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For Ruby

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

“I’ve been thinking a lot lately about taking chances, and how it’s really just about overcoming your fears. Because the truth is, every time you take a big risk in your life, no matter how it ends up, you’re always glad you took it.”

I began to tune out from the TV, mulling over what JD from Scrubs was reflecting on. Despite being a comedy show, it had some decent inspirational quotes when it wanted to.

Sometimes after watching Scrubs for too long, I would begin to pick up JD’s habit of narrating my life. I had been sitting on the couch on a Saturday night watching Scrubs with my best friend April. Every Saturday night for the entire college semester (there were 3 weeks to go) we rented or downloaded some shows and watched them in our PJ’s until all hours of the morning. Not once had we gone out to a college party or hung out with some cool friends or hot boys. It wasn’t as though we hadn’t been invited, we both would just chicken out every time. I glanced across at April, she had dozed off, it WAS 4am after all. Her head flopped to one side, a bowl of M&Ms tipping to the side in her lap, her hair messy and her PJ’s crumpled. There were only three Saturday nights left of semester but I made a vow to myself that night that there would be no more in which we would spend watching DVDs.

I flicked the invite at April as I sat down for lunch.

Her eyes glanced at it and she snickered.

“I know, it’s so lame. Who hands out party invites by hand these days?”

She looked up at me expecting me to giggle along with her, she had a point. That is what Facebook and mobiles are for, party invites.

“April I want to go… to this party.”

April looked at me, she attempted to raise only one eyebrow but is incapable of doing so, which caused me to giggle at her facial expression.

April’s white shirt pulled tight across her breasts, exposing her cleavage.

She looked at me through her innocent eyes

“Annie…Isn’t this a little…uh…slutty?”

She looked at herself in the mirror again, tugging to pull her shirt to cover her breasts more. I slapped at her hand, not only because I didn’t want her to ruin her outfit but her hand was covering my view of her perfectly sculpted breasts. She looked at me with shock, my eyes strained to look away from her breasts, knowing she was still watching my face.

I always had been attracted to April but I had been able to keep it hidden, stamp it down, or push it aside. Tonight was different, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her body, even the way she sat in front of the mirror and applied eye liner was incredibly sexy. It took all the concentration I had to busy myself with tasks to stop myself from sitting there and watching her. I felt like I could watch her for hours. We were just about to head out the door, ready to party, when I heard


April was standing in the entrance hall scrambling through her handbag and purse.

“Babe, I am so sorry! I forgot my house key.”

I didn’t react, not understanding the implication of April forgetting her house key, too busy being caught up with her calling me babe. I loved it when she did, even though I know it was just in a friendly way.

“Annie!” she sighed at me impatiently.

“What does it matter?” I shrugged my shoulders. I thought she was trying to make excuses to not go to the party.

“Annie, if we come back here drunk, your parents are going to get upset. They are your parents! You know what they are like! No one will be at my house, I assumed we’d stay at mine. We can get as smashed as we like!”

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. She really wants to party hey.

“Let’s go get it then!” I grabbed my stuff, checked my outfit one more time in the mirror and left the house.

I could feel April’s good mood radiating around the car. She turned up the music and wound down her window, singing along to the lyrics. Her brown hair flicked with the wind, moving across her neck in almost a licking fashion.

God, I wish I could lick her neck

I could feel my face flush with embarrassment at my own thoughts, I turned my eyes back to the road, forcing myself to concentrate. I’ll have to wait, I reminded myself. I wound down my own window too, wanting to feel the evening breeze. My own hair began to blow around in the wind, I could feel my skirt rise up my legs, the breeze pushing it. I was about to smooth my skirt down when out of the corner of my eye I could see April’s head facing towards me. I looked across at her, her eyes staring at my legs. I concentrated on the road again, smiling to myself secretly, every now and then rubbing my thighs together and then spreading them apart a bit, I would glance from the corner of my eyes to make sure she was still looking. I could feel her eyes sometimes flick to my face, making sure I wasn’t watching her. There was one more street to go before April’s house when the wind managed to catch my skirt, flicking the hem over exposing nearly all of my thighs to April’s view. In my shock I couldn’t help but look over at her, her eyes had widened staring at my smooth thighs; before I could look away she met my eyes. Her faced turned a deep red before she stared straight ahead.

