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Consent Theory

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Michael Halversun has a hard time recounting his memories, even now that he is safe in the small book laden office of his therapist. The twenty year old is filled with guilt, his voice wavering as he speaks into the tape recorder and his therapist sits across from him, listening to his tale. His upbringing told him that adultery was a great sin, and his masculinity told him that it was his fault. Whether either of those things were true really didn’t matter any more to him. Michael had been raped.

It had all begun six months before, when the young college junior had enrolled in an social sciences course at the state university he attended. It was not his usual topic of study and he had found himself quickly drowning in the foreign material and studies. He found it difficult to read and comprehend the philosophical analysis of men three hundred years since gone. How he had longed for the safety of his engineering courses and the scientific step processes which allowed him to logically come to the same conclusions as the pioneers of the field.

The only solution for the newlywed was to sign up for every available office hour. Every day after class he would head to his professor’s office to cover the lecture material and reading in a more comfortable environment where he could raise questions on simple things without looking like a fool in front of his classmates. The teacher of the class didn’t mind, and she seemed to readily accept and encourage his eagerness to keep up. He had mistakenly interpreted that as devotion to her job.

The professor was actually an associate who did not have tenure and had only recently arrived at the school, from a smaller private institution where some whispers of wrongdoing had led to her dismissal. She was in her tenth year of teaching out of graduate school and had found that college was the perfect place to sate her vast palate of needs and desires. Michael was not her first victim, and he would not be her last.

On the last Friday before the final, Michael had reserved his typical time of office hours and had hurried down the basement stairs to her small sanctuary to try and understand a particularly difficult topic. His professor, Amy Tetrell had greeted him with an open door, a small smile playing across her lips.

She had turned as soon as he had entered the room and walked to her desk where she leaned, her hand extended outward, indicating a seat for him to take. Michael took his seat and began to unpack his notebooks in his lap. His attention momentarily lapsed as he looked to the space in front of him and realized just how short the tweed skirt his professor was wearing was. He glanced immediately back down at his notes, trying to cover up a slight blush on his face. He was happily married, and knew that even thinking about another woman lustfully was considered adulterous. He loved his wife and wanted to maintain a pure relationship in her eyes and in God’s. The professor was attractive to be sure, and he did not blame her for having a body that was a temptation for him. She was a person valuable to the Creator and it was his own fault for slipping.

Gulping, he flipped a few more sheets and found the section he was looking for.

“I’m having trouble understanding the notion of implicit and explicit consent. I don’t get exactly where we draw the distinction at… It seems like inaction is implicit and any type of action is explicit, but some of the other authors seem to think that action isn’t explicit in and of itself. How do I tell which is which?” Michael looked up again, his eyes trying to slip over his teacher’s body without stopping to appreciate its features.

She was playing with the top button of her blue blouse, another hand resting on the corner of her desk.

“That’s exactly it. Some of the people we are studying disagree on consent theory. There isn’t really a one hundred percent right answer. Say for instance, I propositioned you right now. If you said yes, I would have your explicit consent according to Rousseau. If you didn’t say anything, I would have your implicit consent.”

It had taken Michael a moment to register the word propositioned. At first he had just skipped over the hypothetical to the content, but had done a double take when he realized what she had said.

“Excuse me?”

“There’s no need to be coy Michael. I know why you come down here every week. I was just getting to the point. Now where would you like to do it?”


“Michael, we’re both adults and can make decisions for ourselves. I’ve seen you eyeing me. And I must admit, I find you quite handsome myself.”

“I’m sorry. There must be some mistake,” Michael stuttered. “I’m married. I don’t want anything from you. Honestly.”

“Right. I’m to believe you really need all this extra help. Get your clothes off and fuck me. I’m not in the mood to play around,” came her instructive reply.

“I do need the help. I really did. I think maybe I should go,” Michael managed. He folded up his notebooks in a rush and accidentally dropped a few sheets of paper to the floor. When he looked back up after collecting them, there was a sinister smile on his professor’s otherwise elegant face.

He cocked his head to the side as her hand emerged from behind her, a matte black shape clutched in her palm. He would not register that it was a Taser until she had applied it to his arm, blue sparks arcing onto his skin. His body erupted into uncontrollable shudders as the high voltage coursed into him. One more application of the self defense device, and Michael was unconscious, helpless before his trusted professor.

