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Bed of Rose’s Ch. 02

Category: Lesbian Sex
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The day had started simply enough. It was an important day for Rose. She was actually going to meet her girlfriend’s parents. Unbeknownst to her, Charlotte had officially outed herself to her parents just a day or so earlier, and apparently they insisted on meeting this “girl” that had become so prominent in her life. And Rose was petrified. Meeting someone’s parents is something she had assumed only straight people did, though she realized that was a little silly of an idea.

But she had agreed to this. She and Charlotte had gone shopping to find her some clothes that fit Rose’s style but were a little more presentable than her standard tight, well-worn jeans and tee-shirt. Dealing with the bright red mohawk that Rose sported was going to be bizarre enough.

The two girls couldn’t be more different in appearance. While both athletic, Rose was all muscle, lean and mean. She was beautiful for sure, at least everyone but her seemed to think so. She had a body that resembled a Greek goddess. But while Rose was all leather and muscle, Charlotte was soft and cuddly. This wasn’t to say that the blonde girl who always wore her hair up in pigtails was fat, because that was far, far from the truth. She was an athlete, being a long time soccer player who was the goalie for the university team. While Rose had handful sized breasts, Charlotte’s cups did “runneth over.” And Charlotte had a hint of baby fat on her body, which made her absolutely adorable.

But they were very compatible personality-wise. And Rose was flattered beyond belief that Charlotte was comfortable enough with their relationship that she wanted her lover to meet her parents. And while Rose wanted to maintain her identity, she had compromised with Charlotte by letting her pick out the clothes. The big night was upon them, and a potential problem had arisen. Rose was afraid her first phrase to Mr. and Mrs. Webb would be, “I’m sorry we’re late, but your daughter was performing oral sex on me.” Which is pretty much what was happening.

She had been trying on some pants that Charlotte thought “would look darling” on her. They were made of some stretchy material that resembled felt. They were black in color with small roses embroidered up and down each leg in small columns. They clung to her like a second skin, and Rose supposed they looked nice enough, but they weren’t really practically and were more than a bit on the warm side. And for some reason, her blonde friend had insisted she wear this silly red-silk g-string. Rose had questioned how wearing a thong was supposed to impress her parents. Charlotte had made the point that the lingerie wasn’t for her parents. With that, Rose had been pushed over on the bed and her pants had been pulled up to her knees. Charlotte simply pushed the panties out of the way and began licking Rose’s pussy.

After a few minutes, the redhead decided to object. “Hon, as much as I . . . ooh, a little to the left . . . would like to do this right now, we’re going to be late.”

“We have two hours,” came the response. Charlotte had withdrawn her tongue and was using two of her fingers like a piston in Rose’s box.

“But we always have to take a shower afterwards, or we’ll be covered in sweat and . . . well, other stuff.” Despite her words, Rose’s heart really wasn’t in her objections. Charlotte was just too good at what she was doing.

“Hmm. You’ve got a point. But I’ve got an idea.” Charlotte stood up and pulled Rose’s pants all the way off. “We can save time by fucking IN the shower!” With that, she turned and began shirking her clothes on her way to the bathroom. She had said it so matter-of-factly that Rose couldn’t help but smile. By the time she had peeled herself off the bed, Charlotte already had the shower warmed up and was completely naked. Rose crept up behind her and wrapped her up in her arms, groping her tits in the process.

“What kept you?” Charlotte murmured, stepping towards the shower and pulling Rose with her.

“A certain blonde bombshell was just doing something that made my knees weak.”

“What a naughty girl she must have been.”

“Oh she was,” teased Rose. “And she’s gonna get what’s coming to her!” Rose slid the shower door shut and gave Charlotte a warm kiss. No matter how many times they had been together, Rose was amazed at how attracted she was to the other girl. And now was no exception. Her hair was already drenched and plastered to her head, and as she spun, Rose watched the water flow in and around her curves while droplets hung perilously on the gentle swell of her breasts. She noticed Charlotte was blushing. “What’s with that?” asked Rose, gently touching her lover’s skin.

“It’s just it makes me feel all warm inside. You know, when you look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

Charlotte leaned in against her body. “With those big eyes just devouring my body.” She kissed Rose, and let her hands drift down that toned muscular physique so they could firmly grasp that incredibly tight ass. “With that ‘come-hither’ stare.” She slowly got down onto her knees, kissing her way down Rose’s body, including lightly tonguing her naval. “With that look that tells me in a glance what you want me to do to you.” Then words escaped her as she buried her mouth in Rose’s privates again.

