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First Day Of School

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Note: I hate to ruin a perfectly good story with plot, but there were some things I needed to say. I know at least one of you will understand. Lisa, I love you so much for everything you’ve taught me.

The last faint echoes of my shoes in the hallway faded away as I approached the door, stopped and looked in. Five neat rows of desks filled the center of the room.

Windows along the far wall allowed sunlight to shine brightly off the empty ledge. A large desk in the front of the room lay barren and the whiteboard glistened.

“It will be different with thirty kids in it.”

I jumped involuntarily at the sound of the voice behind me. I turned quickly, attempting to retain control of the stack of books in my arms.

“Didn’t mean to scare you. Sorry,” the voice said.

“Oh, that’s OK,” I managed to say. With the books seemingly resteadied, I smiled. “Uh, I’m Chris. Chris Spivey. I think this is my room.”

“Hi. I’m Lisa Owens. Yes, it is. Need help?” Lisa asked, stepping into the hall from inside her room.

“No. Thanks. I’m OK. I mean, let me put these books down.” I took my first steps into Room 12 and set the books on the teacher’s desk.

Lisa stood at the door, watching the young new teacher survey the room from one corner to the other. Lisa was transported back almost ten years to when she walked into her own first classroom. Was it really ten years ago?

“I don’t know where to start,” I said in a tone that hinted at embarrassment.

Lisa laughed lightly as she said, “I know the feeling. I still feel that way at the beginning of every year.”

“Really?” I asked hopefully.

“Yep. It’s actually better when the kids are here because you feel more in control,” Lisa said.

I looked dejected. “Maybe you. I’ll be a wreck then, too.”

“Ah, come on. Linda told me you were one of the best interviews she’s ever had,” Lisa said assuredly, referring to the school’s principal.

I blushed. “I doubt it. I was so nervous.”

“Listen. I’ll let you look around. I’ll check back with you in a little bit. Otherwise, I’m just across the hall. Yell if you need anything,” Lisa said.

“Thanks a lot. I’ll probably have lots of questions.”

“Then how about planning on having lunch together?” Lisa asked.

“Sure. That would be cool. Thanks,” I said.

“I’ll talk to you later,” Lisa said as she headed back to her room.

I once again looked around the room. I was excited, anxious, eager and hesitant…all at once. The task before me seemed ominous, but I had studied four years for this and student taught with excellent teachers. My natural reaction, however, was to be a little insecure.

I opened the drawer in the large teacher’s desk and, of course, found it completely empty. This was how I was going to find most of the things in my room—empty or wiped clean, waiting for my personal touch.

I turned to face the whiteboard behind me. To my surprise, a blue dry erase marker laid in the tray at the bottom of the board. I took off the cap, stepped up to the board and wrote “Miss Spivey” in large letters.

I replaced the marker in the tray and stared at the words. I turned my head towards the windows to hide the single tear flowing down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly before being seen and returned to the desk.

At 23 and just three months out of school, I was new to the “real world.” Hopefully, my 5’4” frame would at least make me bigger than most of my third graders. I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to regain enough composure to think straight about what I was doing.

I knew Linda, the principal, would be in later. That would help. And it was great having Lisa, the other third grade teacher, across the hall. But I didn’t want to appear to be as overwhelmed as I actually felt.

This was so typical. All my friends knew I was outgoing and friendly, but overconfident was probably not a term they ever used when describing me. Aggressive? Yeah, right. Not Chris Spivey.

So the next half hour was spent opening every closet, rearranging desks and chairs and otherwise imagining what the room would look like next week when classes started. Periodically, other teachers stuck their heads in the door and introduced themselves. Everyone seemed very nice and helpful. Maybe this would work after all.

I walked over to Lisa’s room after a while, not so much because I needed help but rather to take a break. Lisa was on her knees, stacking books onto a shelf. She appeared to be in her early thirties, maybe a couple inches taller than me. She had beautiful short blonde hair, streaked and layered by a professional, no doubt.

She was certainly attractive and I instantly envied her body, which she apparently had no trepidation about displaying with her tight jeans and clinging shirt.

Lisa looked up. “Hi. How you doing over there?”

“Great. It’s getting there. I’ll do books next I think,” I said.

Lisa looked across the room at me for an instant before saying, “What time is it?”

“About 11.”

“Want to head out about Noon for something to eat?” she asked.

“Yes. I still want to do that. Where do you recommend?” I said.

“How about Panera’s? I like their soup and salads.”

“That’s perfect. I love them, too. Let me know when you’re ready to go,” I said.

“OK. I’ll be anxious to see how you’re doing.”

I walked back to my room, hearing the sound of desks moving in other rooms up and down the hall. With my mind a little clearer, I was ready to tackle the book issue. Now think, Chris. What would be the most logical way to approach this? I wished I’d been doing this for ten years.

Noon came quickly and Lisa entered my room with her purse over her shoulder, ready to go. I was starved. It took no special urging for me to get up, grab my purse and walk out with her. She offered to drive and I felt obligated to accept, so we jumped into her SUV and headed for Panera’s.

It was a short drive, but the conversation along the way boosted my belief that Lisa was an intelligent, confident woman. This was good. The qualities I often felt I was weakest in were what I looked for in friends, so at least one of us knew what we were doing. And the smell of her perfume permeated the SUV. I had noticed it in her classroom. It was nice.

Lisa ordered soup in a bread bowl and a small salad. I got a Greek salad and my usual fat free, taste free dressing. We didn’t talk much, with Lisa proving to be a little quieter than I anticipated. It was obvious she thought things out before speaking.

“This is a good staff,” Lisa said at one point. “Of course, we have the usual pettiness that will cause waves during the year, but no outright hatred.”

I giggled at how nonchalantly she said it. “I’ll try not to do anything that will cause people to hate me. Warn me when I cross the line.”

“No problem. But I bet you’re not the type to ruffle too many feathers.”

“Why’s that?” I asked innocently.

“Oh, I think you’re too smart for that. I think you’ll sit back and take it all in and calculate before acting,” she said before stabbing another forkful of salad.

I hate it when people already know me less than four hours after our first meeting. Was I THAT predictable? Or was Lisa that good? She was beginning to intrigue me with her apparent ability to pick up on things so quickly.

“You’re not married?” she asked unexpectedly.

“Uh, no.” The pause that followed caused Lisa to wait for the conclusion of the thought. I considered the many possible ways to continue. “I’m not dating right now. The last one didn’t turn out so well.”

Lisa looked at me over her fork. “Been there.”

“And you?” I asked boldly.

“Nope. Never got married. I’m not sure it’s right for me.”

“You certainly are pretty enough. You must have had a ton of guys asking you out,” I said.

“Thanks,” Lisa said, seemingly appreciative of the compliment. “I wouldn’t say a ton. But none of them seemed right.”

“I’m a little suspicious of all men right now,” I said truthfully. “I’ve had some bad experiences in and out of school…college, I mean…and just…well, I just don’t trust many men any more.”

“There are a couple on the staff, but they’re harmless. I’ll let you make up your own mind,” Lisa said.

“Thanks. I’m sure I will.”