I parked on April’s lawn, not wanting to block her parents in. We were lucky we hurried from my house because just as we got there her parents were leaving for their weekend trip away. They unlocked the house for us so we could get April’s key. I could tell she felt uncomfortable, considering the way we were dressed, talking to her parents. Her mum looked us up and down, doing the raised eyebrow that April failed so miserably at.

“Mum! Stop looking at us like that,” April complained.

“Well it’s about time you two got out and did something fun,” her mum replied, giving me a little wink.

I giggled before mentioning to April that I told her we weren’t dressed too slutty.

“A little revealing perhaps…but I have seen worse I guess,” April’s dad added, coming from him that was actually a compliment.

We waved goodbye to her parents before heading inside to search for April’s key. I sat on the edge of April’s bed, leaning back on my arms and crossing one leg over the other. I watched her scurrying around her room searching for her key. She didn’t like me helping her look for stuff, she called her room ‘organized mess’ I would agree with her if it weren’t that she could never find anything.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry! I’m hurrying,” she squealed, incorrectly assuming that I was in a hurry.

I was not in a hurry whatsoever, I was quite enjoying watching her bend over getting flustered in her little schoolgirl outfit. When she bent over her skirt rode up her legs to her mid thigh, showing off her pale but toned legs. Her white shirt continued to pull against her breasts; it was so small that when she reached up to her top shelves the shirt rose showing her midriff. I started daydreaming, staring out of April’s window, wondering what it would be like to feel her body against my own.

It wasn’t until I realised my nipples had started to get hard that I was woken from my daydreams. I looked around the room to see April leaning against her dresser, her eyes on my long tanned legs, her mouth hanging slightly apart, her key in one hand. I blushed and immediately sat up, snapping April out of her daydream. I was just about to stand up and walk out of the room when she began to talk.

“S-s-so I.. uh found my uh key,” she stammered, unable to look me in the eye. It was that moment, that sexy moment of her biting her lip nervously, leaning against her dresser, her fringe falling into her eyes, her tie had hung crookedly on her neck and her shirt was off centre, exposing a part of her bra on one side that I could no longer control myself, I could no longer hold back.

I got up and stood directly in front of her, usually we are of equal height but because she was leaning on the dresser I was looking slightly down at her. I stood about a foot away and looked at her face, staring into her eyes until she looked back.

“Do you want to touch my legs?” I asked softly, I could feel the heat in my face rise but hoped that she couldn’t see how nervous I was, I was trying to act confident. April blushed deeply, the red was so apparent on her cheeks.

“You keep looking at me. You can touch me if you like,” I continued to look directly into her face, not allowing her to escape.

“Annie,” she breathed back, clearly flustered. Her voice caught me off guard, she sounded so delicate, so sexy. I tried to regain composure of my face, I didn’t want to lose this chance, I knew if I wasn’t careful I could damage our friendship but I knew if I let this moment pass I would regret it forever.

I leant forward taking one of April’s hands in my own and guided it just above my knee, giving her permission to touch my legs. She couldn’t stop staring at my bronzed thighs, she placed her other hand above my other knee and slowly glided her hands up thighs. She didn’t go any further than the bottom of my skirt, I spread my legs slightly apart and closed my eyes.

“Keep going,” I commanded. I could tell she was mesmerised by my legs, she couldn’t take her eyes away as she continued to run her hands slowly up and down the top of my thighs. She surprised me by sliding one of her hands up the inside of my thigh, massaging my leg.

Slowly April started to become more confident, massaging my legs hard in her hands; sometimes running her hands up the inside of my thighs, occasionally she even ventured right up underneath my skirt. Whenever I looked down at her, staring at my thighs, I could see her blush. She knew I had her in my control. I lifted her head by her chin to look at me, her eyes pausing for a very long moment on my breasts on the way up.

I asked her if she wanted to see more. I could tell she still felt shy, even though she was still running her hands along my legs, she couldn’t form an answer with her mouth. I kept my eyes on her face, daring her to look away. Slowly I began to unbutton my blouse, it wasn’t hard because my shirt was so tight the buttons were almost popping. She couldn’t help herself and her gaze began to follow my hands. I unbuttoned my shirt and let it hang there; loving the attention she was giving me. She looked up at me shyly and smiled. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“What do you want?” I asked, full well knowing what she wanted. I could see her lust, she wanted to see my small perky breasts, my flat stomach. I removed my shirt slowly until I was standing in front of her with just my bra and short skirt on.