When he awoke again, his plight had grown distinctly more desperate. His senses first became aware of the room he was in, and his mind finally managed to catch up. As it did, he tried to bolt from the chair he found himself in, but quickly discovered he was tied skillfully across its heavy metal frame. The chair did not budge, apparently chained to the desk, which in turn was bolted to the floor. His breathing grew in rapidity, as he found his captor standing across from him, leaning on one hip as she studied her handiwork.

One bang had fallen across her forehead and her glasses were pushed a little farther down her nose than was normal, but her smile was genuine. Michael glanced down and around him, and quickly discovered that his pants had been undone and that his naked penis had been fished from its underpants. It lay, in its own silent surrender off to the side of one thigh. He tried to cry out but found his tongue and voice muffled by some piece of material. As he tried to spit it out, he became aware that it was duct taped in. He tried pushing his tongue through the barrier, but was instead rewarded with a flavorful sampling of a salty taste that filled the material. His penis twitched as it recognized a taste not dissimilar from his own wife’s pussy.

All the while his professor just stood across from him, one hand lightly grazing across her collar bone while the other sat on her hip. The darkly vibrant eyes scanned his bound form, pausing each time they passed his groin and only to make eye contact with him. Michael, finally exasperated by the futility of his efforts, surrendered and sat still, allowing his mind to be lulled by the ticking of the clock.

Amy would wait a little longer, watching the gorgeous naked boy bound before her, savoring the details of the way in which she would take him. But first a little teasing.

Breaking from her stance, she moved towards him, her eyes carefully tracking his, looking for any male signs of intoxication with the female sex. She was a bit disappointed that her approach do little reaction from him. That would not last long.

Once she was by his side, she knelt on the cold surface of the floor and gazed up at him. He simply stared defiantly back.

The young man watched her as she slowly raised one hand, and placed two fingertips on his khaki covered knee cap. He focused on her face, instead of on her hand, trying to dismiss it. But slowly, the fingertips began to walk up his knee, to his thigh, and farther up, until they were stopped a mere inch or two away from the still form of his flaccid cock. Michael’s eyes stayed on Amy’s, not letting his mind wander to the proximity of her to his penis. But her eyes kept looking down and back again, breaking eye contact and guiding his sight down to his lap.

Each time he followed her vision, he would find his mind starting to wander and each time he had to arrest it by returning to thoughts of the heartbreak that his wife would experience by such a betrayal. But as Amy’s breathing increased with the torturous refusal she commanded of herself and her tongue darted out to wet her lips, Michael began to realize just how futile a battle it was.

When his eyes finally moved to his cock of their own volition and without prompting of any sort, Amy gave him a reward of sorts.

Her hand quickly withdrew to her mouth where one finger tip was delicately moistened by her tongue. Then that digit was returned to his crotch and it slowly found its place at the base of his cock, where it met with its heavy testes. The first touch caused his hips to twitch in involuntary excitement. It was so subtle a touch that later he would wonder if it had ever actually happened. The edge of the nail would slide from the crevice between his bent penis and sack and trail a small bit of moisture upwards, over his shaft.

Michael had to look away, his mind was having a difficult time looking beyond Amy’s beautiful face and sexy form, and all the possibilities that surrender offered. But they were quickly, magnetically, drawn back to his dick as her finger gently slid back down his member. When it reached the base again, her thumb joined the pointer finger in embracing the heated piece of flesh. Together, with just the tips of each in contact, they slipped back upwards.

Chagrined, the young man recognized that his penis was beginning to respond to the gentle touch of the gorgeous woman whom he desperately wished to be free of. Its growth was slow but steady, and with each increase in its length and firmness, her fingers would move a little faster up and down his shaft. By the time it had reached its full eight inches, Amy’s two fingers were doing as close to a hand job as they could with just their tips.

Amy was enthralled by the vulnerability of the man she hardened with her fingertips. Despite his best efforts, his penis was rock hard and standing at full flagstaff. Even she was having a difficulty attempting to restrain herself. But she wanted him to suffer and to give in entirely to her desires, so she forced a new group of willpower to the forefront of her mind and avoided skipping any steps to the glorious finale.