The only other notable event during the lunch was my inability, at times, to abstain from looking at the woman’s near perfect breasts partially hidden and partially exposed within her shirt. It was one of those low-cut figure-hugging shirts that accentuated every curve and angle. And Lisa’s curves were faultless. I wasn’t sure if I was jealous or in complete admiration.

How could this woman go this long in life without a man? There clearly was history here I didn’t know. It would be a project for the coming year, I told myself.

The afternoon went quickly and I slept well that night, tired from more physical labor than I’d done all summer. Lisa lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Dressed only in a pair of panties, she slid her fingers over the inside of her thighs, onto her stomach and eventually to her breasts.

She closed her eyes. She was looking at her young teaching partner. I stood in the doorway to her classroom with my brunette hair falling to my neck. Lisa’s right hand rose until it covered her breast, then she concentrated on the nipple. Lisa imagined me entering the room and walking over to her.

Lisa leaned into my body and kissed me. Her hand kneaded her breast under the sheet, which she pushed down to uncover both breasts. She moved her hand from breast to breast, squeezing them.

In her daydream, we embraced and put our hands inside each other’s shirts. Her hand moved down and disappeared inside her panties under the sheet. We pulled off our shirts in the imaginary classroom, admiring each other’s breasts, then came back together.

Lisa had her fingers on her clit. It was growing longer and harder. She put a finger inside her pussy to get it wet, then slid it back up to her clit. She began a series of long, hard strokes.

I unbuttoned her jeans and lowered the zipper. I pushed the pants down and slid my palm over her panty-covered pussy. I could feel her wetness. I could smell her perfume combine with her own scent.

Lisa arched her back and pressed her pussy harder against her hand. She rubbed more frantically while I pulled off her panties. Before I got a chance to touch her again, she was lost in the midst of an intense orgasm. She called out my name. She came multiple times before letting her body fall back to the bed.

Lisa lay with her hand covering her wet, tingly cunt and clit. She shuddered as a single finger slid over the clit one last time.

When I got to school the next day, a white envelope was taped to the outside of my classroom door. “Chris” was neatly written across the front. I took it off before unlocking the door and opening it. Across the hall, Lisa’s door was open but there was no sign of the teacher.

I sat at my desk and opened the envelope. A colorful card inside announced a “Welcome Back to School” party for the upcoming Saturday at one of my favorite local clubs. The card was signed by Lisa with an additional line, “Please come.”

My calendar needed no checking. Saturday nights were generally wide open for me and this one was no different. I felt like I “belonged” a little bit more now and hoped that by the end of the party I’d be much more at ease.

I stepped across the hall and found Lisa cleaning desks.

“Thanks for the invitation. I can’t wait,” I said.

“Good. I’m glad you can make it.” If Lisa had looked good in her shirt and jeans the day before, she was nearly stunning in her sleeveless top and shorts today.

“Today is cleaning day for me,” she said, perhaps noticing my eyeing of her outfit. “The guys do a good job during the summer of cleaning up, but I like to get the desks one more time. Just an old habit.”

“I think by Saturday I’ll be ready for a party,” I said.

“We all will be. It’s a good chance to get together and for the new teachers—like you—to meet everyone. Or at least everyone that shows up,” Lisa said. She looked over my shoulder as if looking for someone, then put her hand beside her mouth. “We don’t care about the rest.”

I laughed. This sounded like every school I had ever student taught in. I may be an inexperienced teacher, but I knew the social games that were played. And there was something about Lisa’s voice. It was soft…alluring.

Lisa walked toward her desk and reached inside her purse. She pulled out a second envelope.

“Here. This is for you,” she said, handing me the envelope.

I opened it eagerly and pulled out a gift certificate to one of my favorite clothing stores in the mall.

“Oh, Lisa. This is for me?”

“Yep. I want us to be friends. Maybe we can teach each other some new teaching tricks,” Lisa said with a smile.

“You shouldn’t have. Really. You didn’t have to do this,” I stammered.

“Use it to buy something fun.”

I wanted to go to her and show her how much I appreciated it, but just didn’t feel comfortable enough to do it. So I stood there like a little kid, shifting my weight nervously from one leg to the other.

“I will. Thanks, Lisa. I’ll let you get back to work. Come over when you need to take a break,” I offered.

“I will. See ya in a little bit.”

I turned and moved back into my classroom. My mind was cluttered with thoughts of work to do, the party Saturday and what to buy with my certificate. Slowly but surely I got the classroom organized and looking the way I wanted it. By Friday afternoon I was ready for the weekend.

I assured Lisa once again that I would be at the party. In fact, I was looking forward to it and wouldn’t have missed it. The opportunity to meet all the other teachers—well, at least most of them—in a social setting was too good to pass up.

Saturday afternoon I started giving serious thought to what to wear that evening. Should I go with something “business casual” to show my maturity (yeah, right) or something fun? Once the general category had been decided—fun—I keyed in on comfortable versus provocative versus stylish. Having ruled out provocative right away, based primarily on my belief I would not be picking up any men at this thing, I concentrated on comfortable and stylish.

Actually, I ended up with a combination of the two. I chose some tight designer jeans (comfortable) and a Chico’s denim re issue-shirt (stylish). I felt good.

The club Lisa chose was best known for live jazz, but the bar and lounges were exceptionally well suited for groups like ours. You could eat, drink, talk or do them all at once without having to shout all night. If you wanted to dance, you could. I just wanted to survive.

I walked in and headed for a lounge I suspected might be a likely spot for our group. Sure enough, Lisa and three other teachers were already sitting around a table with chips and drinks in front of them.

“Hey, Chris,” Lisa said in a welcoming tone from halfway across the room. “Glad you could make it. Have a seat.”

I had met the other women and remembered all their names but one, not bad for me. Soon, a waitress came around and after glancing quickly at what the others had I ordered a margarita.

“How many people do you expect?” I asked Lisa.

“Maybe fifteen, but they won’t all be here at once. They will come and go. We keep it pretty informal with people jumping from one table to another. Some of us dance, too,” she said with a smile.

“I’ll need a lot of margaritas to dance,” I said.

The women laughed. It was decided that was their goal for the night, to see Chris dance.

I was struck once again by Lisa’s attire. She wore a burgundy knit tank top over matching slacks. It looked stunning with her blonde hair–sexy without being blatant. Her bare shoulders and arms were well tanned and perfectly toned. She was beginning to truly disgust me.

Eventually, about eight female teachers and two of the male teachers joined us. I was on my second margarita and enjoying the band that had just started their set in the room next door. I warned myself that one more margarita would do it.

Lisa was playing hostess, jumping from table to table, and leaving me to strike up occasional conversations with other teachers. This was good, I supposed, from a professional perspective. But I really wanted to chat more with her and learn more about her.

In due course, she walked behind my chair, tapped me on the shoulder and signaled for me to walk with her toward the bar. I eagerly got up and joined her.

She stood close enough for our arms to be touching.

“There are two guys at the other end of the room, sitting at a round table near the end of the bar,” she began. I started to turn. “Don’t look!”

I giggled at the urgency of her statement.

