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Basic Instincts

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Detective Inspector Amanda Jennings parked the unmarked squad car in one of the reserved parking spots, turned off the engine and waited there for several moments before stepping out of the car. She reached back in and took her mobile telephone and attached it to her belt. On the opposite side of the car her partner did the same and then both approached the boutique they had been called out to.

‘All your dreams are coming true,’ she said with a smile when she noticed that it was devoted to lingerie and there were some revealing samples in the window display, though tastefully done.

Next to her Detective John Bannister laughed. He pointed at one. ‘I rather think that one would look good on you.’

‘Did you miss that lecture on sexual harassment?’ she asked, reaching for the door handle and pushing the door open.

‘I wouldn’t class that as harassment,’ he said in his defence. ‘It was more complimentary than sexual.’

D.I Jennings stared at him for a moment. It all came back to her life of solitude outside the confines of the force. Simple minds generating their own theories as to why she lived alone and rarely mixed with them socially. She’d overheard some of the things

they had said about her. None of it mattered. She was more than content in her life and that was all that counted, not the fertile minds of others. Sighing as she entered the shop she noted his response to it. He had been one of those who had made several less than complimentary comments about her.

It was all a front, of course. He was merely playing with her and the comment had been made with all the sexual connotations in mind. They were not only partners in the Derbyshire Constabulary but they were also lovers and had been for several months, their relationship being kept low key. Bannister adored lingerie and was going to be like a child in a sweet shop in here, even in a routine official capacity.

The moment they entered an elegantly dressed, middle-aged woman came to greet them. Her clothes were expensive and the outfit designed to enhance her flailing beauty, as was her recently coiffured hair. She had overdone it with her perfume and it assaulted their senses in such close proximity. And it wasn’t a particularly nice fragrance. It reminded her of something her deceased grandmother would wear.

‘Finally,’ she said with more than a touch of self-importance. ‘You’re here. She’s in my office.’

‘A shoplifter?’ inquired Bannister.

‘Of course,’ she said to him. ‘Why else would I call the police?’

D.I Jennings suppressed a smile. ‘Could you show us to your office?’ As they were led through the shop she glanced around her at the displays of lingerie, rack upon rack of delicate underwear. Several mannequins took up prominent areas and gave a more visual display of how a woman might look wearing some of the designs. They were led through a curtain where a number of cubicles were set directly behind, two of which were occupied. The hidden shoppers conversed amongst themselves, unaware of who was passing by. One of the curtains was slightly askew and she caught a glimpse of one semi-naked woman attaching stockings to her suspender belt. Her breasts were full and filled the patterned brassiere she had on. It was a sensual choice, designed to arise the senses of her lover. That was the reason she bought lingerie. It was for the sake of sensuality. Some of what she had was not exactly comfortable to wear but that was not her main compulsion in purchasing it. And she suspected it was the same for the majority of women.

‘What’s your name?’ asked Bannister.

The woman stopped just before they reached a door. ‘That’s a rather rude way to ask. I am Doreen Locksley. This is my shop.’

‘My colleague meant no disrespect,’ she said. Even though barely a word had really been spoken she suspected the shop owner of being irritating, one of those women who would file a complaint at the slightest sense of being treated with less respect than she felt she deserved. Something that was nigh impossible to prevent. She made the rest of the introductions before the door bearing her name was opened.

Doreen Locksley nodded in acknowledgement before pushing open the door to her office and showed them inside.

There were two women seated in the office. One stood up immediately and she correctly identified her as a shop assistant. Doreen dismissed her, crossed her arms across her chest and nodded in the direction of the woman who remained seated and had not turned to see who had entered.

‘That’s her,’ she said needlessly.

Amanda walked over to the desk, turned and leant on it as she faced the accused shoplifter. This was really a job for uniformed officers but the station was thin on the ground for several days due to illness, which was why they were here. Seated on the chair was an attractive Asian woman, Chinese she guessed. She had a wonderfully enigmatic face surrounded by voluminous black hair that shimmered with vitality. A delicate nose and full lips were her most captivating features. Her eyes remained downcast and did not look up to see her. Amanda nodded, more from appreciation than anything else. It was a classic response. The woman knew the police had arrived and was embarrassed by the situation she was in.

‘I’m Detective Inspector Jennings,’ she said softly to the woman. Now she looked up and she could see she had eyes the colour of jade. ‘I believe you know why we are here?’

‘Yes.’ Her voice was quiet.

‘What’s your name?’

‘Sung. Sung Bohrman.’

‘You’ve been accused of shoplifting from this shop,’ continued Amanda, her tone soothing, the way she had been taught in order to get people to work with you rather than against you. It was a theory that had always worked for her most of the time. She didn’t believe in being aggressive in her mannerisms. Sometimes, however, she had to be. In this case it was better to take a more approachable tone. ‘Is this true?’


‘Look in her bag,’ protested the manageress. ‘Then you’ll see that she is lying to you.’

‘Please, Ms Locksley,’ Amanda responded. ‘Perhaps it would be best if you returned to the shop and allowed us to deal with this.’

‘No,’ she refused. ‘I’m staying here.’

Amanda shrugged her shoulders. ‘I need to look in your bag Miss Bohrman. I have to do so but would prefer your cooperation.

Sung Bohrman reached down beside her and picked up a shopping bag. The name on the side told her it had come from a different clothing store. She held it up and Amanda stepped forward and took it from her, turning away from her as it was placed on the desk. She opened it and looked inside. There was a black dress that she removed that she knew would look stunning on the woman who had purchased it. A matching jacket went with it. Under these garments were some items of lingerie and three pair of stockings. A receipt lay at the bottom. She took it out and examined it. According to the receipt the woman had bought the dress, jacket and stockings at the other shop. It was just the lingerie that remained unaccounted for.

None of the items appeared to be of the quality to be found outside in the shop. She had not examined the items outside but knew these items could not possibly have come from there. The solitary pair of panties was moist to the touch and she dropped them back into the bag. Her fingers were slick with what was on them. She raised them to her nose and breathed. A familiar musky smell lingered and she knew instinctively that this was her scent she was breathing in.