Rose looked down, savoring the feeling of lips on her pussy and a tongue in her slit. She savored the sight of water cascading down her muscular torso and onto Charlotte’s face. The other girl had slid one hand between Rose’s legs and had penetrated her ass with her index finger. She knew how to push Rose’s buttons. Rose actually had to lean against the wall of the shower and grasp the top of Charlotte’s head to keep her knees from buckling. The blonde girl’s tongue was buried in her deep, probing her insides in a methodical fashion. Considering they had a deadline, Charlotte didn’t seem to be in much of a hurry. Her tongue was moving at a languid pace. When she finally withdrew it, it was only so she could tease Rose’s clit more directly. Eventually it became too much, and Rose’s grasp on Charlotte’s head (as well as the handle to the shower door) intensified as she began to cum. She could only imagine what it was like for Charlotte, not knowing whether the fluid at her lips was water or Rose’s juice. But she didn’t imagine her friend much cared. Finally her body finished shaking, and Charlotte looked up at her with a satisfied smile on her face.

“My turn,” was all she could say.

Rose pulled the girl to her feet and spun her around. Then she had Charlotte bend over while Rose got on her knees. The water was cascading down the girl’s back and down the crack of her ass like a waterfall. Rose grabbed a double handful of ass, spread those cheeks wide open, and went to work on Charlotte’s delectable pussy. She licked up and down, periodically teasing the sensitive area between the bottom of the slit and the anus. Charlotte had never shown interest in anal play, but stimulating this area got her to make some interesting noises of pleasure.

“I fuckin’ love it when you do that,” the girl said.

“Then I guess I’d better do it again,” Rose returned, then let her tongue dance on that area again. Then it was back to the pussy proper, including sucking on her swollen lips. Charlotte was bent over far enough that Rose was able to reach one of her hands between Charlotte’s legs and fondle one of the girl’s substantial tits. It was especially warm right now, and it was slick due to the steam and water. Charlotte moaned louder. She was close.

“Get on your knees,” Rose said.

“If I had a dime every time you told be to do that . . .” Charlotte retorted playfully. But she also did as she was told. Rose moved so that her body and breasts were pushed directly into her friend’s back. She reached around Charlotte’s waist and ran her hands down the girl’s body until they reached her crotch.

“I don’t want you to touch yourself,” Rose whispered in her ear. “I want you to let me take care of you.” She started inserting fingers into Charlotte’s box. She used just one at first, then two and then three. Her other hand mostly rubbed the girls mound or squeezed her lips together around Rose’s fingers, but sometimes she had to reach up and tweak Charlotte’s nipples. It didn’t take long until Charlotte’s pussy had a death-lock on one of Rose’s hands while her body trembled in ecstasy. By the end of her orgasm, Charlotte was breathing quite heavily, and Rose slid her hands up so she feel the girl’s heart beat under her sizable chest. Charlotte turned her head so the two girls could share another passionate kiss.

“Just in time,” Charlotte gasped, finally breaking the kiss.

“How’s that?”

“We’ve just run out of hot water.”

The two girls almost screamed when cold water came blasting through the pipes, and the scurried turn off the water and get out of the shower. The were both standing naked in the bathroom, dripping water all over the place and looking for all the world like a couple of wet (albeit sexy) rats. They looked at each other and started to laugh, and eventually got around to toweling each other off.

An hour and a half later, they were sitting in Charlotte’s car outside her parents’ house. Rose was a nervous wreck. She had been in fights, towed the cars of some very scary people, had been kicked off a soccer team for having sex with a teacher, and had been abandoned by her own parents by the time she was eighteen. And none of that had made her as jittery as meeting this girl’s parents. And to make matters worse, Charlotte had talked a little bit about them on the way over. Her father, it would seem, was a federal judge and a card-carrying member of the NRA who enjoyed hunting when he had the chance. Her mother was a high-priced defense attorney who belonged to a book club and enjoyed knitting and watching John Wayne movies. One thing kept running through Rose’s mind on the way over. ‘I’m gonna die!’