“They’ve been watching you for at least fifteen minutes now. If you’re interested…” She didn’t finish the sentence. We stood at the bar. I sneaked a look.

They were attractive enough and maybe a couple years older than me. It only took a few seconds for their eyes to find us. I quickly turned back to the bar.

“White wine for me. Chris?”

“Uh. Oh, nothing for now. Thanks,” I said.

“Well?” Lisa asked with a devilish smile.

“I think it’s you they want,” I replied naively.

“Chris Spivey. I swear. We need to work on you.”

Lisa’s drink arrived and we sauntered back to our chairs, avoiding the eyes of the two guys at all cost. I wasn’t sure what excited me more. The fact she may have been right about the guys or the fact I may have finally captured Lisa for a chance to talk.

We chatted about college, where we used to live, kids to watch out for at school and other unrelated stuff. She was an excellent conversationalist with a wicked sense of humor and lots of sarcasm. I didn’t take it as the alcohol speaking either. I thought this was the real Lisa coming out.

She learned about my insecurities and I learned about her mistakes. She learned I liked baths more than showers and I learned she had an underwear drawer for “special occasions.” We laughed a lot.

At some point during the conversation a margarita appeared on the table in front of me.

“Is this mine?” I asked.

“Must be,” Lisa said. “You’re not going to just let it sit there, are you?”

“But I…”

“Drink it.” Lisa’s voice wasn’t motherly, but the implication was there just the same. Maybe in ten years I could do the same thing to a new teacher.

We were back talking almost immediately. Ten minutes later I lost all control of the evening. The band was playing, I was swaying to the music in my chair and Lisa was grabbing my hand.

“Come on,” she said. She pulled me up much too fast and I managed to dodge past people, chairs and tables on instinct alone. A few seconds later we were in the adjoining room. Then we were on the dance floor.

Luckily, we weren’t alone. I only recognized one other teacher, but the other bodies made me think in my half-drunken state of mind that the entire room wasn’t staring at just me.

Lisa could dance. Between the band scarcely twenty feet away and watching her move, I got into it fairly rapidly. More people arrived and by the third song I was dancing with just about anybody brave enough to stand in front of me—male or female.

At some point I caught a glimpse of Lisa’s little burgundy butt swinging past. I couldn’t tell who she was with, if anybody. I was relieved when we reconnected during the next song.

“Ready for a break?” she asked, leaning into my ear to speak over the band.

“Yeah. How about you?”

“Yes,” Lisa said. She turned and I followed.

As we approached our table, a smattering of applause arose from the handful of teachers awaiting us. I gave them my best dirty look. When we sat down—rather, Lisa sat and I collapsed—she said, “You were great. You’ve done this before.”

“Only when I’m physically dragged out there. But I’m glad you did.”

I was actually glad there was a little bit of my margarita left. It tasted good.

“So, did the guy ask you out?” Lisa said between sips of her wine.

“What guy?”

“The guy you were dancing with. The guy from the table. Hell, Chris. Don’t tell me you blew it.” Lisa gave me a mocking scowl. I was about seventy five percent sure she was joking.

There had been a guy. I remembered him as kind of cute. I remembered saying “Hi” and watching Lisa’s ass. That was about all I remembered.

“No, he didn’t ask me out. I guess I blew it,” I said.

“Want to go back?” Lisa asked, this time with a smile.


She laughed and put her hand on my knee. It squeezed gently before sliding off. I reached for my glass so I didn’t have to look Lisa in the eyes. The glass was empty, but the shiver that had raced through my body was gone.

“Want another?” Lisa asked.

“No way. That’s all for me tonight,” I said truthfully.

But it wasn’t the end of the dancing. We were on the floor for another set of songs, this time staying closer together. It was more crowded and we often touched each other while we moved.

It wasn’t until I was lying in bed that night that I allowed myself to think about the feeling I had when Lisa and I touched. Her hand on my knee. Our hands on the dance floor. It was electric and I didn’t know why.

I wasn’t captivated by women. They didn’t fascinate me. I wasn’t attracted to Lisa.

I could smell her perfume in the bed with me. My hand was rubbing the outside of my panties before I even realized it. I could feel the wetness begin to soak through. I moved up to my clit.

I saw Lisa’s breasts press against her shirt. The nipples were clearly hard. Her ass swayed in front of me inside of tight slacks. My fingers pressed harder against my clit.

She touched me. My hand slid inside my panties and found my clit again. It was hard and throbbing. Lisa was dancing, but now her shirt was off. She stood just inches in front of me, her gorgeous breasts rocking with the music.

My ass was off the bed as I inserted a finger into my cunt. My juices soaked it down to my fist. I put the finger on my clit and took in a deep breath. I let it out with a loud moan.

Lisa’s slacks were off. Then her panties. She was naked in front of me, reaching for my hands. She placed them on her breasts before I moved them to her pussy. I rubbed myself frantically.

Lisa started to cum. “Yes, Lisa. That’s it. Cum for me.”

My body shook hysterically. My legs stretched for the end of the bed. My hips rose and sank, trying to fuck my hand. My clit cried out to me to rub it harder…faster. I was crying out her name and cumming over and over. Her body. Her smell. Her face and hair. I came again.

“Jesus Christ, Chris.” Those were the first words I actually heard. My hands were covering my eyes. I could smell myself on my right hand and felt the moisture on my forehead.

My body stopped shaking a minute later. If I’d had a better orgasm I certainly couldn’t say when, or with whom. Guilt crept in, followed by a flood of bewilderment. What just happened? Did I just get myself off thinking of a woman I’d just met? A fucking woman?

I was asleep before any answers came to me.

Monday was the first of three days of in-service for the teachers before students arrived. I managed to put up with the good-natured kidding that was heaped upon me concerning Saturday night. Lisa and I sat together throughout the sessions and ate lunches together each day. She was a big help in wading through what I needed to know and what I could discard.

On Wednesday afternoon during a break, Lisa asked, “How about a drink tonight after this is over?”

“Just one.” I tried to keep an earnest look on my face when I said it. But when she laughed, I did too.

“Is that a yes?” Lisa inquired.

“Yes. Where?”

“O’Reilly’s on Front Street. Know where it’s at?” she asked.

“Sure. That’s a good place. No band,” I said.

“Great. How about six?”

I smiled. “I’ll be there…in jeans.”

I also wore a lace cami top with spaghetti straps that I swore I’d never wear in public. I don’t have the largest breasts in the world, but this top would make any girl look good. Stopping just above my jeans, it made me feel sexy but not quite a slut.

I arrived a few minutes before Lisa and grabbed a table away from the door. My beer and Lisa showed up about the same time. She walked through the door and stopped to look around. The outline of her figure in the jeans and tank top mesmerized me. She finally saw me and was soon seated in the chair next to me.

“Chris. You look…stunning,” she said, looking me over twice. “Wow.”

“Is it too much?”

Lisa just stared at me. “Too much what? Sexy? Flattering? Chic?”

“Yeah.” I said it as nonchalantly as I could.

Lisa laughed the laugh I was beginning to become infected with. It was an honest display of pleasure. “Girl, it’s all that. I love it.”