Returning her attention to the bag she lifted out a bra and then looked across to the manageress.

‘That,’ she said distastefully, ‘is hers. She is wearing the items she stole.’

Amanda glanced between the two of them; taking the situation seriously but knowing there would be some comical replays later. There was a look of Bannister’s face that suggested he had a good comedy routine germinating in his fertile mind. Good at voices, he had a goldmine in the manageress.

‘Wearing them?’ she repeated.

‘Yes. All you have to do is get her to remove the dress. The security tags are still attached to the bra.’

‘It can’t be done here,’ she replied.

‘Why not? I pay my taxes and when I need help the police seem unwilling to provide that help. If you do nothing to rectify this, I will be in touch with your superiors. You mark my words, young woman!’

‘Ma’am, we are not unwilling to help,’ she said to her.

‘It looks that way to me.’ A look crossed her face. ‘I know what it is. It’s because she’s not English, isn’t it? You don’t want to get into some kind of diplomatic row. What’s this country coming to?’

Sung Bohrman looked at her in protest and then back to Amanda, hoping for some compassion. Amanda raised her eyebrows as she considered what had been said and then decided that it was, indeed, the only solution available to either prove or disprove the allegations being made. Part of her doubted they were true. Having seen the price she had paid for the other items it seemed inconceivable that she would resort to stealing a couple of items of underwear that cost a fraction of the money already spent. Then again, as she was well aware, you could never fully understand or predict another person’s motivations or their actions.

In the end Amanda nodded. ‘I need to ask both of you to leave the room.’ She did not give the manageress the chance to protest and held up her hand when her mouth started to open. ‘You are not legally permitted to be present while the suspect is being searched. I’m sure you understand.’

Her eyes narrowed, making her usual appearance that more vindictive looking. She nodded to Bannister who led her from the office and then closed the door behind him. He would stay there to dissuade her from trying to re-enter. Which she would try to do. It was in her nature to be interfering.

‘Miss Bohrman, serious allegations have been made against you,’ Amanda told her. ‘I can see no way to resolve this but to ask you to stand up and to remove your dress. You may, of course, refuse.’

‘Is this really necessary?’ she asked. Her English was flawless, her voice calm and collected as she appeared to be. The very way she comported herself made Amanda wonder as to the validity of them being here. Perhaps it was a racial issue. She had heard the way the manageress had spoken. There had been no racial slurs but she got the impression that Doreen Locksley was not the most liberal minded of women.

‘I’m afraid it is. We can either do it here or, if you feel more comfortable, we could go to the station and do it privately.’

‘Do I look at the kind of woman who would still some underwear?’ she asked.

‘That’s not for me to decide,’ replied Amanda. ‘I have to take all allegations seriously. If you haven’t taken anything you will be free to go and no further action will be taken.’ She raised her hand to scratch at an itch on the bridge of her nose and immediately caught another whiff of her scent, a scent reminiscent of her own. ‘If this is a mistake and we end up going down to the station it’s only going to waste a lot of time; yours and mine.’

The Chinese woman appeared to agree and slowly raised herself out of the chair. Amanda noticed that her hands were trembling as she started to undo the buttons on the pale cream dress. It suggested that the situation was affecting her more than she showed. It could either indicate guilt or just be a product of feeling intimidated by a police officer watching her undress. When all the buttons were undone she slowly parted the dress and slid it over her shoulders. She held onto the dress and neatly folded it before she draped it over the chair.

Amanda attempted to maintain a professional detachment when faced with the sight before her but her breath caught in her throat and she noted the increase in her heartbeat as her eyes feasted on the woman’s body. Sung had chosen a very sensual ensemble. Bannister was aware that she had a bisexual nature; that she had had previous relationships with women. His own arousal would be a mirror image to her own at this moment, had he been in the room. Sheer black stockings covered slender, slightly muscular legs, attached to a thick suspender belt that was embedded with bones in order to accentuate a shapely waist. Each, matching item was in a deep red satin, embroidered with silver floral patterns. The panties were delicate and barely covered her mound; the brassiere hid firm breasts and lifted them up to highlight an already ample cleavage. All of it set well against the colour of her skin, which she related to a milky coffee.

‘Please turn around,’ Amanda said softly.

Sung turned and stood with her back to her. A straight seam ran up the back of each stocking. Her eyes traced it from her ankle to high up her thigh. Then they lingered over her firm buttocks. On her left was a tattoo of a butterfly. And, on the back of the suspender belt, a security tag which left Amanda with no doubt that Sung had, indeed, stolen the items.

Amanda knew what she had to do but it was her lust that won the day. Since the moment she had removed the dress she had been fighting an internal battle to maintain detached from what she was feeling. Her professional side told her to act as the dedicated police officer she was. Against that stood the notion that the arrogant, racist manageress deserved to be ripped off. Maybe it would teach her a lesson. So, she stood there faced with a great dilemma.

Part of her wanted to walk over to the woman and kiss her, to let her know what effect she was having on her. It started the moment she was captivated by her intimate scent. And grew when she undressed before her. Amanda was confused. She’d dated people before that she met while on the job. Only once before had she allowed a clearly guilty suspect to go free but that had not been based on any desire to get them into bed. That was how it was now. It was a terrifying decision to make. It reflected on her professional integrity. Still, it rankled her that the manageress had made such racial undertones to the situation. Especially since her parents were not English. She based her final decision on a number of factors.

First there was her desire for the woman. As a police officer it was forbidden for her to consort with criminals, no matter what the offence was. For her to make any advances the woman could not be formally charged with anything.

Then came the crime itself. Shoplifting was hardly a major crime. It would cost more to the taxpayer should it ever reach a courtroom. The woman obviously had money so could afford to pay the amount. It was trivial compared to what she had already spent that day.

Then there was the race issue. That clinched it for her. She knew Bannister would support her decision not to make an issue of it.

Amanda glanced around at the desk and found what she was looking for. She picked up the device and stepped close to the woman and inserted the security tag in the removal equipment. Taking a deep breath she removed the tag and stepped back.

‘Why?’ asked the woman.