When they got to Charlotte’s house, Rose’s eyes were opened wide. The house was enormous. It was one of those houses that actually had a six-foot tall brick wall all the way around and an intimidating-looking iron gate. They pulled up to the house and parked beside a BMW 330ci convertible and a Jaguar S-Type R. Rose found herself drooling looking at those cars, particularly the Jaguar, dreaming about its supercharged V8 engine that could go from zero to sixty mile-per-hour in less than five and a half seconds. Charlotte actually had to snap her fingers in Roses face to bring the girl back to reality.

They went through the massive front doors into a parlor bigger than Rose’s house. A maid ushered them into the dining room where dinner was being laid out. Mrs. Annabel Webb was seated at one end of the table while Mr. Jonathan Webb was at the other. Only two other chairs were left at the table, conveniently on opposite sides of the table. Oh well, it was to be expected.

Mrs. Webb was a very proper looking woman with short blonde hair, dressing in a 3-piece suit at what Rose had been hoping would be an informal dinner. Mr. Webb, handsome for his age (even to Rose), was a little more laid back in his tan slacks and white golf-shirt. It was hard to read either of their faces, and Rose was worried that might be intentional.

Things started civilly enough. There were comments about the weather and traffic. But it didn’t take long for Rose to notice something was amiss. Mr. Webb didn’t do much talking. Rose couldn’t help but think he was analyzing her, waiting for her to “screw up” somehow. But at least he was polite about it. Mrs. Webb became less polite. Initially all she did was talk to her daughter or husband directly, but never seemed to address their guest. When Charlotte realized Rose was being excluded, she brought up a few things for Rose to talk about, like knowing each other from high school, her business classes, her knowledge of cars and her desire to open her own garage.

Down the line, Mrs. Webb managed to put down all of things that had been brought up. In regards to knowing each other in high school, she pointed out that she was glad HER daughter had been able to finish all her years at the same school she started at. Rose had a feeling that Mrs. Webb was familiar with the story and reason for her departure from that institution. As far as her business classes go, the older lady’s exact response was, “Community college? How quaint.” Roses knowledge of cars was referred to as ” . . . hardly seemly of a young lady,” and her dreams of owning and managing a automotive center for domestic vehicles as ” . . . suitable for one of her academic standing.”

At that point Rose was staring directly at her plate trying not to scream and fighting back tears. This wasn’t going as she had hoped. In fact, she likened it to hell. Charlotte was obviously confused and distressed by her mother’s attitude and her father’s silence. In attempt to defend her guest, she mentioned how incredible Rose was for having accomplished all this on her own with no help from her parents. Rose knew instantly that Charlotte had made a mistake, but her mother had already pounced on it.

“Hmm. Ostracized by her parents? I can hardly see why.” The bitch actually sounded smug, like she had just scored the game-winning point. Maybe she had, thought Rose.

Rose put her napkin on the table and pushed her seat back.

“Rose . . .” started Charlotte.

“Young woman, it is impolite to leave the table without an ‘excuse me’.”

“It is also impolite,” said Rose through clenched teeth, “to be so blatantly rude to a guest that YOU invited into your home.” Mrs. Webb started to open her mouth, but Rose was in no mood for it. “No, you listen while I talk. I have been looked down on by better people than you. I’m only here because your daughter asked me to be, and because you requested it. I’m not sure what your plan was, but I don’t have to sit here and take this crap from you. He . . .” she said pointing at Mr. Webb who had raised his eyebrows at the start of this confrontation ” . . . doesn’t seem to be interested in getting to know me at all. And you, you heinous and overdressed ice-queen, aren’t interested either, as the facts of my life might just interfere with your narrow-minded, asinine demonization of me. Now if you will all EXCUSE me, I have a ‘quaint’ life to get back to.” She looked at Charlotte who was on the edge of tears herself and said, “I’m sorry hon. I just . . . I just can’t be here,” and she stormed out of the house. She had taken as much as she could, she had made a stand, and she hadn’t let them see her cry. Other peoples’ opinions of her had never bothered her before. But this was the first time she had wanted other peoples’ approval and she had been slapped down. As she walked hurriedly down the drive, she realized that Charlotte had driven her here. She was standing next to the iron-gate, realizing that she somehow had to scale the wall or gate and then walk the nine-mile journey home when the tears began to leak out of her eyes. For a moment, all she could do was grip the bars of the gate and cry.