“Thank you. I value your opinion,” I said as a waiter came to take Lisa’s drink order.

“Aren’t you glad that in-service is over?” she asked.

“Yeah, but I did learn some stuff. I suppose the…,” I stopped just short of saying ‘older’. “…the teachers that have been around longer than me hate it.”

“Yes, the older teachers hate it.” The emphasis she placed on older got her point across, even without her dirty look.

“Sorry. I don’t consider you one of them. You’re…like me somehow. I don’t know how to explain it,” I said, sorry I had even mentioned it.

“Thanks, I guess. Just consider me a 32 year old first year teacher.”

I laughed back at her. I would move on before getting myself in further trouble.

I was beginning to learn that Lisa was an expert on not allowing the discussion to center too much on her. Several times since I’d met her she’d steered us away from topics dealing too closely with her private life or past. Little things came out, but nothing bordering on substantial.

Perhaps she was more sincerely interested in me than I gave her credit for. That would have been sweet, but I was inclined to think she just didn’t want to talk about her. One thing she’d never find out from me was that I came thinking about her. Not until she admitted to the same about me, and that question wasn’t going to be asked by me.

We left after about ninety minutes. Outside the bar she wished me luck on my first day with kids. The next thing I knew I was hugging her, thanking her for her help. It just seemed like the natural thing to do. We said goodbye and headed our separate ways.

I arrived early for the first day of school. I stopped in the office and checked my mailbox, which contained a small, wrapped box. Despite the urge to open it, I gathered the rest of my stuff and headed for Room 12…Miss Spivey’s third grade classroom.

I put my bag and purse on the desk and sat to open the box. Inside the plain white box was a small piece of paper folded in half. I opened it. “Chris. Congratulations and good luck. Lisa”

Under the note and a piece of cotton was a lovely gold necklace with an apple pendant. My hands trembled as I took it from the box. I held it up for a second before placing around my neck and latching it in place. I tucked it inside my blouse and held it in place with my hand. Two tears ran down my cheeks before I could wipe them away.

I rushed to prepare the room before allowing more tears to flow. I sniffled and heard, “Hey, kid. Today’s the day.”

Lisa was holding all her stuff in both arms, smiling ear to ear.

“I’m ready…I think,” I said.

“I know you are. You’ll do great.”

She turned to cross the hall.

“Hey, Lisa,” I yelled after her. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. “Thanks.”

She had a blank look for a second, until I reached for my necklace.

“Oh,” she finally said. “I hope you like it.”

“I love it.” And I did. Nobody bought me stuff. No boyfriend had ever done anything nearly as nice. I DID love it.

The day went smoother than I expected. The kids were great and none were left over when the busses pulled out at the end of the day. The troublesome kids were easy to pick out and I expected to be able to handle them. All and all, the day was a success.

I twirled the necklace around my finger and, in the privacy of my room, kissed the little apple. Sitting back in my chair, the tension of the day flowed out of me. I closed my eyes and tried to think of nothing. But Lisa’s perfume wouldn’t let me.

“Want to do it again tomorrow?”

She had got me again. I snapped my eyes open and jerked my head around to look at the door. “Yes, I do. And are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“What?” she asked, her hands spreading open beside her.

“You know what. You wait until I’m not looking, I swear.” I smiled to make sure she knew I wasn’t too serious.

“It’s my way of preparing you for kids.”

“I don’t want any kids,” I said. As soon as the words came out, I knew what she meant. “I mean, I don’t want to HAVE kids. I do want kids in here.”

She laughed as hard as I’d ever heard her laugh. She looked down the hall. “Hey, Linda. Chris doesn’t want any kids,” she yelled.

“Lisa Owens. Stop it.”


“Anyway,” I said, “I believe you need a man to have kids and the chances of that aren’t very good right now.”

“You could have had that guy at the club last week,” Lisa said enthusiastically.

“Yeah, right. For an hour. Then he’s gone and I never see him again. No thanks.”

Lisa didn’t answer. What the young teacher was saying was all too familiar and cutting. Too many men had entered Lisa’s life when she was younger and too many of them vanished overnight.

She’d only had one man since and that was more friendship than love. That, too, didn’t last. She found women to be more caring, compassionate and comforting. And better lovers.

“Listen, Chris. How about stopping by my place on Saturday. We’ll watch a video and just relax. No kids,” Lisa said.

“OK. I’d like that,” I said. “I’ll try not to ask too many stupid school questions.”

Lisa leaned against the doorframe, her hips bending out like a model posing. “Oh, don’t worry. If we’re lucky we won’t talk about school at all.”

“What time and what do you want me to bring?” I asked.

“How about seven or so and I’ll buy. No big deal.”

A date. I hadn’t actually looked forward to a date in so long I couldn’t remember the last time. However, driving home I debated with myself on whether it really was a date. A co-worker had asked me over. That’s hardly a date. Why did I consider Lisa asking me over a date?

I decided I spent too much time trying to figure such things out.

I survived the first week of school and headed into the weekend with a pretty good attitude. Saturday morning I cleaned my apartment and looked at some of the kids’ papers. In the afternoon I shopped and watched TV, anxious for the evening to arrive.

I showered after eating dinner and put on a touch of herbal body splash, thinking it didn’t smell nearly as nice as Lisa’s perfume. Choosing what to wear wasn’t all that difficult. Jeans would do, of course. I threaded my sash belt through a couple of loops and tied it in place just off-center in the front.

Now the top. And bra or no bra? This was becoming more difficult. The conservative me took over and I put on a sheer bra. But when I pulled out a tank top I liked—and remembering how much Lisa liked my cami—the naughty me took off the bra and slid on the top.

I adjusted the straps and looked in the mirror. Cleavage wasn’t my strong point, but you could tell I had breasts. I loved the way this top felt against my nipples and decided it was good enough for watching a video with Lisa.

The first indication to Lisa that she was excited about having me over was when she opened her “special occasion” underwear drawer. She peered in for a second before moving some of the silky, small objects aside. There it was. She pulled out a black thong and spread the straps apart. One leg at a time, she stepped into it and pulled it up. The straps snapped into place and she ran her fingers down the inside of the front until it was just right.

Lisa turned to the side and looked at herself in the mirror. The health club membership was worth every penny. She had a spectacular ass and waist, which she fretted over and worked on constantly. The strap of her thong was hidden between the cheeks of her ass and she squeezed them together with glee.

She pulled on jeans that clung to her like skin and removed a shirt from its hanger. Not just any shirt. This was her floral sheer—no, make that see thru—shirt with patterns that concealed the nipples and that was about all. Lisa tucked it into her jeans and looked once again into the mirror.

Very nice. She unbuttoned one more button at the top and looked again. Perfect. Her last act in the bedroom was to spray herself, as she always did, with Giorgio.

Lisa checked the refrigerator. She had beer, wine and all the ingredients for margaritas. She had made a small meat and cheese tray and planned on making popcorn later. She was ready.

I arrived a few minutes past seven, anxious to see the inside of Lisa’s condo. She had described it as a hole in the wall, but I suspected otherwise.