Because I want to take you to bed, she thought to herself. That was something she could not say. ‘Because this is a waste of time and that woman rubs me the wrong way. I must officially caution you however.’ She took a notepad from her jacket and asked her for her full name and address and took down her telephone numbers as well. ‘I would advise you to not do this again. You obviously are quite well off as I can see from these other purchases. Please, put your dress back on.’

Sung reached for her dress.

‘Let this be the last time,’ she repeated. ‘Next time you may encounter an officer who does not take such a light approach to shoplifting.’

Sung nodded, a look of relief on her face. ‘I’m sorry, officer….’

‘Jennings,’ she said as she watched the buttons being redone. ‘By the way, you made an excellent choice. Your husband will be pleased.’

‘I’m not married,’ she informed her.

Amanda smiled. She walked to the door and opened it. Bannister leant against the wall and stood straight when she came out. The manageress was with him and strode firmly up to her, that same stern expression etched into her face. She glared past Amanda at Sung who was collecting her shopping bag.

‘Well, have you arrested her?’ she demanded.


‘No!’ she seemed incredulous. ‘What do you mean?’

Amanda lowered her voice. ‘Miss Bohrman was not wearing any undergarments under her dress.’

‘Impossible!’ refuted the manageress. ‘That woman stole from my Aremis range. The whole outfit is worth more than £500.00!’

Knowing that made it all the more satisfying. ‘Ms Locksley, did you actually see her steal anything?’

‘No. But the alarm sounded when she went to leave.’

‘Yet, you did not actually see her take anything?’


‘I’d like to show you something,’ she said and brought the manageress back into her office. She opened the shopping bag and showed her the jacket. The tag that she had removed from the suspender belt was now in the pocket of the jacket where she had placed it. ‘A tag was left in from the previous shop. It set your alarms off.’

‘It’s one of my tags,’ she said. ‘This belongs to me!’

‘These kinds of tags are common in the city; you know that as well as I do. This is all a simple mistake.’


Amanda was slowly losing patience with the older woman. ‘Ms Locksley, wasting our time takes us away from our duties. No crime has been committed here except for those racial remarks you made earlier on.’ Amanda took a step closer to her. ‘I believe an apology is in order. Then we can put this unfortunate incident behind us. Miss Bohrman is being gracious in her decision not to press charges against the store.’

‘Press charges?’ she repeated and her voice cracked a touch and the sternness was lost amongst the confusion that overwhelmed her.

‘Exactly,’ Amanda confirmed. ‘Also she felt it was a purely racial issue why she was singled out. As you know, racial discrimination is a top political priority in this country. Can you imagine the detrimental effect to your business if this became public knowledge? Better to leave it as it is and forget it ever happened.’ Amanda was actually beginning to enjoy herself now and no longer felt any pangs of guilt over her own behaviour.

‘I apologise,’ the woman said softly.

‘In that case, we must be going,’ Amanda said. She turned to Sung. ‘May we escort you home, Miss Bohrman?’

‘No, I have to get back to work,’ she said, taking up her shopping bag and then followed the two police officers out of the shop. Once they were outside she shook Amanda’s hand and thanked her.

At the car Bannister looked at her walking away. ‘She did it, didn’t she?’

Amanda thought of her lingerie clad body and her scent and smiled. ‘Yes.’

‘I’m proud of you, Detective Inspector!’ he laughed.


John was relaxing in the bath when she entered the bathroom, a heavy scented mist created by the waters. Amanda carried two glasses of surprisingly good Californian chardonnay. He watched her set the glasses down on the side if the bath and then sit herself down beside them.

‘You’re not mad at me for what I did today?’ she asked.

‘That all depends on your motivation for doing so,’ he replied. Having had time to think about it he came to realise that such a breach of procedure could come back to seriously damage both their careers should the manageress chose to make a formal complaint about their conduct. Their conduct could not be called into question. Both of them had acted professionally but she had covered up a crime. That truth could be very damaging. In actual fact it would not just harm their careers, it would end them. Yet, he felt, the possibility of the truth being discovered was minimal.

‘That woman needed to be taught a lesson,’ Amanda said. ‘So full of her own self-importance. So condescending.’

‘Yes, she was,’ he agreed and took one of the glasses she held out. ‘Be that as it may, you do realise the harm it could cause.’


‘You took a big risk today,’ he said, his words there to simply give her cause for thought and not to judge. It did surprise him that she could act in that reckless way and it made him more attracted to her. It gave further reinforcement that she was human and not driven solely to succeed in her career. The shoplifter – he had forgotten her name – was just the kind of woman he knew Amanda was attracted to. He had seen the look in her eyes in the office.

‘I know that. I acted…’

Bannister held up his hand. ‘You acted right. So what if she lost a few items of underwear! I’ll stand by you if the bitch decides to make any kind of complaint.’

‘I can’t ask you to do that.’

‘We don’t have any choice. Any discrepancies and they’ll know we did wrong and we’ll have to pay the price for it. We’re in this together, love.’ He took a sip of the wine and nodded in appreciation of her choice. ‘Apart from getting one up on her, was there any other reason?’

‘By that you mean was I attracted to her?’

‘Were you?’

Amanda held his gaze for a moment. ‘Yes.’

He shifted around in the bath to come closer to her. He laid a hand on her exposed thigh and began to stroke her flesh with the tips of his fingers. ‘Was she worth the risk?’

‘Her body is gorgeous,’ she told him as his hand disappeared under the hem of her short robe and higher towards her mound. Instinctively, she parted her thighs the closer his fingers got. She breathed out. ‘So is this.’

‘What did she take?’

Amanda described to him what the woman had been wearing. ‘Very overpriced. I can see why she decided to take it, not that I’m condoning her actions. I warned her not to do it again.’

‘It sounds arousing,’ he said. ‘I wish I had been present.’ His thick fingers touched her naked mound, brushing through her lush coating of hairs, drawing a sigh of contentment from her. He discovered Amanda was already moist. He knew it was down to her thinking about the other woman. It didn’t make him jealous, being aware of her sexual needs as he did. They were good for each other. It had caused him some concern at first but that was down to his strict Catholic upbringing. Being with her was liberating in a way he had never thought possible. In a way that he had never imagined he would be comfortable with. He was comfortable with it. Like those desires he shared with her had always been a part of him and merely needed a catalyst to start the reaction that would release him from that spiritual introversion.