She rose on her knees, pushing her tight ass off its resting place on her heels, until she was between his thighs. Her remaining fingers joined the two already on his penis and they surrounded it in a tight, warm grip. Her mouth rose up over his erect cock and her lips slowly parted, her breathing pushing warm air out over the purple head of his member.

Michael’s heart raced as he resisted the urge to thrust upwards, to close the final gap between his penis and her mouth. That was what she wanted, his mind screamed, don’t surrender! Thoughts of his wife and his vows to her helped to overcome the near insatiable urge.

Seeing that the young man was not ready to give in, Amy pushed some of her saliva forward in her mouth with her tongue. As it pooled and slowly spilled over her lips, dripping in a steady stream over the rod beneath her, Amy began to move her hand.

Up and down the now well lubricated appendage moved, smearing the junior’s cock with warm liquid. The dick throbbed beneath the intensity of its new sensations, denying Michael’s mind’s attempts to still it. Small pearlescent droplets of pre-cum began to form at the split in its tip. But the swiftly moving hand smeared them into the mixture of saliva and used them to further lubricate their joining.

“Good isn’t it, Michael?”

Amy was teasing him gently, her words carried on the same hot breath which caressed his tool.

“You seem to like this. For a married man you sure got hard quickly, didn’t you? I wonder what your wife would say if she saw you like this. She probably strokes you like this, doesn’t she. Such a beautiful cock, she properly likes to lick it,” his professor whispered just before her tongue darted out, its tip running from just beneath the head of his cock, up over its tip, where it carried away some of his fluid.

“Mmmm… Salty. It tastes so good. And look, there’s more already there.”

Again her tongue slowly ran from the bottom of his shaft and up over the head of his penis where more of his fluid was whisked away to her mouth. Over and over her tongue danced across the head of his penis as her hand beat him off.

Michael was having a hard time focusing through the intensity of the stimulation that she was delivering to him. His eyes had become locked on his penis by now and there was no denying his arousal. In the depths of his mind he still heard his conscience’s demands to resist and to fight back, but Amy was proving too damned good at the blow job to deny the acceptance of this pleasure.

His mind began to buzz as her tongue began to swirl around his phallus, never taking it into her mouth, just adding moisture and a different sensation to the regular pace of her furiously stroking palm. Around the edges of his vision details began to fade and he knew that soon he would be coming.

In a last act of defiance he tried twisting his hips suddenly away from her, but her grip was to firm and his cock remained in her possession.

She broke away from the torture only to taunt him more.

“Ooh, are you close, Mikey? Are you going to come soon? That’s a good boy. Let it out,” she breathily moaned. Her head lifted a little further from his penis as her hand grew more urgent in its stimulation. Suddenly she felt the pulse of eruption in its base and a second later the first spurting glob of his semen launched from its tip and landed on the front of his shirt. Inspired by the first shot her hand doubled its efforts and soon more catapulting spots of fluid joined the first.

“Oh, God, oh god,” Michael cried as he came. His voice disappeared into a mumbling groan in her panty gag and he could merely thrust upwards in reaction to his orgasm. Amy seized on this new found submission and her hungry wanton mouth descended onto his still spurting member. She sucked him deep into her oral orifice and bobbed her head up and down on his length, all the while maintaining a tight grip at the base of his cock in an effort to prolong his erection.

The fury of her mouth’s attack kept him cumming for a minute longer, and she was given a plentiful taste of his salty snack. But from the bestial look in her eyes, he could tell that she loved it.

Until then, Amy had been denying her own needs in an effort to pinpoint all of her attentions on her captive. But now that she had tasted his semen her own burning desire came to the forefront of her mind. Her free hand moved behind her and found the zipper at the back of her skirt. Awkwardly she tugged the little metal pulley downwards until the formerly encasing material slipped away from her hips. It would pool at her bent knees but she did not mind. There was something intensely erotic about being partially undressed on her knees before a bound man, with her finger digging beneath her panties and into her pussy.

Already her twat was well lubricated from the progress she had made in fulfilling this fantasy of hers. As her head bobbed continuously on Michael’s erect member, her fingers spread her pussy lips wide and allowed her to insert her middle finger into her moist depths. A groan of her own pleasure rumbled through Michael’s cock as she pushed it as deep as her position would allow.