At some point she realized that someone was behind her. She turned, almost expecting Charlotte, but instead found Mr. Webb. He had pulled the Jaguar down the drive (damn that car ran smooth), and was leaning against the side. “You, young woman,” he said with a smile that didn’t seem hostile at all, “really need to learn to control that temper. I don’t think my wife has ever be dressed down like that, except maybe by other attorneys, particularly in her own home. But I was impressed with your choice of words, by the way. You have a fairly good vocabulary!” This actually got a chuckle out of Rose before he continued. “First of all, I should apologize. My wife isn’t normally like that. Charlotte’s announcement took us a little bit by surprise. I think Annabel was already planning our daughter’s wedding reception and now, barring a major shift in the political spectrum, that probably won’t be happening. And I should apologize for myself. I was trying to figure you out, which I find easier to do when listening than when talking. I didn’t mean to let things get that far out of control. Hell, I wasn’t even expecting them to GET out of control.”

Rose was beginning to believe him. His voice carried no malice in it. Rather, he sounded genuinely remorseful.

“As for myself,” he continued, “I’d be lying if I said this is how I pictured my only child would be at this stage of her life. But something I noticed after talking with my parents, my wife’s parents, and parents in general is that nobody’s child turns into exactly what they expected. I have faith in my daughter’s judgement. If she sees something in you worthwhile, I’ll believe her. And from what I’ve seen, her faith in you seems somewhat well placed. Now why don’t you let me give you a ride home? I figure if you live near the university, that would be a hell of a walk.”

Rose wasn’t sure what, if anything, she should say. She was emotionally exhausted, and still slightly in the mood to be pissy, but how could she say no? First of all, he seemed to be a genuinely nice person trying to make amends. And secondly, it was a chance to take a ride in a supercharged Jag. She made her way to the passenger side and he unlocked the door. He was smiling when she got in.

“It was the car, wasn’t it? Nobody shoots down someone driving a Jaguar, do they?”

“Not unless they’re idiots,” whispered Rose somewhat weakly.

“There’s the voice. I wondered what happened to that. We’d better get going. I don’t where my daughter picked up that kind of language, unless she joined the navy and didn’t tell anyone, but she was cursing up a storm when I left. She told me she’d be by to see you later, but she had ‘a few things to say’ to her mother first.”

On the trip home, Rose opened up a little bit. She talked about Mr. Webb’s car, giving him all the specs (which he probably already knew) and the history of the model. He very politely inquired about her relationship with her parents, as that was the thing that had set her off back at the house. She told him about how her father had run off when she was sixteen with another woman and her mother had run off when she was eighteen with another man. Mr. Webb actually seemed disgusted, but not with Rose. “How could anyone call themselves a decent human being much less a parent after running off like that? And so you’ve been supporting yourself for three years?”

“Yeah. I wanted to apply for a loan, but a friend told me it would be unlikely I’d get one because of my age. So I keep with the towing. Sometimes I’ll do some jobs at one of the garages when they’re short staffed. They pay me in parts sometimes.”


“Yeah. I’m trying to restore a ’69 Roadrunner I’ve got out in my garage. I mean, I like Jags just fine, but give me an old-fashioned muscle car any day. And . . . and you must think I’m the biggest geek on the planet.”

He was looking somewhat thoughtful. “Actually, I was thinking of something a friend of mine told me when we were golfing last week. He sells high-end cars, but also restores classics. I think he just lost one of his guys. I’d be happy to put in a good word for you if you’re interested.”

Rose’s eyes were as wide as saucers. “I . . . I . . . I” she stuttered.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he said smiling. “And no, I’m not being patronizing. If you’re half as good as you seem to be, I might even get a discount there next time I’m looking for a vehicle. Nah, Jerry’s too much of a tightwad to . . .” He was cutoff as Rose gave him a great big (but somewhat awkward) hug. She quickly sat back in her seat and stared out the window. “You’re welcome,” he said with a smile.

They got to her place, and they both got out. He asked to see the car before she left. She showed it off with the pride someone might display their newborn child. She showed him the house and the apartment. He told her he would check into that job opportunity and would call her in the next day or two, and then he left.

