fifteen minutes. Bye.” I put the phone down, sweat running from my brow.

“Are you ok?” said Stella my senior Travel agent. She’d walked into the office as I was replacing the phone.

“Yes why.”

“You seem a little flushed.”

“I think that I’ve got the beginnings of a cold, I’ll nip out in fifteen minutes of so to the chemist for some ‘Night nurse.’

“Good idea, I’ll look after things while your gone. Stella was a couple of years older than me, and she’d worked in the travel industry for all her working life. So I had no worries in leaving her in charge. I was lucky to have her, and I’d just recognised that by awarding her a seven percent salary increase. Which reminded me, I hadn’t told her yet. Now wasn’t the time though, my mind was on other things. Oh, in addition to her knowledge of the travel industry, she had fantastic legs.

The next fifteen minutes were the longest of my life. After twelve minutes I was in my car on my way to Nicky’s.

I knocked on her door, my mind racing trying to arrange some coherent explanation for what I’d done, to no avail. The door opened, and Nicky said:

“Joe, nice of you to call, come in. Would you like a cup of tea, or coffee?”

“Coffee would be lovely, thanks.” I followed her through into the kitchen. Nicky watched as the kettle took a few seconds to boil. I watched Nicky as she watched the kettle. She had her back to me. I nervously considered that although she appeared friendly, there had been minimal eye contact between us since she opened the door. It seems odd, but the absence of conversation, and my nervous state, my senses began to concentrate on her appearance. She had on a white long sleeved blouse, a dark pin striped miniskirt, and dark tights. The blouse was not transparent, but it allowed enough of a view to see clearly her bra and straps.

“Are you going out?” I inquired.

“No why?” she replied.

“Oh no reason, I just didn’t want to keep you from anything important.” She finished the drinks.

“Should we go into the lounge?”

“Sure.” I followed her through into the large lounge. She sat on one of the two-seater leather Chesterfields, and I sat on the one opposite. I regretted the seating arrangements almost as soon as I sat down. Nicky looked very smart, the blouse had a modest vee neck, but it was fitted. I could see that her bra was a half-cup lacy garment. This seemed only to accentuate her breasts, the cause of my troubles. Whilst the blouse was opaque enough to prevent a view of her breasts, it was clear enough to reveal where the cups began. This was almost at the tip of where I imagined her nipples must be. In addition, she had crossed her legs and the skirt was revealing most of her nylon clad upper thighs. My thoughts now, were not what I’d come for! In fact I’m ashamed to say that I was again ‘stirring’.

“To what do I owe this pleasure? Surely you should be at work?” she said.

“Umm, yes probably,” I began clumsily. “I wanted to talk to you about Saturday evening.”

“Saturday? You’re not going to tell me off for my useless performance at Trivial Pursuits are you? To be honest I just couldn’t be bothered, I was just enjoying the conversation and company. We must do it again soon.”

“No absolutely not, I enjoyed it as well. I didn’t give a stuff who’d won.”

“What then? I didn’t make a fool of myself, did I?”

“No, no, you didn’t. You were lovely. I wanted to apologise for my behaviour.”

“What behaviour, you were good company.”

“No I wasn’t, you are being too kind to me. I don’t deserve it.”

“Sure you do, you’re a nice guy.”

This wasn’t going well, we both couldn’t occupy the moral high ground, so in the end I blurted out:

“Nicky I feel absolutely awful for taking advantage at the HIFi, when I grabbed at your breasts. I don’t know what came over me; honestly I’ve never done anything like that before. Your response was very understandable, and tolerant. You could have slapped me and made a scene. Please forgive me.”

“Oh forget it.”

“Honestly, It wasn’t planned. I was almost as shocked as you when I did it. Er, something just came over me.”

“I believe you, now forget it.”

“Thanks, I don’t deserve it. But I needed to talk to you. Your friendship is very important to me; I just wanted to make amends. I’d better be getting back to the shop.”

“But you’ve not finished your coffee.”

“I’d better go.”

