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Jane & Peter’s Macintosh Delight

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Even as a child Jane had always loved the feel of certain materials against her skin. Her first sexual feeling was caused by her wearing a plastic apron of her mothers. She felt her nipples harden and was worried because she thought she had wet herself as she was wet between her legs.

She soon discovered that was very normal and began to enjoy those feelings. Her first time masturbation was when her mother bought her a macintosh for school and as she rode home on the bus she loved the smell of it and the feel against her legs. She knew she was going to be the first one home and quickly went to her room, took her knickers down, left her macintosh on and very amateurishly gave herself her first orgasm.

Her masturbation habits soon increased in frequency after that first one and she would soon be seeking out other materials and fabrics that she liked the feel of, although nothing was ever quite like the feel of her first rubber macintosh.

Now as a 42 year old married mother Jane was still very turned on by rubber macintoshes. She had short blond hair and was very attractive. Her sex life with her husband was not very satisfying. He was only interested in his own pleasure and Jane soon resorted to masturbation to give her the sexual satisfaction she so badly needed. As she got older her desires got stronger and she would now play with herself daily and often two or three times a day. She would see her husband off to work and the children off to school before she got dressed. She would give them a few minutes and then go up to her bedroom. Jane always made sure her vibrator and dildo were kept handy in her underwear drawer. She went straight to her wardrobe and hidden at the back was her rubber macintosh. Even as she walked upstairs she felt her nipples harden and her pussy lips moisten in anticipation of the sexual pleasure she was going to give herself.

She used the same routine every day. She slipped her dressing gown off and replaced it with her macintosh. The rubber brushed against her erect nipples causing them to grow even larger and harder. She tied the belt tight around the waist but didn’t fasten any buttons. She moved an armchair in front of a full length wall mirror and positioned it about a foot away. She sat back in the chair and raised her legs and placed them either side of the mirror. The macintosh slid opened and exposed her very damp pussy. She adored the feel of the rubber material against her naked body. It was such an intense feeling that she could almost cum without touching herself. She reached for her dildo. She had bought it through a mail order catalogue a long time ago and had covered it with the material from an old rubber macintosh. She positioned the dildo at the entrance to her pussy. Jane loved looking at herself as she slowly slid the dildo inside her. She loved watching herself cum. One hand went up to her breast and she massaged her nipple through the material of the macintosh.

At the same time the dildo had slipped easily inside her wet pussy. Although in everyday life Jane never uttered a swearword, when she was pleasuring herself she would talk out loud and say how good her cunt felt and how she loved to fuck her cunt with her dildo while playing with her tits and make herself cum. As her feelings intensified Jane would pinch her nipples harder through her macintosh and plunge her dildo deeper and faster into her cunt. In a matter of minutes she was shouting out with pleasure as she gave herself the orgasm her body craved. She loved to see her cunt juices flow out of her pussy and as her orgasm subsided she would stand up in front of the mirror and hold her macintosh open and watch as her cunt juices flowed down her legs. She used her fingers to wipe her cunt juices off her legs and then lick her fingers clean. Jane absolutely adored the taste of her own juices.

Although Jane was happy with the satisfaction she was giving herself, she really wanted a man to share her sexual pleasures. Jane was regularly buying contact magazines and scouring the pages for men with similar desires but so far had no luck.

She looked out of the window and saw it was a typical autumn day. This was the type of day Jane loved. She could go out wearing her macintosh and nobody would think it unusual. She needed to go to the supermarket this morning and although having satisfied herself the thought of wearing her macintosh was already making her randy again. She put on her make up and got dressed. But just as she was about to put on her macintosh she had a wicked thought. She went back up to her bedroom and took off her dress and bra. She stood there in her knickers and stockings and high heeled shoes and then put her macintosh on. She felt so naughty and sexy knowing she was going out with nothing on under her macintosh. She also realised that it was going to turn her on so much that she would have to play with herself again later.

Jane got in the car and as she sat down the macintosh fell open exposing the tops of her stockings. The feel of the rubber material against her legs and her tits was already making her pussy wet. Somehow she managed to get to the supermarket safely. She parked in a quiet corner of the car park. Already she was realising that as soon as she had finished shopping she would almost certainly need to satisfy her sexual cravings and thought she could do that in the secluded place she had parked the car. As she walked to the entrance the movement of the rubber macintosh against her skin was so intense she thought she was going to cum by just walking around. Jane found a shopping trolley and tried to concentrate on her shopping. However as soon as she neared the vegetable counter and saw some impressive looking carrots Janes thoughts were elsewhere. She bought the largest carrots she could find. She knew she would make good use of them as soon as she got back to the car.

What Jane didn’t know was that at the very moment she was in the supermarket, Peter a 50 year married man with an identical rubber macintosh fetish was just pulling up in his car to do his shopping. Peter, too had a partner who wasn’t interested in his fetish and he had to satisfy himself whenever he could. Peter started his shopping and suddenly he saw Jane in front of him. He was immediately attracted to the lure of her rubber macintosh and all his thoughts of shopping vanished. While pretending to shop he got as close as he could and breathed in the wonderful smell of the rubber macintosh. Peter felt his erection growing as he managed to lean across Jane and rub against her macintosh. He made sure he kept coming across Jane as they both shopped but in reality his thoughts were miles away from shopping. Peter had been on the look out for someone to share his fetish but was certain that this very attractive blonde just happened to be wearing her macintosh because of the weather. If only he knew the truth.