Rose wasn’t sure how she felt. It had been one of the most tumultuous evenings of her life since her mother left her. She went down to her bedroom, flopped down face first on the bed, and fell to sleep almost instantly.

She hadn’t been asleep long when she was awoken by the sound of the upstairs door slamming. It had to be Charlotte, as she was the only other person who had a key. Rose just lay on her stomach, enjoying the feeling of satin sheets against her skin. At some point, she had apparently gotten undressed, so she was feeling very comfortable. After a few minutes, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Rose wondered what her friend was up to.

“Rose,” came the girl’s voice from behind her, “I am SO sorry about tonight.”

“It’s not your fault, lover. Your dad said you had some words for your mother after I left.”

“You could say that,” said Charlotte tiredly. “She really isn’t normally like that. I think you’ll be getting a BIG apology from her in the next few days.”

“I dunno. She seemed awfully . . .”

“No, I don’t think you get it. She WILL apologize in the next few days.” Charlotte’s voice sounded as forgiving as cold steel. “I think it’s safe to say tonight didn’t go as planned. So I thought we might do something special to make up for it.”

Rose felt the girl’s legs on either side of her as Charlotte climbed onto the bed and straddled her back. She felt hands on her knotted shoulders, and lips on the back of her neck. She made noises of contentment as Charlotte started working the knots out of her shoulders with her skilled hands

“It’s okay, sweetie. Tonight wasn’t your fault. It had to happen eventually.”

“Maybe, but I still want to make it up to you. And if you want to turn over, I’ll show you how!”

Rose opened one eye, again wondering what Charlotte was up to. She felt the girl lift her body up enough for Rose to turn over, which she dutifully did. “My oh my!” she said appreciatively. So that’s what you were up to upstairs!”

What had piqued Rose’s interest was Charlotte’s outfit. Her girlfriend had changed into a baby-doll nightgown that barely even reached her crotch. When she moved, Rose could clearly see the pink, satin v-string panties she was wearing underneath. Her breasts seem to be swinging freely under the translucent, gauzy material, apparently unhampered by a bra. And her hair, pulled up in her traditional pigtails helped the image quite a bit, as did the lollypop swirling around her mouth.

“You like?”

“Oh, I like very much. You are a naughty little girl!”

“Am I naughty?” Charlotte asked with an almost childish pout playing across her face. “Then I should probably be disciplined!” She turned sideways and lay across Rose’s naked legs with her panties pressed securely again the girl’s knees. “Will you discipline me?” The blonde girl had a feigned look of such child-like innocence that Rose felt her energy levels returning with a vengeance. And when Charlotte reached behind her and slowly pulled the flimsy material of her outfit above her ass and leaving only the partially covered cheeks exposed, Rose willingly accepted that she wasn’t getting anymore sleep anytime soon.

She raised her hand and gave Charlotte’s ass a solid smack. Charlotte gasped and ground her crotch into Rose’s knee. There was an imprint of Rose’s hand on one of the girl’s ass cheeks and with another quick smack, there was a matching imprint on the other side. And more grinding against Rose’s knee.

“Oh please,” Charlotte moaned. “I’ve been SO bad!” Several thwacks later, her beautiful butt was a lovely shade of red. Rose didn’t want to do any serious damage to that ass, as she had plans for it somewhere down the road. Fondling would be involved.

“Maybe instead of punishing you, I should get you to work it off.”

“Whatever do you mean?” asked Charlotte, who had gone wide-eyed again. She was so adorable when she did that.

“Turn this way,” she responded. As Charlotte shifted, Rose split her legs apart and pulled Charlotte headfirst towards her bare pussy. “Now if you don’t eat your dinner, you don’t get dessert.”

“If this is my dinner, who gives a damn about dessert.” Charlotte started by kissing every square inch around the outside of Rose’s swollen lips. She sucked on the skin and then touched it lightly with her tongue before moving on to another spot. After doing a complete circle, she started lapping at the slit from bottom to top, over and over again. Rose grabbed on to both of her pigtails and hung on for dear life.