“OK.” She walked after me to the front door. At the door I turned and said:

“You’ve been very kind, if there’s anything I can do to make it up to you, please don’t hesitate.”

“Ok,” she whispered leaning forward. She then touched my lips with her finger. “You’re a nice Guy.” She then leant forward again and kissed me gently on the lips. This wasn’t helping, I was now completely fully ‘stirred’! “Did you mean it?”




“Do it again!” she said, her eye contact looked directly into my soul.

“Are you kidding?” Her left hand took mine, and her right hand undid the second button on her blouse. She lifted my hand and guided it into the now partially open garment. I couldn’t help myself. I responded, sliding my hand into her blouse and onto her right breast. Still she looked at me as I explored the magnificent partially covered soft flesh.

“Does that feel good,” she said?


“Don’t hold back,” she said and then kissed me again. That was the event horizon, or no turning point, as far as I was concerned. I was now in a very tight embrace kissing her as hard as I could, and exploring her breast with my left hand. I felt her arms over my shoulders holding me in a tight embrace. I slid my right hand around her waist onto her bottom, and traced out its delightful shape over her skirt. I released her breast from its cup and examined it in all its unadorned glory. My right hand pulled her bottom towards me, and held our bodies very closely.

“I can feel you,” she whispered into my ear. “I can feel you through your trousers.” I slid my right hand down to the hem of the skirt and onto her legs.

“Touch me,” she whispered. My hand slid up the back of her left leg onto her pantyhose clad bottom. It slipped between her legs and touched gently around the crotch of the pantyhose. This exploration continued, progressing slowly, until my fingers searched out the waistband of the tights and forced themselves down onto her bottom.

“Take me to bed,” she whispered.

“Are you sure?” I replied stupidly. She never answered me; to my frustration she broke away ending my delightful explorations and locked the house door. She again took my left hand, in her right and led me to the staircase. I followed her up stairs, taking every opportunity to look at her legs and bottom. She started to take off her blouse, which was removed completely as we reached a bedroom. She led me into the room, and closed the door.

She was now stood in front of me, in just her lower garments and the half-cup bra. Her right breast was still exposed, revealing a wonderful pink nipple and areole. I pulled her towards me and we kissed passionately. I used my right hand to release her left breast and began to explore it. I took her right hand and slowly placed it on the crotch of my trousers. She grabbed hold of ‘him’, (I prefer in circumstances like these to think of him as another individual, since he’s clearly not under my direct influence.) and had a reasonable attempt at masturbating me through my trousers.

After a few seconds of confusion, and to my frustration, she dropped onto her knees robbing me of my fantastic playthings. She pushed me back against the fitted bedroom unit and in almost one move, undid my belt and trouser band, and ripped my trousers and boxers to the floor. My penis was almost vertical, and seemed to be much bigger than I’d seen him for a long time. Most of ‘him’ disappeared immediately into Nicky’s mouth as she attempted to masturbate me to a world record rapid climax.

I stood there, feeling more than a little, like a bystander. This was not going like my normal sex technique. I liked to spend a certain amount of time on each focus of attention. Left to my own devices, I’d have still been massaging or sucking Nicky’s exposed breasts, possibly widening my attentions onto her crotch. However this was like trying to run alongside a runaway lorry.

I managed to avoid the almost inevitable consequences of Nicky’s endeavours only by planning a detailed travel route to the Hindu Kush from London via Delhi, avoiding anywhere with place names beginning with vowels. As I was arriving at my destination, ‘he’ was still buried somewhere in Nicky’s throat. Suddenly she leapt to her feet, kissed me fairly violently, and whispered,

“Fuck me, fuck me now!” It wasn’t so much the words, more the eye contact that confirmed that my normal programme for sex activities could be retired for the day. She threw herself back onto the bed, her legs apart and said:

“Take them off, take them off now.” Since I didn’t have them on, and from the way she was holding her legs in the air, I assumed that she meant her tights. I put my hands up her skirt and grabbed at the waistband. Nicky closed her eyes and moaned:

“Oh god, nowww.” I dragged hard at the un-wanted pantyhose and it came away immediately, exposing a tiny pair of white silk panties. The pantyhose removed to the safety of her ankles I grabbed at her panties. By now Nicky was on fire moaning and encouraging me to make faster progress towards her previous request. I pulled hard at the tiny garment, but it didn’t budge. It must have been trapped by Nicky’s weight on the bed. My second pull was designed to complete the job whatever the problems. There was a short tearing sound and the remains of a pretty pair of knickers came away as a useless strip of silk, revealing an absolutely gorgeous flat tummy down to her naked and smooth pussy. The ripped panties disposed of. I received further encouragement.


“Let me play with your tits.”

“Fuck me, you can play with anything you like. Just fuck me, please.”

I dragged her bra down to her tummy to reveal all of her fantastic breasts. If I couldn’t play with them, I at least wanted to look at them as I carried out her instructions. I pulled her legs up onto my chest, holding them vertical against me. My penis was pushing into her crotch, and rubbing against her. She moaned, and reached between her legs. Within a fraction of a second she had guided my vertical friend into her wet cunt. She then began to shout extra encouragement, and it was clear what was required.

“Fuck me. Hurt me please. Make me come.”

I realised that this position allowed me to go quite deep, but whether I could hurt her I had no idea. I began to fuck her slowly, at first. As I did, I became fascinated by the rhythmic movement of her breasts, which slid up and down her chest in various circular motions. The amplitude, and direction of the movements dictated by me. I kept myself occupied, and avoided a premature end by attempting to encourage one breast to rotate clockwise, and the other anti-clockwise. I was successful once, but I couldn’t manage to reverse it before Nicky screamed that she was coming, and now it was time to hurt her!

Here goes! I thought. I pushed her legs forward until her shins rested on her shoulders and I fucked her as hard as I could. She screamed, as my penis reached her limit to accommodate me. To be honest it hurt me too, but the reception I was getting encouraged me to keep going. After a dozen of so fairly painful strokes, each completed by a scream from Nicky, she began to come. I stopped to allow her to climax, but she then screamed at me,

“No don’t stop. Harder. Hurt me.” Another six painful strokes did the trick. Her body tensed up, and wave after wave of orgasm caused her muscles to contract in spasm. Her vagina began to fill with her cum, and each movement in or out was accompanied by an appreciative wet squelching sound. Eventually her orgasm began to subside. It had left us both covered in her sticky cum.

“Oh god Joe, that was fantastic, fucking brilliant,” said Nicky. “Lie on the bed.” I reluctantly withdrew from her and lay on the bed. She took my wet sticky penis in both hands, and started to masturbate me.

“Suck me, you sexy bitch. Suck me hard!” She immediately bent down and slipped me into her greedy mouth, and began to suck for all she was worth. A quick glance told me that the head of my stiff penis was somewhere halfway down her throat, and it felt wonderful. A feeling confirmed by my gentle moaning. After what seemed like an hour of delicious sucking and nibbling pleasure, she stopped.

“Sorry but I need to come again, I’m wet through.” She climbed astride me, took me in hand and sat down hard. As a result I entered her fully in one stroke. She moaned, and sat there, head back enjoying the sensations induced through her last action. As she’d sat down hard, I noticed that her breasts had bounced from almost her tummy, back up almost to her neck. Those gorgeous soft breasts were infatuating me.

This was incredible. I took one wonderful breast in each hand and massaged it as hard and fully as I could. However, each one was too large for one hand to do this properly, so after a few seconds, I slipped my left hand onto her left breast to assist my right hand. This allowed both hands to combine their efforts and I had her breast clamped in between a vice like grip, her nipple extruded through the grip towards me. I sat up and began to suck the very erect nipple. As I squeezed her, I sucked very hard. She responded with a moan,

“Ohhh that hurts, suck hard.” I did, even harder than before.