“You made it. Come on in,” Lisa said cheerfully as soon as the door opened.

A kitchen and eating space opened up on the right with a hallway straight ahead and stairs on the left. At the end of the hall was a bright, open great room.

“Wow. This is a great place, Lisa,” I said.

She put her hand on my back and led me down the hall.

“Thanks. It’s all I need,” she said.

A cathedral ceiling rose overhead as we got to the living area. A dining room on the right spilled into the family room with its stone fireplace. I looked up and saw a loft behind a beautiful wood railing running the length of one wall.

“Lisa, this is gorgeous. I’m so envious.”

It wasn’t until then that I had a chance to really look at my hostess. She looked stunning in her shirt and jeans. Somewhere in my mind it registered that there was nothing under the shirt. And a strange sensation ran through me. It was somewhere between excitement and lust.

“Chris, you have the most beautiful shirts. I love that on you,” Lisa was saying to me.

“Oh, thanks,” I said. “I assumed this wasn’t formal tonight.”

Lisa laughed. “Hardly. I don’t do formal very well.”

We decided to share some wine and I followed Lisa to the kitchen. She handed me the meat and cheese tray and I carried that back to the living room as she poured the wine. She joined me a few seconds later and we sat on opposite ends of the couch.

As we talked, ate and drank, I was absorbed in studying the woman’s features. Her blonde hair, of course, was perfect without looking phony. Her eyes and nose and mouth were faultless. And looking at her from the side when she reached for more cheese, the outline of her breasts appeared under her shirt. Although disrupted intermittently by the floral patterns, the natural beauty of the breasts was evident.

This woman was every man’s dream and she was sitting here on a Saturday night with me. The pieces of the puzzle were still scattered on the table when it came to Lisa, but patterns were emerging. I wouldn’t worry about the big picture until later. Right now I was enjoying looking at the pieces.

Lightning from several miles away flashed outside a window. It was nearly dark and the effect was eerie. Several seconds later the faint rumble of thunder could be heard. As Lisa refilled our glasses, I walked to the largest window and looked out.

“Go ahead and pull those shades,” Lisa shouted from the kitchen.

I closed them and met her near the couch.

“I don’t mind storms. Do you?” she asked.

“No. Not until they become severe. Then I worry, sometimes,” I said without hiding my childish fears.

“If it gets worse, you can stay until it’s over,” she said calmly.

“I just might.”

Lisa had rented the video of Chicago and we put it on after talking some more. She made some microwave popcorn and we sat barefoot on the couch with out legs tucked under us and pillows by our side.

Bright flashes of lightning and loud claps of thunder outside accompanied the film. Rain pounded against the windows in torrents as the wind howled. This was a typical spring storm in early autumn. I was glad to be with somebody.

“Man. It’s really…,” Lisa started to say. Then a blinding bolt of lightning was followed by total darkness and a deafening roar of thunder.

“Oh, shit,” Lisa cried.

Only the light from the non-stop lightning illuminated the room. I saw Lisa stand up.

“I’ll get a flashlight and some candles. You stay right there,” she said.

I didn’t even offer to help. I felt like such a little kid as Lisa rummaged in the kitchen. I heard her returning and turned to see her walking down the hall with a flashlight and an armful of stuff.

She bent down and laid matches, candles and another flashlight on the couch where she sat. The candles were the scented candles in small, round glass containers.

“Put a couple candles on the table and light them. OK?” she asked.

I quickly lit two candles as she put a third on the end table. Already the room was faintly brighter and much “friendlier”. Lisa stood in front of the couch and reached down for her wine.

“Well. So much for watching Chicago,” she said.

I laughed a weak, nervous laugh. “That’s OK. It’s not your fault.”

Another huge crack of thunder followed a brilliant flash of lightning. Lisa sat on the couch close to me.

“You OK?”

“Yes. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. As long as I’m with someone…,” I said sounding very unconvincing, I’m sure.

“OK. I’ll stay then,” Lisa said.

I laughed again. We watched the light of the candles combine with the light show outside. It was actually very relaxing. Or was that the wine?

At some point I realized Lisa was silently gazing at me. I met her eyes.

“Chris, I’m really glad you’re at the school. I think we’ll have a good year, don’t you?” she asked in the semi-darkness between lightning strikes.

“I hope so. I’m afraid of screwing up, but with you around to help I should be OK.”

“I keep telling you. You’ll do fine,” she said.

I looked at her and smiled in lieu of saying anything else. Her hair and eyes glowed even in the candlelight. We just sat and looked at each other for a second, but it seemed to last forever.

Another lightning flash seemingly right outside the condo caused me to jump. Lisa scooted over a foot or so on the couch until we were close enough to touch each other. She put her hand on my leg.

“Relax, Chris. I’m here.”

I put my hand on hers and squeezed it. She turned her hand over until our palms met. Then our fingers intertwined and we held each other tight. I looked into her face again. She was already looking at me, but not with a smile. It was a contented look. Peaceful.

She brought my hand to her mouth and kissed it.

“It’ll be alright.”

A chill ran through me. She put my hand on her cheek and my entire body felt like it was being drawn to her. I leaned towards her.

Lisa let go of my hand and reached out her arm. I fell into it slowly. She put it around my shoulder and we slid our bodies closer together. My head was on her shoulder before I even knew what was happening.

Nothing was said. We sat and watched and listened. Then I smelled her perfume. It surrounded me. It was as if I’d entered another room—a safe, bright room.

Lisa’s hand slid up and down my arm, then moved to my hair. She pulled my head harder against her shoulder. Softly…gently…she kissed the top of my head.

I looked up at her and turned my head so I was facing her. We were less than a foot apart. I could hear her breathe. I saw her sensual lips part. And I wanted to kiss her.

Our lips met while my eyes were closed. The shock of the contact made me flinch, but I kept in contact with her. Neither of us attempted to make the kiss anything more than it was.

“Oh, Chris,” Lisa sighed when our lips separated.

My arm had wrapped around her back and I held her by the waist. I wanted to reposition the way I was sitting, but I was afraid to move. Maybe I was still in shock.

“Lisa. I…I…”

The woman kissed me again. Gently. She solved my discomfort on the couch by moving her body more to face me. The only problem was my hand now was on her side, at breast level. I felt it brush against the side of her right breast as our kiss continued. I felt her stiffen and sensed an intake of air by her when we touched.

Just before breaking the kiss, she put both hands on my side. When I opened my eyes again she was looking at my body, moving her hands to the small amount of skin below my top and above my jeans.

Her fingers caressed my skin. She had to feel and hear my uneven breathing. I didn’t want her to stop, but I didn’t want her to go any farther. The kisses were nice and heartfelt, but…she was touching me with fingers that seemed to float on my skin.

Lightning and thunder faded outside, but still broke the night’s silence. Candlelight flickered off Lisa’s face. She was more beautiful than ever.

I felt pressure against my waist. I was being pushed backward ever so lightly. I was going to fall onto the couch.

My head delicately hit the pillow behind me. My legs stretched out along the front of the couch, next to Lisa’s. In the dimness I saw her leaning down to me and I reached out for her.