“You can touch my breasts….but only if you want.”

I was wearing a white lacy bra, one that made my natural complexion look darker, my perky breasts look fuller. The air in the room was cold and April’s hands on my thighs had made my nipples hard, I could feel them rubbing against the material of my bra.

April’s attention on my legs had quickly stopped, her eyes feasting on my breasts.

I watched her face, I could tell that she wanted to touch me but I knew she was afraid. I moved in closer to her, until our legs were brushing.

April slowly ran her hands up the side of my body until she was cupping a breast in both each hand. She gently squeezed, looking up at my reaction to see if she was doing it right. I smiled down at her before closing my eyes and tilting my head back, pushing my breasts out at her. Even through the material of my bra her hands felt amazing, she massaged them softly, slowly building up a tempo. When she began to pinch my left nipple I couldn’t help but let out a soft whimper, my whole body shuddered. I told her to stop before I lost control. She placed her hands on her skirt looking down, afraid she had done something wrong. Without thinking I leant down and brushed my lips against hers, unsure how to react April turned her head away trying to create more space between our bodies.

My initial reaction was to be hurt but I knew she wanted this just as much as I did, she couldn’t keep her eyes off me all day. For the second time I lifted her chin up towards me, this time cupping her face in both of my hands, I pressed my lips hard into hers. I continued massaging her lips until she began to respond, kissing me back, her lips dancing against my own. I flicked my tongue inside of April’s mouth causing her to gasp, I knew she had never kissed anyone for very long before. I tugged at her bottom lip with my teeth before pressing back into her, kissing her harder. I moved my hands down to the edges of her shirt, trying to slip my hands underneath and feel her warm skin. Her shirt was so tight I could barely get my hands underneath the material comfortably. I moved her arms back behind her so she was leaning back further on the dresser, and without breaking our kisses I began to undo the buttons of her blouse. April gasped in protest but I continued to kiss her, winning her over with my lips and my tongue. I slipped her shirt off her shoulders as I began kissing along her jaw line and down her to the hollow of her collarbone.

April was shivering beneath my kisses, I knew she barely had control of her thoughts now. I unhooked her bra and slipped that off as well, revealing her large full breasts. Her pink nipples were sticking hard out at me, willing me to taste them. I could feel her getting embarrassed because no girl had ever seen her breasts before. Her weight shifted uncomfortably but I couldn’t resist any longer and before either of us were aware, I was kneeling down in front of April taking one breast into my mouth. I rolled her right nipple against my tongue, massaging and tugging on her left breast with my hand. I looked up at her face as I sucked on her nipples, alternating attention of my mouth between them, wanting to see what her reaction to this pleasure was. She had her eyes closed and she was biting her lip, trying to control the moans from escaping. I was being so gentle with her, knowing this is the first time someone had touched her naked breasts before. I could hear her breaths, forming my name, spurring me on to get rougher. I began to massage her boobs harder, pressing them together.

I bit one of her nipples, causing my name to come flying out of her mouth in a loud moan.

“Ohh Annie!”

I was still watching her, her eyes had sprung open at the sound of her own voice. She looked down at me, shyly biting on her lip, wondering if she had gone too far. I smiled smugly up at her, her nipple never leaving my mouth, and I slowly started to run one of my hands down her body. My hand crept beneath her skirt, massaging the inside of her thigh. Lightly I ran my finger along the thin material of her panties, causing April to moan my name louder, I could feel her wetness on the outside already. I slipped my hand through the side of her panties, running a fingertip across her wet clit, before bringing it up to her mouth, making her suck her own wetness off my finger. I stood up and guided her hand between my legs, encouraging her to do the same thing to me. She pushed my small thong aside, and ran two fingers along my wet lips up to my clit but instead of putting her fingers in my mouth, she brought them to her own mouth. She closed her eyes and sucked the wetness off her fingers, drawing it out knowing I was watching her the entire time, I could tell she loved the taste of me.