“Ohhh, I’m coming again. Don’t stop, harder, harder!” I could feel her cunt beginning to clamp onto my penis in waves, each wave increasing the flow of wet sticky cum running from her onto my balls. As her orgasm began to fade, I moved over onto her right breast, and repeated my attentions. As I squeezed, a tiny bead of milk appeared on the tip of her nipple.

“Fantastic, don’t move!” I told her. I carefully released my grip leaving the milky drop in position, and moved back to her left breast, and squeezed it towards the delicious nipple. Again a tiny bead of milk appeared.

“Oh look, milky tits. You’re feeding me!”

“Oh suck me, I’m coming again.” She held her left breast and pushed it towards my mouth. I sucked hard trying to swallow her nipple.

“Ohh! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! She then began to rise almost to the point of withdrawal, before falling hard back down for more full penetration. Soon she was groaning again as the sex flush on her neck confirmed the familiar wet feeling at her cunt, she was coming again.

“That was fucking awesome, you are amazing,” she said as soon as she had stopped convulsing. She lifted and withdrew my penis from her. I thought that she’d finished. But her hands took hold of me and she began to lower herself again. I felt an unusually large pressure at the tip of my penis, and then Nicky screamed. The pressure was replaced by a uniform tight grip on the first inch or so of my swollen organ.

“Ouwww, fuck my tight bum.” Oh my god, I’m in her bum! Two effects of that realisation occurred at once. My penis seemed to grow considerably, and the excitement induced by what she’d done caused me to push hard.

“Ohhhhh, that hurts. Fuck my bum you wonderful man!”

“Am I hurting you?”

“Ohhh, yes, I can feel your big hard cock stretching my little bum. Fuck it hard, hurt me, please.” I didn’t need any further encouragement. My strokes in and out of her tight little bottom increased in length with each stroke, until she was accommodating almost as much of me in her bottom as she’d done in her cunt. In spite of the initial pain, she responded with enthusiasm, pushing back as I penetrated her. The completion of each stroke confirmed by a soft moan from her, followed by:

“Yes, fuck it.” She was really going for it, my enthusiastic stokes were being met with opposite effort from her. As a result, she was being fucked incredibly hard, with my balls against her cheeks as we reached her deepest point. I was having real difficulty holding back, I had this gorgeous brunette sat on me, wearing little apart from a displace bra, and a skirt which hid nothing, with my dick up her gorgeously tight, tight, little bum. Her wet sticky open cunt was facing me, and her fantastic breasts were bouncing up and down on her chest. Much too soon, but inevitably, this fabulous experience began to get the better of me. I tried to begin a new route to the Hindu Kush, but to no avail.

“I’m going to come, I’m sorry, I can’t hold it any longer.”

“I want to swallow your cum. Can I suck it again.”

“Oh please do, but do it soon.”

“Shall I take you out of my bum?”

With some reluctance I said, “Oh please I want to come.” She withdrew my straining organ from her, and pulled me onto my feet. She pushed me over to the fitted bedroom unit, and knelt in front of me, and then started to masturbate me using both hands, with the tip of my penis in her mouth. Very quickly I began to come. As she felt my orgasm begin, she withdrew my penis to tip of her mouth and masturbated me hard using both hands onto her tongue. Until the extreme sensations got the better of me, I watched her. My orgasm started, and a spurt of cum ejaculated onto her tongue and right cheek.

“Come, come,” she moaned, before sliding her mouth down my pulsing organ. I closed my eyes and tried to stay upright. The whole of my body was experiencing a senses overload as my penis pumped wave after wave of cum into her throat. This was like nothing that I’d experienced before. For an incredible period of time it seemed that the orgasm was endless, and that I had an infinite amount to deposit into her. Sadly the sensations began to diminish, and eventually stopped altogether. Nicky slowly withdrew my still twitching organ from her mouth.

“Was that ok? Did I do the right things?”

“Nicky that was the best orgasm that I’ve ever had. You were fucking superb.”

“Do you mean that?” Suddenly I felt very treacherous to Steph, but the remaining sensations quickly overcame the guilt.

“That was fantastic.” I went back to the bed, and lay down. Nicky lay down beside me. Eventually, following a long silence broken only by the sound of our breathing slowly returning to normal, we began to talk.