He knew Amanda well. She wanted to make love to that other woman. That desire could be read in her eyes.

His index finger eased inside her and he started a gentle penetration as they drank the wine in silence, his other digits rubbing in a circular motion across her mound, just the way she liked it. Her body visibly stiffened as he unleashed pulses of pleasure through her and then she relaxed once again, her shoulders sagging and her head dropping forward. A faint moan escaped her slightly open mouth and then she smiled mischievously at him.

‘I want to see her again,’ she said.

John knew that already. ‘How will you approach her?’

‘I’m not certain,’ she answered honestly. ‘I don’t think I can approach her in an officicial capacity again. Our days in covering for uniformed officers are over after tomorrow. Christ! That feels so nice!’

‘You could,’ he contradicted. ‘You could pay her a visit at home, a follow-up to the incident today. Make it seem as if it was standard procedure.’ It was the first suggestion that had popped into his mind. Amanda had let her go with a caution and that, technically, was the end of it all.

‘I don’t know if that would work.’

John didn’t answer. Amanda was now moving against his hand, increasing the pressure and the penetration on her sex. Breaking through the scented waters was her own scent, rich and sweet. ‘There has to be some way that you can meet with her,’ he mused as he fingered her. ‘If you really want her, we’ll find a way.’


‘You’ve let me watch before,’ he replied. Now he set aside the glass of wine and pressed his lips to her thigh, feeling the softness of her flesh and the underlying strength it contained. It never failed to excite him. Kissing her thighs always had such an arousing effect on him. Not that it mattered, but he was at a loss to explain why that part of her body excited him as it did. All that mattered was that it did. To break arousal down as though under scientific examination was as exciting as watching grass growing.

‘That feels so good,’ she said, her voice a mere whisper.

‘So, would you mind?’ he asked again, moving his lips slightly higher.

‘You know how I feel about that,’ she answered him. ‘But we don’t know about her. I don’t even know if she would go to bed with me.’

He couldn’t deny the truth in that. They had no way of knowing what her sexual orientation was except for the most obvious way. That had to approached as delicately as it warranted.

Amanda pulled away from him now. Rising from the edge of the bath she discarded her robe and stepped into the bath with him between her long, slender legs. She leant forward and gripped the metal towel rail, her sex mere inches from his face, and balanced there as best she could, thankful for the mat at the bottom of the bath. It would stop her from falling and causing herself, or him, some injury. John reached up and gripped her waist with both hands and pulled his face closer to her. With her legs parted his tongue snaked the length of her glistening sex, the tip delving between her delicate folds of secret flesh. He was urged on by her faint moans from above and then she started a slight rocking movement, rubbing against the bridge of his nose to stimulate her engorged clitoris.

In this position he knew what she wanted. He lowered one of his hands and fed it between her legs, stroking her buttocks while one finger, well lubricated by the bath water, sought her anus. When he found it his finger pressed lightly against her tightness, which drew a renewed vocal encouragement from Amanda. As his tongue delved deeper his finger pressed harder, the pressure edging his finger inside. There was still resistance to this invasion but it would soon pass, the more aroused she became and the further his finger entered her.

‘That’s good. Harder.’

John obeyed her instructions and exerted more pressure. His finger entered to a long, drawn sigh of pleasure from above. It was tight around him as he continued to penetrate her most intimate area, as far as he could go in this position. Her moans became one continuous sound as he moved it around inside her. Still, he continued to lap at her sex eagerly, flicking the tip across her clit which was as aroused as he’d ever felt it to be. He wondered if her thoughts were on him or if she were imagining the Chinese woman instead, not that it made a difference. Their relationship wasn’t demeaning to either of them. On the contrary, it made it all the more intense and satisfying when she was in the grip of added desires.

‘Harder!’ she demanded.

Again, he followed her command. He sucked at her, pulling her clit towards him and sucking it, brushing over it lightly with his teeth. At her anus he pulled his finger back and started to fuck her, building up a steady rhythm as she became more pliant in her arousal.

Suddenly she pushed herself away from the towel rail and from him. He gazed at her firm breasts and her erect nipples. For a moment she teased him by caressing her breasts, pinching her nipples before she turned around cautiously to face the other side of the bath. Amanda lowered herself into the water and pushed back against him. He moved back and watched as she crouched on all fours, her bottom just above the water line, presented to him. He understood. He got on his knees and took his thick cock in his hand and shuffled forward, causing heavy ripples in the water. Against her, he rubbed his cock over her buttocks before sliding it down between them, disappearing under the water as he sought her sex. Her lips parted almost hungrily to admit him and he slid in in one fluid motion, filling her as his balls slapped against the back of her thighs.

‘Fuck me hard,’ she demanded.

John had no need for encouragement. Straight away he began thrusting into her, driven by his basic needs and desires, driven by the sight of her luscious body, her taste and the sensation of her around his shaft. Amanda had always been wonderfully tight and he could feel her muscles gripping on him, stimulating him as he pushed inside. His eyes were closed and all thoughts drifted out of his mind as they always did. All he could hear were her moans, increasing in tempo, and the splashing of the water as his flesh met hers with each thrust.

Their movements were in perfect harmony as if they were carefully choreographed. As he thrust into her, Amanda pushed back at him, allowing for a deeper penetration. Each knew what the other liked in any given situation. Sex between them was simply amazing. There was no other way that he could ever describe it.

The lukewarm water sloshed all around them. As they succumbed to their desires the water splashed higher and over the sides, wetting the rug that lay beside the bath.

His own groans of arousal mingled with her own to produce a sexual harmony as they fucked. His cock thrust deep inside and he felt the tighteneing of her muscles around him as she neared her climax. He thrust harder, pushing her ever closer to it and then through the barrier as her climax exploded through her. Amanda cried out and pushed back and then he was joining her. His balls tensed and then spurts of hot sperm flowed into her as he cried out and filled her with his offering. They continued to encourage the sensations flowing out from their loins to the rest of their bodies until the feelings began to diminish.