With my arms wrapped around her, she put her mouth on mine and we kissed passionately, with an overpowering lust. I smelled her and felt her and heard her moaning while our tongues clashed. It all combined to form an awareness of nothing but her and me. No other sights or sounds existed.

Lisa’s hands ran over my hair and onto my face. She laid her body on mine and I managed to swing my legs onto the couch beneath her. Finally, we lay face-to-face, chest-to-chest, lost in a kiss.

Actually, the kiss had turned into a mutual attempt to devour the other woman. Out mouths opened and closed around each other, licking and sucking at the same time. Whimpers escaped from both of us, as if trying to communicate our desires.

With Lisa’s hands all over me, I failed to notice that she had pulled the straps of my top over my shoulders. What I noticed was that her right hand was able to slide inside my top and rest on my left breast.

This first touch by a woman sent more than waves through my body. I was trembling as if in a snowstorm naked. I was scared. Until she touched my nipple. THAT sensation I already knew. I felt it in my pussy.

Lisa pulled the straps to my top off my arms, exposing both breasts. I made no attempt to stop her as her mouth headed for a nipple. If the feel of her hand on my nipple felt good, I can’t explain what happened when her tongue touched me.

“Oh, Lisa.” My eyes were closed, my mouth open. “No.”

I didn’t mean it and she knew it. Or if she thought I did, she wasn’t about to stop. She licked me until the nipple was hard and more sensitive than it had ever been. She put it in her mouth, along with a good portion of my breast. When she ran her tongue over it some more, I arched my chest toward her head.

This had to be the final sign to her that she had me. Nothing she could do the rest of the evening could disappoint me. She was an expert and she was about to use every skill on my body. As the storm faded outside, the storm inside me was just building up.

Lisa had one breast in her hand and the other in her mouth. I never wanted her to leave my chest. When she began to alternate them in her mouth I honestly believed I could have cum.

Maybe she sensed this because a moment later she pulled back. I watched as she leaned toward the table and blew out two of the candles, leaving just the one on the end table. It was barely enough for us to make out shapes in the room.

“Take off your top,” she said in a near whisper. “Please.”

She didn’t need to beg. I lifted it off, comforted somewhat by the darkness of the room. I asked myself what I was doing, but never considered saying no to Lisa. I lay back down, waiting for her to make the next move.

She began by unbuttoning her shirt. Perhaps the ghostly shadows of the room influenced me, but I wanted desperately to see and feel and taste her breasts. It was temptation at its ultimate. Nearly within arm’s length was one of the most beautiful bodies I’d ever seen and yet I couldn’t make it out. The breasts were there, then they weren’t. I wanted them.

Lisa pulled off the shirt and dropped it next to the couch. She hesitated for what seemed an eternity before leaning toward me. Right before her body contacted mine I saw the marvelous shape of her breasts as they hung down. When her breasts hit mine, I exhaled a moan that only lovers would understand.

She kissed my forehead and nose and face and neck. She licked me and nibbled on me and kissed me some more. Our hips grinded together while my hands explored her back and shoulders. She felt magnificent as she consumed me.

“I want you,” I murmured in her ear. “I want your…”

I didn’t need to say the word. She moved up and a breast hovered above my face. I put my hand on it just before it dropped to my mouth. Receiving it with my lips and tongue seemed like the most natural thing I had ever done.

My tongue couldn’t avoid the nipple. Having never been with a woman, never having a woman tell me what aroused her, I knew to lick and suck on her nipple. It’s what I would have wanted.

Lisa’s breasts were full and firm and wonderful. I let them rub against my face. They were cool and soft. I closed my eyes and lost myself in their splendor. Again I put one in my mouth and Lisa muttered a soft “Yes”.

My hands moved to her ass. I felt the warmth between her legs even through her jeans. I squeezed gently at first, then harder with a lustful zeal. I hoped that I would have a chance to feel the skin inside the jeans.

The truth was, I was beyond my initial alarm about what was happening and I now wanted what was once fantasy to become reality. We could have dressed at this point and come back another night. But I wanted this woman naked. Now.

I would worry later about what to do then.

What I hadn’t considered was that she wanted me naked, too. And she was on top. In control. So when she withdrew her breasts from my face and moved down my body, it took me by surprise.

Lisa lightly licked my nipples as she passed them by. Then I felt her tongue on my stomach and around my navel. God, don’t stop, I thought to myself.

She untied my belt and unbuttoned the jeans. When I heard the zipper being pulled down I felt my anxieties return. I also felt the wetness between my legs. I had a feeling my body’s needs would overcome my apprehensions.

I lifted my ass off the couch to allow Lisa to pull my jeans over my hips and down my legs. I looked up into the darkness and watched the flickering light of the candle bounce off the ceiling, creating crazy, indefinable patterns. My jeans hitting the floor snapped me back to the real world.

Cool air rushed over my body. But I felt safe. The lightning was nearly all gone and Lisa’s scent still surrounded me.

When her hands touched my thighs my body stiffened. Lisa’s fingers barely made contact with my skin as they rose up my legs. They slid under my panties and continued past my pussy and to the top of my legs. Then Lisa brought them together inside my panties directly over the small patch of hair that bordered my clit.

She made no attempt to arouse me. Just touch me. Perhaps look and feel for a response from me. I couldn’t move. But that was my way of saying, “Yes. More.”

Lisa pulled down my panties. That was the first time my mind really, really centered on the fact a woman was getting me naked and we were probably about to make love. I only had a faint clue of what we were supposed to do. Of course, lying on my back and letting the “expert” do me would be easy. How I should respond to her would be more difficult.

I desperately wanted not to disappoint her. But she had to know this was my first time. She had to.

My panties were on the floor. I was naked. Thank God it was dark. I told myself I would NOT wake up the entire city if the lights came back on. Breathe, Chris, breathe.

“Chris Spivey, you are beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous,” Lisa said quietly.

I could make out the smile on her face and I smiled back, embarrassed yet appreciative of her compliment.

“Thanks, Lisa. I hope…Uh. I haven’t…”

“Shhh. Let me teach you,” she said.

Teachers. That’s what we were. And Lisa was going to teach me how to love a woman. And be loved.

I watched her kneel between my legs and unbutton her jeans. She pulled down the zipper and pushed the pants halfway to her knees. I stared at the miniscule patch of material that covered her pussy. The thong was erotic in its simplicity. Lisa was smiling, but I never noticed.

She climbed off the couch and stood, letting the jeans fall to the floor before stepping out of them. Sensuously, she placed fingers around the straps of her thong and pulled it down. She turned just enough for me to see both her ass and her pussy as she removed it. I couldn’t stop looking as the shadows moved across her nakedness.

She posed for me for just an instant, her hands on her ass.

“God, Lisa.” I wanted to say she was beautiful and sexy and driving me crazy. But I didn’t know how. I was so afraid of saying something stupid I didn’t say anything. Maybe that was best.

Lisa got back on the couch, putting her knees between my legs and her mouth on my left breast. I held her head in place with my hand, brushing her fine blonde hair. I spread my legs farther apart as her tongue licked my nipple harder.