“Was it ok, you would tell me if I did something wrong?” said Nicky.

“Trust me Nicky, that was fantastic. Where did you learn to give sex like that?” In the circumstances I realised that it was a stupid question, and it was followed by a long lull in the conversation. I was laid there naked from the waist down, covered in cum, and Nicky even more vulnerable. It seemed a ridiculous situation, that under such circumstances a question could embarrass, but it had.

“You won’t laugh will you, if I tell you something?” said Nicky.

“No of course not.”

“That was my first time.”

“What?” I replied, unfortunately laughing.

“Don’t, I’m serious, that was my first time.”

“But you’ve got two children!”

“Oh we have sex, but just one position.” This conversation seemed not to fit at this time, so I suggested that it was time for a shower.

“You go first,” I said. I watched her gorgeous bottom as she left the bedroom. Oh god, I thought, I’ve just fucked that.

I heard the shower start, and I removed my shirt and went to the bathroom. Nicky was sat stark naked on the loo, and had just started to pee. She attempted to close the door, but couldn’t reach.

“Very sexy!” I said.

“Sorry,” said Nicky. “I didn’t realise that you were coming so soon, I’ve nearly finished.”

“No I’m serious, you look and sound very sexy.” A look of disbelief crossed her face. “Stand up.”

“But I’ve not finished.”

“Exactly, don’t waste it. You look incredibly sexy! Show off.” She slowly lifted herself off the loo seat, looking at the floor as she did. “Absolutely, fucking, sexy. You look like the perfect, most beautiful, sex object. Can I touch?” No answer. I took that as agreement. I ran my fingers along her vaginal lips, her golden liquid dribbling over it.

“Ohh,” she whispered.

Slowly the trickle from her vagina slowed and then stopped. Only then did she look up at me. “That was lovely. Shall I shower first?” She said.

“Why don’t we shower together,” I replied. She didn’t reply, but I followed her into the shower anyway.

“I’ll wash you, and you can wash me?” Again, agreement by silence. I took the shower crème, and began to massage her fabulous breasts until they were covered in creamy foam. I then knelt down and began to massage soap carefully down her tummy and onto her vaginal lips. I turned her around, and began to lick away the suds sliding my tongue into her still open cunt. There was absolutely no resistance. In fact, she moved her position to give me easier and wider access. I covered her bottom in lovely creamy foam, and described my view to her, before slowly inserting my finger into her anus. A soft moan confirmed that she was enjoying the attention. Eventually, I stood up facing her, and my finger was evicted from its cosy place. Instead I held her bottom open using both hands onto her cheeks. She took the soap and began to wash my tummy, sliding her hands down to my ‘recovering’ organ. She washed him, and then said:

“Oh I’m coming, make me come again. Please.” I turned her around, and slid my now erect penis into her. Neither of us was apparently ready to hold back. What followed was thirty seconds or so of wet, noisy, violence. My hands held her hips tightly, and she had her hands on the walls of the shower. Like two dogs on heat, we banged together as the water ran over us, encouraging each other with some very explicit language, culminating in a fantastic coincident orgasm.

As our senses returned to normal, the water sounded extremely loud, and the soreness in my groin began to grow. I withdrew from her, and we both quietly finished the shower.

As we dressed in the bedroom, Nicky was again keen to talk.

“Joe that was fantastic, did I do it right?”

“Nicky you were perfect, Steve is a lucky man.” It was meant as a compliment, but it was clumsy, and under the circumstances tasteless.

“That was my first time.”

“What do you mean,” I replied anxious not to repeat my previous mistakes.

“That’s the first time that I’ve done oral sex. And the first time I’ve swallowed. There was loads of it, and it shot straight into my throat”

“Your first time, surely not” I exclaimed. Clearly foot in mouth time again. An unfortunate simile, but in some ways, entirely appropriate.