John lowered himself over her back, remaining inside her and kissed the nape of her neck whilst his hands sought out, and found, her gently swaying breasts, buoyed by the water.

‘You’re an amazing woman,’ he told her in a whisper.

‘Tell me more,’ she laughed, grinding her against him.

‘You’re a gorgeous, sensual woman and I love you,’ he obliged her, enjoying the feel of her movements.

Amanda made a deep purring sound like a cat, moved away and twisted around in the bath to lie on her back and look up at him. Then she glanced down at his cock and saw that it remained hard.

‘More?’ she asked.

John nodded.

With a hungry look she moved to him, her hands wrapping themselves around his cock as she slid down the bath and urged him to sit taller in the water. Her soft lips caressed the crown, kissing him softly. Then she opened her mouth wide and took his cock into her willing mouth.


All throughout the next day Amanda had found herself contemplating how she might go about meeting Sung once more, without the trappings of officialdom. Towards the end of a long, unexciting shift she suggested to Bannister that they take a walk around the area where she had indicated she lived. It was not a large detour to make on their way back to the station. It was a fairly quiet residential area on the outskirts of the city centre, a place where the house prices matched the understated opulence of the houses themselves. It was a place where she would like to have lived herself, should her wages ever take a drastic increase and allow her the luxury of even considering moving there.

‘The beast of lust raises its’ head!’ he joked as he indicated and turned the car right. It took them a few minutes to reach the area and then they spent the next ten minutes driving around trying to locate the street she had given them. The development, nice though it was, had gone the way of trends lately and the majority of the homes looked the same as the one next door and the one several houses down. Whatever personal touches there were had been made by the owners themselves.

‘It’s like our own groundhog day,’ he mused. The previous night they had curled up on the couch and watched that movie, one of their favourites. Where the main character had been forced to live the same day over and over again, they appeared to be driving along the same street, no matter which direction they took.

Luck shone on them and Amanda noticed Sung walking along the opposite side of the street, some shopping bags in each hand. As she had been the day before she wore a light coloured dress.

‘I wonder if she paid for all those?’

Amanda glanced at him and saw the grin on his face.

‘It would give you an excuse to have her strip again for you.’

‘Pull in,’ she told him. When he had stopped against the kerb she saw Sung cross the road and then head straight down another street. They had come this way before. The only break in the norm had been that there was a small row of shops down there and she assumed that’s where she was heading. Amanda got out of the car.

‘What are you going to do?’ he asked her.

‘I really don’t know yet,’ she said. With a smile, she closed the door and started walking in the direction that Sung had taken. The day was warm and she wanted to take off her jacket but she was one of the few police officers that were always armed and her gun was holstered on her waist. When she turned to the left she noted that Sung was reaching the row of shops and was opening the door into the post office. By the time she reached it there was a sheen of perspiration on her brow from the heat of the day, which the gentle breeze did nothing to eliminate.

Amanda opened the door and stepped inside. There were quite a number of people inside the small office space and she failed to notice Sung at first. When she did she was gripped with an irrational apprehension. It was as though she had become a teenager again and going through what she had when she had asked for a first date. It was a stupid feeling. I’m thirty five years old, she said to herself, a grown woman! She was intelligent, attractive and assertive. She had progressed through a typically male preserve so how could she be feeling so childishly right now? Amanda fought the feelings and pushed them away although her heart continued to beat rapidly. But that wasn’t down to apprehension.

That was caused by her attraction to this woman.

It was a mirror image to the day she had realised those particular desires in herself. The first day she had felt drawn to another woman had been quite a revelation, a baptism of sorts. She had never felt that way before and it had struck her so forcefully that she had thought it was just an obsession. That her hormones had been acting weirdly. By the time she realised they weren’t and that her feelings were a progression of who she was and what she wanted, that woman had gone from her life and the chance had been wasted. Since then she had vowed never to waste another opportunity when it came along.

And she hadn’t.

Sung was standing a few paces away with her back to her. Amanda was able to look past the people in front of her and glanced along the seams of her stockings, now a caramel colour, towards the hemline of her skirt and the manufactured ‘v’ that pointed towards the delicacies, which lay beneath. Sung shifted position, rubbing one leg against the other. Amanda imagined she could hear the faint noise as nylon pressed against nylon.

Amanda walked forward and went to a rack that held a variety of forms and advertisements for goods and services that was to Sung’s left. She took out a form at random which was a television licence form and walked to a counter, took a pen from the inside pocket of her jacket and leant over as if to fill it out. Her eyes glanced left to take in the swell of Sung’s breasts. She wondered briefly if she was wearing the same lingerie she had taken from the shop the previous day. Her eyes snapped back to the form when she noticed the Chinese woman glance around her as the queue moved forward.

‘Hello,’ came her familiar voice a moment later. Sung had left her position in the queue and had come over to her.

Amanda detected a trace of nervousness in her voice. She was probably just wondering what she was doing here. A lot of people easily felt on edge, for no apparent reason, when around police officers. Amanda smiled at her, hoping the gesture would reassure her that she wasn’t there because of the shoplifting incident. ‘Hello. How are you today?’

‘Fine. And yourself?’

‘Tired,’ she answered honestly. ‘And in need of a television licence before I end up in court for not having one.’

‘That would not look good,’ she said. Sung was more relaxed now. ‘I never got the chance to properly thank you.’

Amanda shook her head. ‘No thanks needed. All you have to do is keep your promise that you won’t do it anymore. Anyway,’ she dismissed, ‘it’s all over now.’ Her eyes dipped to the swell of her breasts and then returned to her face. She knew Sung had seen the look in her eyes.

‘I don’t know if it’s appropriate but can you join me for a drink?’

Amanda checked her watch. ‘Unfortunately, I’m still on duty.’

‘Later this evening perhaps?’ suggested Sung.

Amanda took a moment to answer, not wanting to show her eagerness in responding to the suggestion. ‘That would be fine.’

‘It won’t cause a problem will it?’

‘Not at all,’ Amanda told her. ‘Where?’

Sung shrugged her shoulders indecisively which also caused her breasts to rise and fall. ‘I haven’t lived her that long and really don’t know the place all that well. Do you know anywhere?’