April’s eyes opened and then widened, realising just how kinky she was being.

“Annie…please can we do more?” she whispered to me, once again she was too afraid to meet my eyes. I leant forward again, trailing my mouth up her neck until I was whispering in her ear.

“I want you to lay down in the middle of the bed.”

April’s body quickly slipped from out between my own and the dresser, she laid on the bed, silently, her eyes still wide. I crawled on the bed on top of her, pressing my left leg between her thighs, kissing her mouth hard. I could feel the wetness of April seeping through her panties as it began to cover my leg. I couldn’t hold back any longer, I needed to taste her. I moved my way down her body stopping at her breasts to give each nipple a quick kiss. I perched myself between her legs and told her to spread her legs open, she moved them open slightly but not enough. I tapped her thighs lightly to show I didn’t approve, pushing her legs further apart.

I lifted Aprils skirt up and my breath caught at the sight of her wet panties. I could feel April’s own breathing change as she became more nervous about me being between her legs. The thin material of her panties pulled tight against her, showing the outline of her wet lips. I had to tear my eyes away, concentrating on her thighs trying to control my breathing and my body. I kissed her inner thighs, pressing my lips against her skin over and over, moving closer to her wetness. I could smell her, I wanted to taste her so badly, run my tongue between her wet folds. I tugged at the skin of her thighs with my teeth, causing her to whimper. When moving between thighs I would suck the material covered in her wetness into my mouth, tasting her juices. I moaned against her covered pussy knowing she would feel the vibrations in her clit. Finally, I gave in, I unclipped her skirt and slowly peeled her wet underwear down her legs. All April was wearing now was her tie, lying neatly between her breasts.

I could feel my clit and nipples harden at the sight in front of me. I definitely did not expect what I saw, April was hairless bar a neat little patch across her pubic bone. I moaned as she raised her hips up towards me, begging for more contact. She giggled at my face, stunned by what I saw in front of me. I could see her wetness everywhere, all over her outer lips and clit, her pink little clit sticking straight out at me, enticing me. I wanted to spend hours running my mouth along that beautiful pussy but more than that, I wanted to pleasure her, I wanted to draw this out and make her never forget her first time. I placed a finger on April’s clit holding it there, watching her squirm beneath me, I could feel her wetness on my finger tip already. Slowly I began to move my finger around in circles, causing her to moan.

Over and over again I moved my finger around building the tempo and pressure slowly, until she couldn’t stop moaning my name. Using my other hand, I quickly entered two fingers into her tightness, causing her head to be thrown back and her hips to thrust up at my hands. I covered my fingers in as much of her wetness as I could before bringing it to my mouth, tasting her. I did this so many times, sometimes even putting my fingers into her mouth, watching her greedily suck her own taste off my fingers. Eventually, it became too unbearable for both of us, I replaced my finger on her clit with my tongue, my moans adding vibrations to the pressure of my tongue.

I could feel her body start to shake beneath me but I wasn’t ready for her to orgasm. I ran my tongue down her wetness, inserting it straight into her tight pussy. I held her hips down with my hands and began plunging my tongue in and out, having full control of her body. I moved one hand across her waist so that I could rub her clit again, continuing to move my tongue in and out of her wet hole. April wound her hands through my hair and began thrusting up at my face, breaking my hold on her hips. She locked her hands so tightly in my hair I couldn’t move my head, all I could do was continue thrusting my tongue in and out of her, breathing in quickly when I came up for air. Her thrusts became more violent, I furiously rubbed her clit in circles, never letting my tongue break contact with her pussy, my free hand reaching up to pinch her nipples. I could feel her orgasm building, her moans turned to cries as she drove her hips into my face, one hand holding my head the other scraping marks into my shoulder with her nails. I sucked and licked and pinched all I could until I felt her whole body convulse, and then her back arched and she let out the loudest, sexiest moan I had heard in my life. Her wetness covered my face, flowing from her pussy as she climaxed, over and over again. Finally, her body slumped back against the bed, her grip in my hair loosening, her rapid breathing began to slow. I looked up at her face, I could see her breasts rising slowly with each deep breath she took, her eyes were half closed exhausted from the intensity of the pleasure, her mouth forming a beautiful smile.

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes


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