“No I’m not, Steve doesn’t like that. You’ve taken my virginity. Thank you.” I couldn’t believe that she was thanking me for pushing my cock into her mouth, and squirting the accumulated contents of my balls into her throat. I didn’t know what to say, so my reply was a crass:

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” I was very curious about her relationship with Steve. “Do you and Steve have sex?” This seemed an odd conversation, given what we’d just done, and that we were both still only partially dressed. In fact Nicky was making hardly any progress, she was sat on the bed in just her knickers fumbling with her bra.

“Steve does, I just lie on my back.”

“But you were incredible, and what about the anal?” I said, regretting it as soon as I’d said it. It was the sort of thing that you didn’t talk about, wasn’t it?

“Oh god, he’d die before anything like that. All those positions were my first time.”

“I’m sorry Nicky, honestly I find that hard to believe. You were absolutely incredible.”

“Thanks, you’re sweet. Will you do me a favour?”

“Of course.”

“Don’t be shocked. I love Steve, but the last hour or so contained more enjoyment than the last fifteen years, of sex with him. I don’t want to steal you from Steph, but will you come around occasionally. Use me, if you like.”

“You want me to use you!”

“Absolutely, I really enjoyed giving you pleasure. Especially when it hurt a little. That really got me going. I don’t want to face not experiencing that again.” This seemed a little heavy, but the path of least resistance was reassurance. By now I ready to leave, but I needed to put my trousers back on. Waves of guilt were queuing up to punish me. Nicky hadn’t made any further progress with her clothes. The sources of my original problem were still unclad, in all their glory. Even now they were distracting me.

“In that case, I promise.” With unnerving eye contact she asked,

“Did I do the anal sex right? It hurt loads, but it felt really good, I could feel how excited you were. Your cock seemed to grow much harder inside my bum, especially when it went deep. Did you enjoy it?”

“Are you kidding? Nicky, I almost came within seconds of you taking it in your bottom. It was incredible. Where did you get the idea?”

“Oh some day I’ll tell you, but not now.”

“You should let Steve do that, he’ll love it.” A cloud passed across her face, and I recognised that I’d again said the wrong thing.

“Hold me for a little while.”

“Sure.” I sat next to her, and put my arms around her hugging her tight. In spite of her clearly needing just a reassuring cuddle, after a little while my right hand slid onto her left breast squeezing the soft fleshy form gently. Almost immediately, I felt a familiar stirring sensation.

“Mmm,” she said. “I can see that you’re getting aroused again. Would you do something for me?”

“Anything, absolutely anything, I told you that. Never doubt it.”

“Could you take my virginity again?”

“What do you mean, you want me to come in your mouth again??”

“You’ve come in my mouth, could you come in my virgin bottom?” Bong, my little friend went vertical and rigid, thereby answering her question as far as ‘he’ was concerned.

“Nicky, that would be a dream come true for me, A dream come true! How would you like to do it?”

“I don’t know, but I want you to be in control. I want you to fuck my bottom. I want to feel you using me. Don’t think of me at all; just use my bottom to give you pleasure.

“God Nicky, what an invitation. Are you sure?” Another stupid question, I thought.

“Oh I’m sure, I’m getting hot just thinking about it.”

“Ok. I won’t give your needs a thought. I’m going to fuck your gorgeous tight little bottom hard, and use it to shoot my come into. Lie back.”

“Ohh yes, that’s it. Shoot your lovely come into my virgin bum.” She lay back. I stood in between her spread legs, and lifted them until she could rest her heels on my shoulder. I then use my fingers to spread her bottom cheeks, and slowly inserted a finger to persuade her anal opening to cooperate.

“Just preparing you darling, to make sure that it doesn’t hurt you too much.”