‘No problem,’ she replied. ‘I know a charming pub in the country we can go to. What time should I pick you up?’

‘Is seven-thirty ok?’ she asked.

‘Yes.’ Amanda picked up her form and folded it into three. ‘I have to go, I’m being paged,’ she lied, tapping the squat black pager attached to her belt. ‘I’ll see you later this evening.’ She slipped her pen back into her pocket and then walked toward the door of the post office and back into the warm day outside. Across the street she noticed their car. As she crossed the road she cast her mind back to the image of her breasts, knowing how good it would be to hold them in her hands and feel the hardness of her nipples against her fingers. She yearned for them but still had no idea from the short conversation how Sung felt.

The approaching evening would provide the answer.


Amanda noticed John entering the bedroom in her apartment as she turned, admiring herself in the full-length mirror, carefully scrutinising every inch of her appearance. There were several discarded choices lying on the bed, shoes on the floor and two drawers of a dresser sat opened, the underwear revealed to be quite an extensive collection. In fact that whole dresser was devoted to lingerie. The top three drawers contained bras, panties of all descriptions, suspender belts, basques, even a nurse’s uniform that belonged to an old lover who had left it behind. The final drawer held, at last count, almost forty pairs of pantyhose and stockings and a small collection of toys she enjoyed using when the mood took her.

‘I should be upset that this is not for my benefit,’ he grumbled, leaning in the doorframe.

She caught his admiring looks in the reflection of the mirror. ‘Are you?’

‘Not really.’

Amanda smiled at his honesty. ‘Well, just bear this in mind. If things don’t work out as I hope, you’ll have a well dressed, attractive woman to fuck tonight.’

‘A comforting thought to wile away the hours tonight,’ he said with humour. ‘Is that new?’

‘No,’ she said with a shake of her head. ‘It’s my only extravagant lingerie. Only comes out on special occasions.’

‘Very nice,’ he admired.

Amanda curtseyed. ‘Many thanks, kind sir.’

‘It’s a shame you’re pushed for time,’ he said, checking his watch. It had gone seven already and she was due to meet Sung in less than thirty minutes. Even though the traffic through the town centre would be light at this time in the evening she still would have to leave in the next few minutes. Amanda didn’t want to be late.

She pouted her lips into a kiss and blew it at him. ‘Keep your hormones in check. You may need strength for two of us. If it’s just me then, trust me, I’ll use it all up and come back for more.’

‘I’m going to hold you to that,’ he promised her. She saw him turn and leave the bedroom, flexing his muscles comically as he did.

Amanda laughed and then returned her attention to herself and made one final check that she had thought of everything. John was right. Time was running out if she were going to reach Sung’s home at the agreed time. She was very pleased with how she looked. It went beyond that. The sight of her reflection aroused her and that was the desired reaction she was looking for.

She had showed to refresh her body and wash away the grime of the humid, sticky day. With cooling waters cascading over her, she had trimmed her pubic hairs and made sure each leg was smooth and flawless. Her weekly visits to the police gym kept her in good shape and the tanning machine gave her skin a nice, rich colour but had not overdone it. Now, tan, seamed stockings that were fixed to a thick, body shaping suspender belt, much like the one Sung had stolen, covered her long legs. Delicate panties covered her sex, cool against her. The bra matched the rest, pushing her cleavage further upwards. Amanda had never really thought of her face as beautiful, not in a classical sense. She knew she was attractive and her make-up reflected the understated beauty she felt she had, enough to highlight those areas she was happy with. Her blonde hair fell naturally over her shoulders and had foregone using her contact lenses and decided on wearing her glasses for a change. She was stirred by her reflection and had to fight the temptation to touch herself. When she made a determined effort that was how she judged the result; if she had an immediate desire to touch herself of not.

If she did that now, there would be no turning back. She’d end up masturbating on the bed and then being fucked by John and she would never see the outside of the bedroom until the following day.

What she had decided to wear over these items was chosen to suggest an other motive rather than the acceptance of a thank you drink. Amanda pulled on a cream skirt, the colour complimenting her skin and the colour of her stockings. It sat just below the knee but had a split up one side that was designed to flash her thigh as she walked. A tailored, freshly ironed white blouse came next and she purposely left the top two buttons undone and opened it. Her gold crucifix dangled from her neck, the bottom of the cross seeming to point to her cleavage. She crossed herself for thinking that. As the night promised to be slightly colder than the day had been she carried the matching jacket to the outfit. It was one of her favourites.

She made one final revolution, smiled at herself and then made her way through to the lounge where John was watching television.

It was time to leave. ‘Call ahead and I’ll be able to tell you if the night is either a hit or miss affair.’

‘You know what this sounds like don’t you? A classis porn storyline. Have the man walk in on two women together.’

‘The classics are always the best,’ she said. ‘Don’t be here when we get back, John, or you may ruin everything.’

‘I won’t.’

She saw the time on the clock above the mantle. ‘Shit! I’m going to be late.’ She collected her car keys and headed for the door.

‘Happy hunting!’ he called after her.

Amanda laughed as she closed the door behind her, the smile staying on her face all the way to the car. Her own car, unlike the unmarked car she used at work, was a convertible. Her own real luxury, a BMW. She unlocked the doors before she reached it, opened the door and slid into the soft, leather seat and plugged the key in to start the engine. She reversed out of her space, pressing the button for the compact disc player and immediately, soft music filled the interior. Sat behind the wheel, she experienced a fresh fluttering of butterflies in her stomach. Relax honey, she told herself, there’s no logic to feel this way!

It was over one specific part of the evening ahead. How was she going to raise the subject of her sexuality? Meeting Sung over drinks was not a problem but she desired the woman, wanted her. How to approach that? The question was raised in her mind while in the shower and the answer still had not come. And that question inevitably led to a host of other questions. Was Sung attracted to other women? Would she appreciate her advances? And, most importantly, how would she feel about John entering the equation? So many questions and not a single answer, except one. She had already opted not to include John in whatever happened. It wasn’t that she felt constricted by him being in her life. Their arrangement worked perfectly for them. It was purely a selfish desire. She wanted Sung all to herself. Simple as that. He would understand. That was one of the nice things about him that attracted her to him.