Charlotte was able to worm her hands forward to get them into the action. First she used her thumbs to spread Rose’s pussy lips open a little wider so her tongue could probe a little deeper. Then she inserted three of her fingers deep inside her friend’s cunt and started to pump them in and out. She raised her head briefly to look at Rose. The girl’s eyes were close and her mouth was open in an “O” shape. She was panting heavily, her small firm breasts were heaving and her skin was coated in sweat. Her trademark red mohawk had shifted over to one side. The muscles of her torso were flexing powerfully underneath her skin. She was beautiful. Charlotte stopped finger fucking Rose and crawled up her body until her breasts were in line with Rose’s crotch, and she slid the nightie up far enough that her breasts were expose. She took one of her nipples, which was hard as a rock, and started rubbing all over Rose’s pussy. She snaked one hand back and inserted into her friend’s box.

Rose had opened her eyes and enjoyed what she saw almost as much as what she felt. Charlotte was rubbing those magnificent tits into her crotch while fucking her with those talented fingers. Her ass, still slightly reddened, was stick up, and her panties had been pulled in as to somewhat resemble a g-string. Then she looked up and the two girls locked eyes. Rose breathing was becoming more rapid. Charlotte saw the girl’s body start to tremble and tense, but the two of them never broke eye contact. Charlotte wanted to be looking at her lover’s eyes when she came. She was using her fingers frantically as Rose came. Charlotte was turned on more than usual, mostly because of the expression on Rose’s face. It was pleasure, pure and unadulterated and simple. Charlotte’s fingers were covered in the redhead’s juices, but she didn’t let up with her fingering until the orgasm was completely over.

“So, is all forgiven?” Charlotte asked lovingly.

“I could never stay mad at you. Particularly since I was never ACTUALLY mad AT you. And that outfit . . .”

Charlotte crawled over to the edge of the bed, reached down and pulled something from the nightstand. It was Rose’s strap-on. In their relatively brief relationship, they hadn’t used this toy much, and Rose wondered why Charlotte had chosen it. The girl also put a bottle of KY lotion on top of the nightstand. Charlotte started slid the harness up Rose’s legs, and Rose had to lift her hips so her friend could complete the task. So Rose was laying on her back with a seven-inch, red plastic dick jutting up almost obscenely from her hips. Then Charlotte climbed on board, pushing her panties out of the way so the dildo could slide right in.

“I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me until I scream.” Charlotte was rocking back and forth, still wearing the pink nightie. She moved to remove it, but Rose had other ideas.

“Leave it on. Be a good girl, and leave it on.” Rose slid her hands up Charlotte’s body and started massaging her tits. Charlotte just rotated her hips and enjoyed the sensation of Rose’s hands on her flesh. Then Rose’s hands slipped down and gripped her lover’s hips. She began thrusting upward with her artificial dick. She let her hands drift downward again so her thumbs could rub Charlotte’s swollen mound and tender clit. She grabbed one of the blonde girl’s hands and brought it to her mouth. She kissed her wrist, then her palm and then took one of her fingers in her mouth, sucking on it gently.


“Yes hon?”

“I want you to do something for me.” She climbed off and lay down, face first, next to her lover. I want you to fuck me. In there.” She lifted the nightie above her ass again and placed a finger suggestively at the top of her ass crack.

Rose was a bit stunned. Charlotte had never shown any interest in that before, and Rose was afraid she was doing it to appease her because of the preceding events. “Listen, you don’t have to do that if . . .”

“No, it’s not what you think. I just see how much you enjoy it, so I wanted to try it at least once.”

Rose grabbed the lotion off the dresser and applied a very generous amount to the strap-on. Before she went any further, she bent over and kissed her girlfriend’s still tender ass and gently probed her sphincter with her tongue. Then she inserted a single finger into that rosebud and waited for it to relax a bit. Then she put in a second finger. Finally, when Charlotte’s ass was able to accommodate two fingers, Rose got ready for the big event. She placed the end of the plastic cock at the entrance to Charlotte’s back door.

“It’s going to hurt a bit when I first start. Try not to tense up. Once the head is in and you start to relax, it becomes a lot more fun.” And then she started to push inward.

Charlotte buried her face in one of the many pillows on the bed. ‘Hurt a bit,’ seemed a tad inadequate of a statement. She thought she was going to pass out for a moment, but that moment passed. Rose was afraid the initial pain was going to be too much, so she started to withdraw.