“Joe, you’re thinking of me, you lovely man. Please just fuck my tight bottom. I want to really feel your cock stretching my little hole.” What was I to do, I took my finger out and pushed the tip of my eager cock against her anus. As I pushed, the resistance was absolute. No way in at all. Nicky’s body and expression indicated that she was bracing herself for entry. Remembering her instructions, I held my cock in place and pushed violently. Wow, the pain was electrifying as I saw the badly swollen tip of my cock disappear into her. She screamed;

“Ouwww, ouwww.” I stopped; I really didn’t want to hurt her. “No don’t stop, that felt fantastic. Fuck it as hard as you like. Fuck my bum.” In response I forced my cock deeper into her. I watched half of it enter her, to more approving moans from Nicky. I then withdrew to the tip, and then slid back into a slightly deeper point. Nicky had gone quiet, so I pushed her legs towards her breasts creating a fantastic view. Her freshly fucked cunt was still wet and open, with a background view of her bottom impaled on my cock.

That view, plus a glance at her fantastic breasts, again wobbling in sympathy with my movements, provoked an aggressive push. As the remaining length of my penis was swallowed by Nicky’s abused bottom, she began to sob uncontrollably.

“Ohh, I’ve dreamt about this for years,” she sobbed. “You can’t imagine how much I’ve wanted this. Fuck my sore bottom, as long, and as hard as you can. Until you squirt your lovely sticky come into my virgin bum.” It seemed like my cock grew both in length and girth in response to every word she uttered. It was strangely erotic to fuck her as she sobbed. The strokes increasing in frequency as my excitement level rose. Normally I’d have come very quickly, but my earlier orgasms had left me able to hold myself strangely detached. Nicky was still very enthusiastic, in spite of her tears. She was still asking me to use her, and come into her. I was enjoying myself too much to allow an early end to her abuse.

I watched her breasts, and I needed to feel them again. I began to squeeze each one, extruding it through my fingers until only the nipple remained. She began moaning sounds suggesting that she was enjoying this, so I increased the force. Eventually, tugging at her nipples and stretching her breasts until they broke free and returned to their normal fabulous shape. The effect on Nicky was unbelievable; she began to orgasm, and was screaming for me to come.

This wasn’t a difficult request to accommodate. I was using each tug of her breasts to begin the long and savage inward stroke into her bottom. And held on until she could accommodate no more of my greedy cock. At that point her nipples escaped my grip, and the process began again. She was still sobbing, and her head was moving from side to side, but she was coming. I could see that from her expression, and a glance at her cunt confirmed it. Her juice began to make the short journey from her cunt to my abusing cock. As her orgasm subsided, I could feel myself coming. I held on selfishly to her nipples, refusing to let them go. I was embedded in her as far as possible, and a familiar sensation began. Sparks of electricity shot through my nerve endings with increasing intensity. And my orgasm attempted to pump my first donation to end Nicky’s virginity. I had to pull out of her a little; the force on the tip of my cock was preventing me shooting my come into her. “Yesss. Come, come. Hurt my tits. Pull pull. Fuck me, fuck me.” Those were more or less the last words she shouted, before I groaned and she screamed again as my invading cock pumped wave after wave of fresh semen into her. Eventually, the sensations diminished, and I collapsed on top of her as her breasts returned to her chest.

We both lay there panting for what seemed like minutes. Then I could feel my little friend slowly shrinking and gradually withdrawing from her sticky anus. The last few minutes had been incredible, and it was becoming clear that I would have a painful memory of it. My cock seemed to be on fire, so I couldn’t imagine the pain that Nicky must have felt, as I’d abused her nipples and her tiny anus. After a little while Nicky sobbed,

“You’ve taken my virginity. And I’ve got your come. Thank you. I’m sorry I cried, but I was so emotional and happy.” I didn’t answer her, I was still recovering.

“Oh that was fabulous, you’ve really made me feel attractive, and sexy. Thanks! “Hadn’t you better go, the travel agency could be losing money? I wouldn’t like to be responsible for that!” I kissed her, and reluctantly stood up, releasing her, and her lovely breasts. I dressed quickly, and said,

“See you later.”

“Yes, you will. Be good!” I started to walk out of the bedroom. At the door, I turned and blew a kiss. Big mistake, she was still laid there naked. I felt a painful twitch in my pants, as she blew a kiss back.

A last glance at her breasts, then I turned and went down the stairs and left, shutting the door behind me.

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