Then she moved lower again. This time she didn’t stop at my navel. She took small bites with her lips above and around my clit. But never on it. I moved my hips trying to put my clit under her mouth, but she moved away each time. She kissed my thighs and licked her way back up.

I felt the tension in my legs build until her tongue finally touched my clit. My entire body shuddered and I felt a strange calmness enter me. All the trepidation over another woman wanting me disappeared. It was happening and she was making me wild with lust. Just let it happen, Chris.

I felt Lisa’s tongue slide between the folds of skin that separated my cunt from my clit. She had to taste me. My juices had been building since the first kiss. Now her tongue was at the entrance to my cunt and I wanted her to savor me.

With her hands firmly planted on my ass, she lifted me off the couch and pushed her tongue inside me. Never before had a cock felt so good. She licked the inside of my cunt, hitting every corner she could reach. I moaned as she pulled out.

Her tongue slowly rose up between my legs. It teased my clit before making solid contact once again. I pushed myself into her face. I felt her squeeze my ass as she licked frantically. Her nose was pressed against me as she opened her mouth and accepted the entire area around my clit into it.

Now her lips and tongue worked together on the engorged clit. Sounds escaped me that I had never made before. This was total pleasure.

“Oh, Lisa. Yes. Yes.”

I was going to cum. That was inevitable. But I found myself wondering if I should cum now, when I wanted to, or wait. What would an “experienced” woman do? God, Chris, quit thinking. Concentrate.

My hand was on my breast, twirling a nipple between my thumb and forefinger. That was the last stimulus I needed.

I began to shake. Lisa manipulated my clit with precision and my nipple tingled. I cried out as the orgasm erupted inside me.

“Come on, Chris. That’s it.” Lisa only lifted her mouth long enough to utter the short words of encouragement, then placed it on me again.

My natural instinct took over. I started lifting and lowering my hips as if her mouth was a cock. I was fucking her face because that’s all I knew to do. I was cumming and when I came I moved my hips.

Fortunately, Lisa was able to maintain contact with my increasingly sensitive clit. The more she licked the more I came. My breasts swung back and forth in rhythm with my body and my head rolled from one side of the pillow to the other.

I was clutching the couch until moving my hands to the back of Lisa’s head. I never wanted her to leave the area between my legs. One orgasm flowed into another and my cunt felt like it would never return to normal. Deep inside of me ripples from the orgasms worked their way through me until bursting from my pussy.

“Lisa. Lisa, stop.”

I tried to crawl up the couch to get away from the tongue that had driven me to multiple orgasms and now needed to let me take a break. But Lisa clung to my ass and pulled me into her once more.

“Lisa,” I said half laughing. “No. Please.”

Finally she stopped. My body was numb. I had cum with men and lay with them while we recovered. But it was never like this. I was totally spent, breathing hard and on the verge of sweating.

“Oh, my God,” I sighed. “What was that?”

Lisa laughed and kissed my thighs, the moisture from her lips feeling cool on my skin. “That was an orgasm, I believe.”

I put my hands on my stomach and tried to relax. “I’ve had orgasms. That was different.”

Lisa crawled up my body, the feeling of her skin on mine sending new waves of delight through me. She kissed me and I got my first taste of the sweet juices that had just flowed out of me. We kissed long and hard, my hands exploring her body and her tongue exploring my mouth.

Her ass was magnificent to touch. The round curves gave way to my fingers and palms, compressing together until I moved back out to her hips again. I pulled her closer to me and felt her breasts on mine. I could have stayed like that all night.

But Lisa broke the kiss and rolled until she sat on the edge of the couch. She handed me my glass of wine and held her own. I leaned up.

“To your first time.” I accepted her toast and we touched glasses. Then each took a drink.

Lisa took my glass from me and returned it to the table. I watched with uncertainty as she lay on the other end of the couch, her legs stretching out around me. Her eyes penetrated mine and captured me. Once she knew I was watching her every move, she moved her glass to her breasts.

The glass tilted and a trickle of wine covered one breast. Lisa looked at me invitingly. I needed no other hints.

I lowered my head and caught the bottom of the flow of wine. I lapped it up and followed the stream to the top of her breast. It was the most exhilarating drink I’d ever had.

Lisa repeated the process on the other breast. I eagerly drank it up.

“Move down,” she said.

I obeyed. The glass poured a small amount of wine below her navel. I followed it down to the pencil thin strip of blonde hair above her clit. The rest of Lisa’s pussy was shaven completely clean. This woman wore thongs, for God’s sake, I told myself when marveling at the lack of hair.

Then a thought struck me. I hesitated, considered my choices, then acted. I reached for Lisa’s glass, stuck my forefinger deep into it and brought my dripping finger to her clit.

I rubbed the wine from my finger onto her clit, feeling her react to my touch. Before my mouth touched her, she had placed the glass on the floor. We were ready.

I tasted the wine first, then her skin. It was an amazingly smooth, warm, sweet taste. I licked again…a long, slow stroke from bottom to top. By the time I got her the third time, I could feel her clit grow. And I noticed that Lisa’s perfume wasn’t the prevailing fragrance. Her body had taken over.

Finding where to concentrate my efforts would be easier than I suspected. I felt better. Lisa’s moans of pleasure only increased my confidence.

I wanted to feel her ass again, so my hands slid under her. Her cheeks cupped perfectly into my palms and I kneaded them. By now I was hastily licking her clit, letting my nerves dictate the rhythm.

“Slow down, Chris,” I told myself.

When I did, Lisa pulled her knees apart and up toward her hips. She was beginning to feel more comfortable and I certainly was gaining self-confidence.

“Ahh, Chris. Eat meeee,” Lisa cried.

I engulfed her clit with my mouth and tried to feel for the proper place to lick and suck. I took the approach that if I covered the entire area with my tongue I’d have to hit it at some point.

Lisa’s body began gyrating around my mouth, so I assumed I was doing something right. Her sighs and moans helped convince me she was getting closer. I just didn’t want to screw up now.

“Oh, God. Yes. There.”

Her legs separated by another few inches and she rose off the couch. I wrapped my hands around the tops of her thighs to hold on as her orgasm began.

She shouted my name again, bucking wildly underneath me. I clung tightly to her as one orgasm fed another. I found myself moaning along with her, urgently wanting her to be satisfied.

Her pussy dripped from my saliva combined with her juices. I swallowed and kept going. I stroked her clit as hard as I could with my tongue and tucked it between my lips. Each time seemed to make Lisa cum again.

Eventually, her body relaxed and her moaning subsided. I brushed my mouth along one thigh and kissed it. Her soft skin felt warm and inviting. I kissed her clit one last time.

Lisa’s hand touched my hair. Soon, both hands were on my head, pulling me up to her. I looked forward to placing my breasts on hers this time, feeling my smaller breasts press into hers. The feeling was just as good as I had imagined.

When we kissed, Lisa wrapped her legs around my waist. The result was a soothing reassurance that everything was all right. I felt as if I was part of her and she accepted me for who I was. I would try to deal with those issues later.

“You were marvelous,” Lisa said into my ear.