“Wait,” said Charlotte. “I think its relaxing a bit.” Sure enough, her asshole began to ease up a bit, which in turn allowed the head to slide all the way in, and the pain went away. Rose thrust gently at first, letting the blonde girl get used to the new sensation. Rose, for her part, was awestruck by the sight of the red plastic sliding past the pink panties that ensnared Charlotte’s wonderful tanned ass. She began fucking Charlotte with a little more speed and power. Charlotte was just repeating the word “fuck” over and over again while simultaneously finger herself.

After a few minutes, Charlotte indicated that she was getting close. Much to her apparent surprise, Rose pulled out and quickly shed the harness. She flipped Charlotte over and pulled the girl towards her. Rose was sitting on the bed with Charlotte’s pussy and hips pulled up to her face. Most of Charlotte’s weight was resting on her shoulders. They formed a nearly perfect triangle. And Rose began to lick. Like Charlotte, she wanted to see her lover’s face when the moment came, and she figured this was the best way for her to do it. As Rose’s tongue ravished her friend’s box, Charlotte was pinching her nipple through the fabric of her nightie, and she was biting her lower lip in a fashion Rose considered to be really cute. Rose wasn’t going for finesse. It was just rapid-fire motion with her tongue. But it seemed to be enough.

Charlotte’s eyes popped open and the two girls found themselves staring at each other again.

“Oh God! I am SO cumming!” screamed Charlotte. “Stick your tongue in deeper! Taste me! Lick me! Oh, fuck me!” Even in the throes of orgasm, she still sounded a bit like a valley girl. But at the moment, Rose only cared what she tasted like, and she tasted like honey to the redhead. Rose’s face was quickly covered in Charlotte’s juices, but Rose wasn’t quite done. She lowered Charlotte’s body to the bed and stuck one finger in the girl’s pussy and curved that finger toward the front of Charlotte’s body. She had always wanted to see if she could give a woman multiple orgasms, but this was the first girl who was worth trying this on. Her digit located a small spot about the size and shape of a quarter on the front vaginal wall, and she began stimulating it. She used the fingers of her other hand to tease Charlotte’s clit. It seemed to be working! Charlotte hadn’t come all the way down from her first orgasm when a second one ripped through her body.

“I don’t believe . . . I can’t . . . Oh . . . Oh!” As she came for the second time in less than a minute, a mixed look of total pleasure and complete exhaustion played across the girl’s face. The second orgasm wasn’t quite as powerful as the first, but it was enough to wipe the young woman out.

Rose crawled next to Charlotte, draping on leg and one arm over the girl’s body while resting her head next to the blonde girl’s.

“So,” she said after a minute, “was it good for you?”

Charlotte was almost too tired to chuckle. They lay together in silence for a minute.

“It was the best. But every time with you seems to be the best ever.” She paused as if uncertain how to phrase what was on her mind.”

“Just spit it out,” said Rose.

“I really am sorry. I just wanted them to accept you.”

Rose sighed quietly. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. They do or they don’t. Actually, your father said he might help me find a better job!”

“He mentioned that when he got home,” she said happily. “I think you really impressed him. As far as my MOTHER goes,” she continued, “she’ll come around.”

Rose had something she wanted to say as well, and right then seemed as good a time as any. “Charlotte, it would be nice if both your parents liked me, but I won’t be completely devastated if they’re not as friendly towards me as if I had been a guy.” She looked straight into the other girl’s eyes. “I love you. Your opinion is the only one that matters to me. The rest is just icing on a very delicious cake.”

Charlotte looked like she had been pole-axed. Rose had never used the “L” word before in that context. Unbeknownst to her, Rose had never used the word “love” with anyone she had been with before in ANY context. Rose found herself on the receiving end of a long string of wet, passionate kisses.

Rose was a bit taken aback, but was happy about the response. She didn’t think she had ever quite gotten over the idea that she was just “a phase” in Charlotte’s life that would end when Rose said how she felt.

“I love you too!” came Charlotte’s reply when the kissing was temporarily interrupted by the pesky need to breathe.

It was strange. After that, neither of them felt much of an urge to say anything. They were just happy to rest in each other’s arms. Charlotte snuggled up a bit, resting her head next to Rose’s neck. Rose stroked her girlfriend’s hair well after Charlotte had fallen asleep, marveling at how someone as “energetic” as she was about lovemaking could look so innocent when she slept. She pulled the covers up over her slumbering lover, and watched the girl’s face until sleep overcame her as well.

To be continued . . .

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