The smell of her spread sex began to fill the air, extending outward from her invaded channel and into the enclosed room. Quickly her finger fucked in and out, trying to match the pace of her mouth on the captive’s cock. The notion of being able to take whatever she wanted from this man added to the thrill. All of the taboos and rules she was violating just increased the pleasure she reveled in exponentially.

When her finger could not give enough pleasure by fucking into her depths, it began to slide swiftly over her clitoris. The small little nub had emerged from its hood and its naked tip recorded and magnified every bit of contact she had with it. Her well practiced masturbation continued with her energetic blowjob and soon she had created her first orgasm of the experience. More juices flood her still present panties and coated the fingers that occupied the space between them.

Michael’s penis had resisted all efforts to return to flaccid state and was still angrily erect. As Michael tried to take in the woman he had once regarded with such intellectual respect slurping on the head of his penis as she got herself off, it began to ache, informing its owner that it would soon erupt once more.

Amy sensed the increased tightness in the sack just beneath her hand and understood its meaning. Her tongue’s rough surface slapped across the bottom of his cock as her mouth withdrew and plunged downward. She desperately wanted to feel his seed upon her.

With a few more gulps on his cock the familiar pulse of orgasm spasmed through his member. Amy withdrew her mouth’s hold on the member and leaned back, pulling her shirt apart and exposing her naked chest. Entranced, Michael would watch as her wanking hand guided his cock tip towards her and his white fluid spilled out onto her naked tits. It fell like opulent jewels across her collar bone and dripped downward leaving a hot trail of glistening moisture as it coated her. The hand that had occupied her pussy so recently withdrew to smear some of the fluid over more of her breasts.

He had never been witness to such pornographic displays, and stared detached and in disbelief as she massaged his jism into his skin.

“It’s so hot Michael. It feels so wonderful against my skin. Keep coming, I need more,” she groaned through pursed lips.

As the last of his fluid spilled onto her chest as she rubbed her tits against his cock in an effort to cover herself with more of it, she gathered some of the semen and plunged it back into her panties.

Michael was incapable of resisting the enchantment of seeing a beautiful older woman masturbating with his juices as added lubricant.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the energy and excitement of the moment began to fade and Michael began to remember his moral objection to the situation. He began to remember his wife, his church, and his upbringing and the ebbing erection seemed to lose its hold.

As Amy pushed herself up from her knees, her full tits resting free of the confines of her blouse, Michael closed his eyes and felt his face begin to burn with shame. How could he have allowed his body to respond like that? How could he have given in so readily to her touch? A grief deeply seated within his heart overwhelmed him.

His professor, on the other hand seemed glibly satisfied with her work. She was leaning on her desk before him, freed entirely of her skirt and her blouse now an afterthought where it hung from her shoulders. Across her rosy pink nipples and creamy skin, light patches of his fluid were drying. He didn’t dare look at her. Her brazen sexuality posed a threat to the feelings he was clinging to as a way of punishing himself for his lack of will power. If he had, he would have seen a beautiful older woman in her under garments, studying him as if he were a piece of meat. A grayish hue occupied her black panties, marking her center and the place where so much of her juices and his own had been supplanted.

“Don’t look so down Michael. It really wasn’t that bad was it?”

He just continued to sob into his gag.

“C’mon. Two orgasms? You can’t be displeased with that performance. I was rather fond of it.”

Nothing new came from him except shudders of exhaustion.

“I really don’t want to have to give you a reminder, but I’m thinking you aren’t giving me any choice. I guess a woman must do what a woman must do.”

Nervously, his eyes opened and he felt another twinge of guilt as he found himself looking over her pert tits and all the sexual goods she had on display for him. He tried to focus on his wife, but all he could do was compare one beautiful rack to the memory of another. And it did him no good. He felt the desire to fuck reenter him, although his cock did not have the energy to respond.

In his mind, he tried to recite some Scripture to quell his rising need, but his childhood Sunday school lessons escaped him. All he could draw was a blank stare for his professor. He was a little relieved when she moved away from him, behind her desk. When she pulled open her drawer he began to wonder what was in store for him now.

She returned a small six inch purple dildo in hand, along with a tube of lubricant. Weakly, he shook his head no, as if it would do any good at all.

“This part you don’t have to do anything. I’ll get what I want from you in a few minutes. Just enjoy the show.”