Eventually Peter managed to pluck up courage and at the next opportunity he said to Jane, ‘I love the macintosh, those are my favourites’. Jane at first felt awkward and smiled and said, ‘Yes, they’re nice aren’t they’, and walked away. Suddenly she realised what had happened. A man had complimented her on her macintosh. Did hehave the same feelings as her. Probably not. It was almost certainly just a throw away comment. Jane was suddenly in a dither. She looked round and Peter was still there, looking at her. He was slightly older than her but quite good looking. Was this the man she was looking for. She had to make a quick decision. She turned round and went towards him. She was hornier than ever. She thought she could even smell her pussy juices. She stopped in front of him and very nervously said, ‘I fancy a coffee afterwards, would you like to join me in the coffee shop’. Peter smiled and said he’d love to. In reality they both stopped their shopping there and went to the check out together. They both went to the coffee shop. Jane sat down and Peter bought 2 coffees and joined her.

They introduced themselves and then there was a short awkward silence and then Peter spoke. ‘I hope this doesn’t embarrass you and I apologise in advance if it offends you. If so, tell me and I will walk straight out of here’. ‘The thing is rubber macintoshes are a great turn on for me and I was wondering if you felt the same’. Jane smiled and said, ‘Yes, they have the same effect on me.’ ‘Even now while shopping I am feeling very horny, I just adore the feel of the rubber against my skin’. Peter replied, ‘I’ve got an erection just sitting here so close to your macintosh’. Jane said, ‘I think we need to get out of here’. They got up to leave and Peter noticed Jane’s macintosh fall open and saw the tops of her stockings. He knew then that what she had been saying was the truth. It really did turn her on. She suggested they went back to her place. Peter said he wanted to go home first and get some of his macintoshes. He had a collection of various materials and wanted to collect them. Jane gave him her address and headed to her car. As she sat in the seat she realised how wet she was. The thought of finding a man to share her fetish was almost too much for her to bear and her hand immediately found its way between her legs. She pushed the rubber material tight against her clit and rubbed herself to her second orgasm of the day in a very short time. Jane quickly drove home wondering and hoping if she had made the right decision. Suddenly she had given this complete stranger her address and almost invited him round to fuck her. The thought scared her and also excited her.

Peter drove home and ran upstairs. He had an erection all the way home. He went to his wardrobe and found 4 macintoshes in various materials. His favourite was similar to Janes, but he also had a pvc one, a clear plastic one and cotton one. He took them all. He hurried back to the car and quickly drove to Jane’s house. She opened the door still wearing the same macintosh. Peter was pleased. He followed her into the lounge and she said she wanted to see what he had brought with him. Jane picked them up one by one and held them to her face and smelt the material. She asked if she could try them on. Jane untied the rubber one she was wearing and dropped it onto an armchair. Peter was amazed to see her sexy body and her erect nipples clearly on show. He held the mac open for Jane to try it on. She rubbed the material against her nipples and although she had only recently cum she was soon ready for another. She suggested that Peter joined her. He quickly undressed and tried her rubber mac on. Peters erection clearly stood out in front of him. Jane was pleasantly surprised at the effect her rubber mac was having on him. They were both now very horny and Jane said, ‘Lets go upstairs’. Peter followed her and admired her stocking clad legs and her high heel shoes. As soon as they stepped into Jane’s bedroom they faced each other and couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Jane reached down to Peters cock and held it through her rubber mac that he was still wearing while Peter rubbed Jane’s nipples through the plastic material of his mac that she was wearing. Soon they both needed more and Jane said, ‘I need to fucked from behind’. She stood sideways onto the mirror. She not only wanted to be fucked, she wanted to watch herself being fucked. Peter lifted the back of her plastic mac and as he moved closer to her she felt the rubber of his mac against her arse. The feelings were sensational as he slowly inserted his cock deep inside her. After so many years she had found a man to enjoy her fetish with her. Jane was in control now. ‘Fuck me nice and slow, let me feel the rubber against my arse, oh yes, fuck my cunt, fill my cunt with your cock, oh yes, I’m cumming, oh fuck, its wonderful, oh yes, yes, yes. Cum inside me, shoot your spunk in my cunt, oh Peter, that’s wonderful, your cock is so hard, oh cum now, now, now, oh wow that’s great. Peter gripped Jane’s arse really tight as he shot his hot creamy spunk deep inside her warm and welcoming cunt.

They collapsed on the bed to recover, but soon the feel of the rubber and plastic against their skin was getting to them again. Jane knelt over Peter and sucked his soft cock deep inside her mouth. Her tongue and lips were soon getting it hard again. She wanted to feel it deep inside her cunt again but also loved the idea of Peter cumming in her mouth. She decided on the latter. She wrapped her mac tight around the base of his cock and gripped it tight through the material making sure there was enough of his cock poking out the top for her to get in her mouth. Peter reached up to Janes tits and squeezed her nipples through the plastic material. The combination of her squeezing and the sucking of her lips soon had her feeling the tell tale twitching of an imminent orgasm and Jane clamped her lips tight around Peters cock as he shot his spunk deep inside her mouth.

Jane decided she wanted the same and lay on her back with her legs apart. She untied her plastic mac and just lay on it. Peter lay between Janes legs and with his rubber mac untied Jane could feel it rubbing over her exposed body. Peters tongue and lips soon went to work on Jane’s cunt and clit and in only a few minutes she was experiencing yet another orgasm.

Peter and Jane were now exhausted for the day and agreed to meet the following morning and explore each other likes and fetishes further.

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