As she drove through the centre of the city she barely paid attention to anything around her. She was still running the questions through her mind like some enthusiastic teenager. By the time she reached Sung’s house the answers were just as clear as they had always been. Shrouded in thick mist. She drove the car into the driveway and turned off the engine. Breathing deeply, she opened the door and stepped out and walked up to the front door. Amanda rang the bell and listened to a soft, melodic chime announce her arrival. A few seconds later, through the frosted glass, she saw a distorted image of Sung approaching the door before it opened.

‘Good evening,’ greeted Amanda. If she felt she had dressed in a way that was so overtly sexual as to give Sung the message, the lust she felt inside her at that moment was like a badge that proclaimed “I want to go to bed with you!” Sung was dressed all in black. A roll-neck top had a cutaway section above her breasts that revealed their swell, a tight skirt that stopped midway down her thighs. Black stockings that shimmered in the light and a pair of high, leather boots. Amanda needed a moment to compose herself; all she felt like doing was stepping up to her and kissing her. So strong was the prurience at that moment.

Sung invited her inside and she followed, her eyes watching the gentle sway of her buttocks as she was led into a comfortable lounge that was tastefully decorated and also reflected her extravagant tastes. All of this made no sense as to why she wanted to shoplift from that boutique. Sometimes it was hard to determine what motivated the criminal mind. She checked herself. And stowed away her police persona for the night.

‘Would you like a glass of wine?’ she asked, indicating an open half-bottle of wine that sat on a glass covered coffee table. She lifted it out and showed her the label, a Cheverny and quite a good one at that.

‘Please,’ she replied. Her throat was dry, suddenly so. She accepted the glass from Sung and looked around her. ‘You have good taste. I wish my own apartment was like this.’

They clinked their glasses together. Amanda found the wine crisp but not overly dry and she nodded her appreciation.

‘Thank you again for yesterday,’ Sung said. ‘I don’t know why I did that; it was so irresponsible.’ She picked up a packet of cigarettes and lit one. ‘It wasn’t the first time either. But the first time I was caught. I won’t be doing it again.’

Amanda could sense the truth behind the words. In her career she had come to be sceptical of such declarations but Sung was being truthful. She knew when people lied, had been trained to spot that. It was all in the eyes bur Sung’s made no indication that she was lying. ‘I’m glad to hear that. So, what is it you do?’

‘I’m a researcher for a local television station.’


Sung laughed. ‘Interesting interpretation. I spent most of my time in libraries, talking with people and sitting in front of a computer. I would say your job is interesting, not mine.’

‘Police work can be just as mundane. All the paperwork, especially.’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘Believe me, it is. And it can be as boring as hell!’ Sung motioned her to sit and she did, pleased that Sung joined her on the sofa. It was a huge affair and soft, it seemed her entire body just moulded into the material. Sung crossed her legs and Amanda glanced at her legs, a little longer than she should have done but she couldn’t help herself. The Chinese woman had incredible legs.

‘Where’s this pub then?’ she asked.

‘Not far,’ she replied. ‘Some of the roads can be quite an obstacle to drive through.’

Sung finished her wine and then stood up.

Amanda stood also and followed Sung to the door, standing quite close to her and able to catch a whiff of her perfume. She knew it was Valentino. She came to the conclusion that television researchers were paid more than she thought. Either that or Sung came from a wealthy background.

‘We’ll take my car,’ Amanda said, reaching into her bag for the keys, ‘since I know where we’re going.’

She surreptitiously watched Sung slide into the passenger seat, enjoying the way the skirt rose a touch. Amanda was also aware that the split in her skirt was on Sung’s side and knew it revealed the tops of her stockings. Each time she depressed the clutch pedal it would reveal a little more. Amanda engaged the engine and reversed into the street. As she engaged first gear and drove away, the perfume filled the car with its pleasant scent. Amanda felt warmed to be in such close proximity to the other woman and to be revealing to her, even in the slightest of ways. Was it, she wondered, having the desired effect? Can you tell what I’m trying to say?

Throughout the journey they talked more about their jobs although Amanda had constraints on what she could say about her own. They talked about their families and she discovered that Sung had been born in Shanghai and had moved to the United Kingdom about ten years previously, after she had finished university. She hadn’t always wanted to get into television. Her first choice had been to be a doctor but she had failed to do that, much to her father’s displeasure. He was a doctor. The more they talked the more she came to like the other woman; they had much in common in what they liked to do in their private time. She decided, when she had noticed Sung glancing along her split, to ask about the ring on her finger.

‘You said you haven’t been here long,’ she began. ‘Will your husband be joining you later?’

‘My husband?’ she asked, a little confused.

‘I noticed the ring on your finger,’ explained Amanda.

‘No,’ she replied after a moment’s hesitation. There seemed to be a lot of relief in that one word. ‘He won’t.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Amanda apologised. ‘I hope I didn’t say anything wrong.’

‘No, you didn’t. Besides, it no longer makes me angry to talk about it,’ replied Sung. ‘The reason is not important. I’m single now and have every intention of just enjoying myself and not getting into any long-term relationships. I’m not interested in that. What about you?’

Amanda decided to be honest with Sung. ‘I’m involved with someone on a casual basis,’ she said. ‘The other officer in the boutique.’ She slowed the car as she approached a junction and then eased to a stop, looking in both directions for a break in the traffic.

Sung grinned. ‘He was quite handsome.’

‘Telling him that would only feed his ego,’ she joked. ‘It’s not a serious thing really. We satisfy certain needs. We’re happy with that.’ That was only bending the truth of it slightly. She and John kept their own homes, stayed over when they wanted to, never made any demands on the other and, so far, no one had suggested any future planning. Their relationship was kept to themselves. And the sexual side of it was clear to them both.

Amanda indicated and pulled out into the road, the engine roaring into life when she spotted a break that enabled her to pull out. She increased speed, her hand swiftly moving the gear stick effortlessly. ‘Few more minutes and we’ll be there.’

‘No hurry,’ the other woman said.

‘Is there anyone in your life?’ she asked.