Amy bent over the desk in front of him, raising her ass high in the air, perfectly in line with her student’s field of vision. She knew he would close his eyes, but she also knew that like most red blooded men, he would be incapable of keeping them that way.

She squirted a dollop of the lubricant on her finger while the other pulled down her panties, allowing them to sit between her thighs, just above the edge of her stockings. With a suggestive wiggle of her ass, she began to slowly slide the finger along the crevice that split her cheeks. A heavily moisturized sheen began to accumulate there. Her finger would break away for a moment, only to return with more lubricant.

Her sex knew what was coming and she could feel her pussy throb as some of the excess fluid dripped between its pink flowering lips. This part was only indirectly for her pussy. A spare hand pulled one smooth soft cheek from the other opening up the shadowed depths of that oft ignored erogenous zone. Had Michael opened his eyes just then, he would have seen the tightly puckered asshole of the woman who had just finished him off orally. What came next would be even more graphic and difficult to resist.

Another application of lubricant and finally the small little faux cock began its journey towards its purpose. Gently, a gasping cry on her lips, Amy pressed the purple tip into the relaxed outer ring of her anal passage. Her right hand released its hold on her ass cheek and found its way underneath her torso and between her thighs. The same slow press of the rubber dick in her ass was repeated with two of her digits into her tunnel.

Her soft feminine voice, no without the composure and professionalism that a lectern and a classroom provided, begin to offer little joyous cries of encouragement for her lifeless partner.

Michael took his mind as deep into his subconscious as it would allow, trying to remember scores from the weekend’s basketball games. He could drudge to the surface the cheers of the men’s college game he watched, but those thousands of voices were incapable of shielding him from Amy’s horny whimpers. Like a steadily dripping faucet they wore away his ability to think on other things, and soon his eyelids begin to flutter as his nature sought to discover what it was that she was enjoying so, and his conscience tried to maintain its dignified repose.

When his eyes did open, they would not close again. The beautiful half globes of his professor’s toned buttocks were a foot from his face, coated in a combination of sweat and lubricant. And one crooked arm guided a small purple cock in and out of her backdoor. Immediately, the student’s dick began its upward ascent. Long had he wanted to feel or witness such a penetration but had always been too demure to ask it of his wife. And just below that violet rod three of her fingers were pressed firmly against the outer lips of her labia, rubbing in furious spiral. All three were drenched in her juices.

“Oh, Michael. It’s so fucking good. Mmmm…..”

A hunger pain welled up within the man’s chest and groin, as his penis reached the peak of its erection for the second time that afternoon. If he could have, he would have risen from his chair and taken her in both holes without a second thought. But all he could was squirm uncomfortably in his chair.

Amy could tell from the creaking of the chair behind her that her captive had decided to surrender to his desires. But she was too entranced with the tightness of her backdoor and the feeling of the cock pressing deeper and deeper into it to think of anything else. Her warm juices were freely dripping from her lips and trailing down her fingertips to her hand where they were pooling and falling away to her stockings or the floor.

“Fuck my ass,” she goaded herself on. “Deeper. That’s it. Mmmm. Michael…. Goddamn…. Its so tight in there. But it, uhh, feels, uhhmm, so fucking incredible.” She could not understand the effect that her actions were having on him. His hips were twisting in his chair, his cock uselessly hard and swinging like pendulum at his worthless energy.

The young man’s balls ached with excitement, drawn tight by the strong rod above them. But all his penis would do was pulse and leak precum from its tip. Release seemed an impossibility that he had to try for.

Soon Amy’s exploratory fingers switched their approach and three of her fingers were jammed into her twat, stretching the little pink hole as she fucked them in tune to the dildo in her asshole. The feeling of double penetrating herself while she had someone tied up and lusting after her was exquisite. There was some sort of exhibitionist dream that until now had not been fulfilled.

With a cry of release, she was over the edge and her whole body shook with the power of her orgasm. Michael was intoxicated by the way her ass swished from side to side, the purple dildo, now abandoned hanging half out of the small hole it had been buried in. Her fingers were moving slower now, but he could tell that they were focusing on her clitoris, enhancing the aftershocks of her explosion. Once more the room began to fill with the smell of her potent sex. Michael was sucking on the panties which were still gagged in his mouth, trying to taste the sex he could smell and see.