“Thanks. You made it easy,” I told her.

We simply hugged and rolled back and forth on the couch. The storm had pretty much moved on and the candle continued to burn. It was plenty of light and added a peaceful touch to the sexual tension that had built and been released.

Lisa offered to let me go home if I wanted. I told her I wanted to stay.

“All night?” she asked playfully.


“What do I have to do to convince you?” Lisa asked.

“Pour wine all over me,” I said after a moment’s thought.

She laughed a genuine laugh and gave me a squeeze with her thighs.

“We just might have to do that.”

For half an hour, we lay in each other’s arms, talking and flirting. Several times I questioned myself about what was happening. At no point did I feel it was wrong. Surprising and unforeseen? Yes. Disappointing? No. Worth pursuing? Certainly.

Later, Lisa rolled off the couch and fumbled with my jeans. I realized quickly that she was pulling my belt from around the waistband. When it was free, she reached out an open hand to me. I grabbed it and she pulled me up.

“Get the candle,” she told me.

I leaned back and carefully picked it up. Hand in hand we walked through the darkness into her bedroom.

I sat the candle on the table next to the bed. Before I could lean back up, Lisa leaned into me with her body and pushed me onto the bed. We fell face first, my body letting out a great exhale when we hit the bedspread.

“Lisa!” I exclaimed with a childish laugh.

I felt something on my wrist. Then a gripping sensation around it. I looked over and saw my sash belt being looped around my wrist and my arm being pulled up to the headboard. In an instant, one end of the belt was tied to a railing in the headboard.

Lisa hovered over my body, her knees on either side of my waist.

“There. Now be a good girl and roll over.” Lisa had leaned down and nearly whispered the words into my ears. The sexy voice demanded to be obeyed.

I rolled over. The woman straddled me, smiling broadly. I felt slightly more at ease, but still anxious. Or was it stimulated?

Lisa pulled my free arm over to the tied wrist, wrapped the belt around the second wrist, and tied it to the headboard. As she leaned over me, her breasts were inches from my face. I wanted them badly. But, I was bound tightly and securely. I wasn’t about to go anywhere soon.

“You ready to cum again?” she asked.

I just nodded.

Lisa slid off the bed and, in the semi-darkness, I watched her open a dresser drawer. She looked back over her shoulder while I looked at her beautiful ass.

“Special occasion drawer,” she said with a smile.

I giggled. A second later her hand reappeared from inside the drawer. A sparkle flashed quickly and vanished. Then it shined again. Silver. Whatever she had was silver.

She crawled back onto the bed and brought the object closer to my face. It was a smooth, silver dildo—a bullet-shaped toy of above average length and width.

“I realize you are more used to cocks,” she said, holding up the object.

“But…,” I began.

“OK. Maybe they’re not all this big.” She laughed as she rotated it in her hand.

“Lisa, I haven’t seen anything that big in my dreams,” I said, with great emphasis on dreams.

“After this, you won’t settle for anything less.”

The certainty with which she said it convinced me she might be right. I was horny again beyond description. Being tied up by this lovely woman, seeing her naked and having her produce the toy was more than I could bear. And I had a sneaky suspicion she knew how to use it.

“Relax and let Lisa take care of you, babe,” she said. How could I resist?

Lisa touched the toy against my calf and ran it over my knee to my thigh. My legs separated a little as she moved the dildo toward my pussy. She skimmed past it, leaving me with my ass half off the bed and the toy proceeding up my torso.

She drew a little circle around my navel before sliding the tip of the dildo up to my breasts. I wanted to take her hand and guide the toy, but the more I struggled against my constraints the tighter they got. I let her have her way.

When the cool, almost cold, tip of the dildo first touched one of my nipples, I thought I’d scream. It was though a switch had been turned on and my body activated. Each time she ran the toy over the nipple my body shivered. If it had been inside me, I’m not sure the reaction would have been any different. But I’d soon find out.

She played with both breasts, sensing my arousal. It could have also been from the fact I begged her for more.

Lisa waited for my eyes to open before taking the dildo and sliding it erotically into her mouth. I could not take my eyes off her soft lips sensuously wrapping around the silver toy. She used her tongue to lick the entire length of it and I felt the result in my cunt. She just smiled at me and moved between my legs.

Finally, she allowed the dildo to touch my clit on its way down to my cunt. I moaned and pulled against my belt. My body rocked back and forth, unable to control the excitement building up inside.

I felt the cold metal against my skin. I was wet and I imagined that Lisa could see the wetness shimmer on the silver even in the dim light of the bedroom. I looked down at the woman working the object so intently around the opening to my cunt.

Then I finally felt the end of the dildo touch my pussy lips. I threw my head down onto the pillow and waited. It was a short wait before the tip of the toy entered me. I felt my cunt stretch to receive it.

My God, I thought. This was just the tip of it and I felt my hole being expanded like never before. A moment later a wider portion of the dildo entered me and I cried out.

“Oh, God. Lisa. Ahhh.”

Whatever discomfort I felt at first gave way to total exhilaration as more of the toy entered me. Lisa was extremely gentle, allowing me to concentrate on the fact that this object was completely filling my vagina. I felt it everywhere inside me. No cock had ever done this to me.

When Lisa began a slow, methodical sliding of the dildo in and out of me I was sure I was in heaven. At least, this was how I wanted to die–with this silver toy filling me to the point of explosion.

“Yes. Yes. Please, fuck me.”

I wasn’t sure whom I was talking to…Lisa or the inanimate object. I just wanted it.

She picked up the pace and, from what I could tell, jammed the entire length of the dildo inside me. I felt it rub against all sides of my cunt, hitting every sensitive spot I had. No tongue could do this.

I bucked my hips wildly, unable to use my hands to guide the thing where I wanted it most. I wanted it on the top of my cunt and I managed to get it there at times by sinking my ass into the bed. Once again, the teacher was making me learn.

I was content with letting this process carry on until I felt Lisa’s tongue on my clit. I nearly screamed her name in delight and pleaded with her for more. After a few seconds of teasing, she sucked on the swollen clit.

An orgasm erupted and I shoved my lower body into her face and hand. The headboard rattled loudly as I struggled against my bondage. My body bounced violently on the bed as the toy continued to enter me again and again.

I’ve heard of people passing out during sex. I never believed it. But my head spun and I truly lost all sense of time and space. This was the closest I’d ever been to perfect sex.

I had no idea how long my orgasm lasted. Or should I say orgasms? But when I was done every muscle in my body hurt. Every inch of my breasts and pussy wanted to be touched. And I couldn’t get to them.

Lisa had put me in a position where I couldn’t say no and couldn’t stop saying yes. A week ago I thought women were good for chatting, eating and shopping with. Now I wasn’t sure that I didn’t want them in bed with me every night.

I had nearly attacked Lisa when she untied my hands. I wanted so badly to reciprocate the love she had given me. When the lights came back on, we were laying in bed, both having enjoyed the pleasure of the silver toy. I would leave her the next morning.

The school year will continue, but it won’t be the same. I will smell Lisa’s perfume and my mind will wonder. To a dark room on a stormy night.

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