His professor panted heavily until she managed to retain a slow steady breathing rate. Satisfied once more, she pulled the purple cock from her ass and stood with a flourish. The look of desperation in her pupil’s eyes told her that he was ready for her grand finale. His eyes pleaded with her for some sort of contact and stimulation on his cock. In desperation, she could hear him speaking into his gag.

“Now are we in agreement about why you came here today, Michael?”

Eagerly he nodded his head up and down. “Mmhmm.”

She took hold of his cock with one hand and slowly peeled the duct tape off his face with the other. Slowly stroking it up and down, she helped remove her panties from his mouth.

“Why are you here today Michael,” she queried once more.

“Too fuck you, professor.”

“Good boy. You wanted to all along didn’t you?”

“Yes, yes I did.”

“I told you so. That’s why I am the teacher and you the student. Now let’s see what we can do with this gorgeous piece of meat shall we?”

Immediately she began to remove his bindings. She now had him recorded and even if he did leave, a jury would have a hard time believing that a pretty thing like her and a strong man like him could ever have had a typical role reversal as rapist and victim. A small grin passed over her face at her manipulation.

She had first removed the bindings which had kept his arms pinned to the chair’s, and once they were free they moved to her breasts and eagerly groped and fondled the luscious orbs. Playfully she swatted his hand away as she ducked a little lower to set free his feet. Once she had done so, she rose slowly, and pushed herself back up on her desk top. Her forearms hooked beneath her lower thighs, and pulled them up and apart as a form of offering. Her soft pink pussy lips blossomed out before him in a not so subtle invitation.

Michael was on her like a panther upon his prey. He launched himself from his chair his hands grabbing at her stocking covered ankles and pushing her legs higher in the air as he aligned his cock with her moist tunnel. Once he was satisfied with his position he released the ankles, letting them settle in on his shoulders. There was a momentary pause as he looked down at her proud little face, and he remembered his moral dilemma from before. His needy side dismissed any notions of conscience- he had already come twice at her touch, what was one more?

“I’m going to fuck you so silly you sneaky bitch,” he growled.

“I’m counting on it,” she replied as she wiggled her ass a little bit, enticing him to enter her.

No more encouragement was needed. With one sure swift stroke, the young man buried his cock into his professor’s pussy. His head tossed backward as his cock encountered her pussy for the first time.

“Fuck,” he cried in pleasure. She was as hot, as wet, and as tightly clenching as he had imagined. Amy just stretched her stomach, pushing her pussy as far down on his cock as her body would allow. “Fuck,” Michael repeated as his cock pulsed with life deep inside of her cunt.

When Michael retreated from his first thrust, the slow dragging sensation that filled Amy told her that he was desperate not to abandon his post inside of her. And she loved it. Again his powerful hips would drive his spear forward, penetrating her to the fullest. Her walls cried for more, for greater speed and ferocity.

“Fuck me, Michael, fuck me!”

Desperately the teacher cried out for Michael to really give it to her. Obligingly, his body began an energetic back and forth motion that sawed his penis into her depths. With each forward thrust her sensitive labia was hammered by his heavy ball sack and added to her stimulation.

Amy arched her back to allow his angular penis to slip farther and farther into her with each thrust. Her fingers dug into his forearms as they clamped on her hips.

“Oh, shit! Amazing…. I… ohhh… Fuck… mmmeee,” she squeaked as he gave it to her faster and faster. The long hot member filled her core with a burning sensation that could only be satiated by its continued presence. The broad head of his cock stretched her to limits she had long forgotten about. Michael was like a rabid beast atop her, angrily fucking his dick deep into her pussy, giving her all his pent up emotions and desires in a severe pounding. But despite the bruising force of his thrusts, Amy seemed to only be brought farther into a state of delirium by it.

Splashes of their bodies’ mutual lubrication began to spatter across their crotches as Michael’s energetic fucking continued.

Grunts, groans, slaps, and squelches filled the room as Michael forgot about his morals, his conscience, and his wife, if only for a while. His professor’s tits jiggled with the force of his thrusts and her stomach rose and fall in an increasing beat as her excitement grew. The feeling of her stockings running up his torso and hooking behind his neck was uniquely erotic in the contrast of the rough grid texture of the weave and the smooth lotion-like feel of her twat.

His hands moved from her hips to her tits where they clenched onto the soft flesh and molested them with abandon. Her nipples were tugged and pinched and twisted as he rowed deep inside of her. One of her hands found its way back to the peak of her pussy where it stimulated her clitoris with steady short strokes that were timed to his thrust in and out of her.

Amy would come first that way. Her hand on her clitoris, his cock buried inside of her, and his hands groping her tits. Like a stretching feline her lower back arched upwards, thrusting her breasts into the air as she let out a long moan of abandon. Strong vaginal muscles clamped down on Michael’s cock and nearly stopped his movement with her. The young man had to resort to short breathing exercises and thoughts about his grades to keep from shooting off right away.

As she thrashed about, Michael felt like his life had become some twisted sex novella. He had been used, abused, and taken advantage of, and now he was willingly giving it to his professor- an older woman whom he had respected greatly. And in reality she had just been a wanton slut.

He wouldn’t be given more time to analyze his situation. Amy had one last idea. She grabbed the tube of lube and waved it before him and lifted her ankles from behind his neck and skillfully turned on his cock. It was an impressive maneuver, being able to turn 180 degrees without removing him from her twat. The sensation was fantastic for the young man as her pussy pulled at the sensitive skin across his shaft. But he knew what she was offering and was desperate for the opportunity.

She handed him the lubricant and he simply squirted half the bottle over her ass cheeks and began to massage it deeper into the crack. Satisfied with his work, he pulled his raging hard on from her pussy and allowed her to clamber up onto the desk surface. He had to follow her, to get the appropriate angle.

Standing on the desk, his legs slightly bent in a squat with her in doggy position beneath him, Michael finally felt like he was in control. His cock twitched as he guided it down, parting her cheeks like he had parted her labia. It slipped easily between her cheeks and found the groove of her star shaped anal passage easily. His hands grabbed onto her hips and with a strong push forward, the head of his cock popped into her.

He could feel her back tense as the larger, wider shaft of his penis replaced the spot last held by the purple dildo. Michael gave her a moment to adjust to the size and then pressed further and faster into her. The black hole swallowed five inches of his cock before the positioning and shape of their bodies disallowed any further penetration. They settled to an uneasy and forced stillness, allowing any further adjustments to be made by their bodies.

Michael could wait only so long and when that line was passed the tight clenching passage was doomed to a brutal fucking. He reared back and hammered forward in an invasive and intense assault. He used the weight of his body to strengthen his downward thrusts. Her ass cheeks bounced beneath the penetration of the assault, but Amy quickly responded in the positive, telling him in a variety of ways that this was a very enjoyable thing for her.

“Fuck my ass you dirty little boy! You fucker! Fuck me, fuck me! Ohhhh, yessss, that’s it! Deep-p-per. Fuck me! Fuck my tight asshole, ungghhhhhh.”

“Shut up and take it bitch,” came his reply. The tightness of her asshole was quickly getting to him and she could willfully tighten or relax the muscle and she would often clamp down on him as he backed up his strokes. The amount of control she had in her anal muscles and the newness of the experience brought him to a culminating orgasm far too quickly for his liking.

“I’m going to come,” he announced with panting breaths.

“Spray it on me, fill me with your jizz!”

And so he did. He yanked his cock from her asshole and hurriedly jerked his cock off just as it reached its climax. His white sticky fluid flew from its tip for the third time that day and covered her back. Amy writhed beneath it as if the heat and moisture of its contact was some long drawn out torture. Michael felt like his release, his spray, was once again proving his place in the world as a man, marking his territory and dominance.

But after their climaxes had faded, he was quickly dismissed with a wave of his professor’s hand and sent scurrying home, his mind confused and disconcerted. When his wife fervently indicated her desire to have sex later that evening, he could not refuse her, but his guilt would return. When he lay atop her in the missionary position he found his mind wandering to his professor and her nymphomaniac like desires. He would come, her face filling his mind.

It was then that he decided to seek therapy. Instead of going to office hours he would visit his therapist for the first time. And after he had finished regaling her with this most traumatic of tales she had laughed at him, telling him that you couldn’t rape the willing. And then she had drawn a Taser from her purse, and Michael found himself right back at the beginning.

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