Sung shook her head. ‘Not at the moment. Like I said, I’ve only moved here in the last few weeks. Outside of my colleagues at work and a couple of neighbours, you’re the only person I know.’

‘It’s difficult when you move to a new town,’ she sympathised. ‘I’m not from here originally either. It’s where I was first posted. It’s not the greatest of towns but I like it and there is some spectacular countryside. The Peak District is a wonderful place to visit in the summer.’

‘I’m sure it is.’

Amanda turned into a side road from the main one and this was not as well maintained. She decreased speed and started to manometer around some potholes in the asphalt. The car jolted as the wheels caught a couple of them.

‘Sorry for the ride,’ Amanda said. ‘This is the worst part of the journey now.’

‘Like my marriage,’ she commented.

‘Was it really that bad?’

Sung shrugged her shoulders. ‘You really don’t want to hear my sad stories,’ she said ruefully.

‘Sometimes its good to talk.’

‘That was something he didn’t like doing. Conversation was always such a chore with him. If he could get away with it, he wouldn’t say a word for days on end. It could be intolerable sometimes.’

‘I can imagine.’

‘He wasn’t satisfied, that’s what it came down to.’

Amanda shot her a quick glance. ‘How come? You’re beautiful.’ The last words came out before she had a chance to stop herself. She didn’t want to give such a clear impression of how she was feeling. For a moment she thought that it would create an atmosphere between them, uneasiness.

‘Thank you,’ Sung said. By the look on her face, Amanda guessed she was trying to figure out how she should interpret what she had said. ‘He didn’t think so.’

Ahead of them, Amanda could see the squat, long shape of the pub in the distance, the lights illuminating the darkness. The final stretch of the road could easily have been the surface of the moon for all the craters there seemed to be. When she passed through the gates she saw only a handful of other cars parked there. As there always seemed to be. It would be quiet and give them the privacy she wanted but enough people inside to breath some life into the evening.

The pub was a traditional country inn that could be found in most parts of the country. Low beamed ceilings that were the real thing and not some prefabricated imitation for some city theme pub. Tables and chairs that were original fittings as well, judging by the scarring on their surfaces and the faded fabric. In abundance were horse brasses. They entered through the door marked ‘lounge’, which would give them more privacy than the main bar would. Even more so as there was only one other couple sat there. And they were seated at the bar rather than in one of the alcoves to which she and Sung headed.

‘This is charming,’ she said, looking around her.

‘I don’t come here that often,’ said Amanda. ‘Just when I’m in the need for relaxing surroundings.’

‘Good choice.’

‘What would you like to drink?’ she asked. Amanda went over to the bar, ordered their drinks. After paying for them and collecting her change, she returned to their table and set them down. Then she took off her jacket and sat down next to Sung.

Though she rarely smoked, she accepted one of Sung’s proffered cigarettes and felt a pulse spread through her body when Sung’s hand touched hers as she held up the lighter. Her eyes met Sung’s and she wondered. Were those the same emotions she saw reflected in her eyes as in her own?

It instilled her with hope. In that look she was sure she had seen attraction. An emotion she knew very well. It was there, she knew it. All she had to do know was figure out how to proceed. Was the attraction strong or did it need to be nurtured further?

Conversation came easily and she enjoyed that. It was a good sign that they felt so at ease in each other’s company. More so because of the way they had met and that was an area she did not want to bring up. That chapter was closed and that’s the way she wanted it to stay. The more they talked and laughed the more she felt attracted to her personality as well as her body. She was warming to her on a more personal level, due to their shared interests. Even if there was a possibility they would not become lovers, she knew she had found a good friend in the other woman. Sung had such a good outlook on life, very positive which mirrored her own. Nothing seemed to faze her, not even when her marriage had broken down. As they shared jokes and experiences, their touches became more frequent. Without being aware of it they had slid closer together. Amanda only realised it when their legs touched and she felt a rush of emotion sweeping through her. Gripping her in its’ power.

That was when a voice spoke up in her head. A counselling voice that told her to be wary of what she was doing. A voice that was out of place. It told her to take care, that sex could damage a growing friendship. Yes, she could see them becoming friends. She didn’t see sex destroying that. The desire for sex was what had led to this growing yearning for friendship.

‘Excuse me,’ Sung said after a while and rose from her seat. Amanda watched her walk to the ladies room, leant back and finished another cigarette. She silently chastised herself for smoking. She was attempting to give them up but, sometimes, like now, she gave in to them.

After several minutes of glancing around the lounge as new arrivals entered, Sung had still not returned. She looked over at the door she had disappeared through. Amanda returned to the bar and ordered a fresh round of drinks, this time taking a mineral water for herself as she was driving. It would not go down too well if she were pulled over for drink driving. Sung had still not come back when she set the drinks down.

Concerned, she glanced over at the door again.

On impulse, she headed there and pushed the door open. When she went through the inner door she saw Sung standing at the washbasins, casually washing her hands under the water. Hearing the door open, she looked over.

‘I thought there may have been something wrong,’ Amanda said. ‘You were gone so long.’

Sung shook her head. ‘No. Nothing wrong.’

Amanda started to turn in order to return to their seat but Sung stopped her. ‘Why? There is something wrong, isn’t there?’ she asked, more out of hopeful expectation than anything else. In her heart, she had a feeling this was a pivotal moment.

Sung strode over to her, her heels clicking on the tiled floor. ‘I think we’ve both shown enough restraint,’ she stated, raising her hands to Amanda’s face and pulled her eagerly into a passionate embrace. There was no hesitation from either of them. Mouths opened expectantly and tongues probed, caressing each other lovingly. Sung’s lips were as sensual as she imagined them to be, soft against her own, and she was overcome as the moment had finally arrived. They were kissing, their bodies pressed tight to each other, a warmth spreading through her. It lasted a few seconds. After Sung stepped back, the sensation lingered on.

‘I know I haven’t offended you,’ Sung said.

‘No,’ confirmed Amanda.

‘I saw the look in your eyes when I undressed in the shop,’ Sung explained, suddenly reaching out and caressed one of her breasts through the blouse. ‘I could tell you were attracted by what you saw.’

Amanda leaned into her touch and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feel of her hand on her breast. Her nipple hardened and ached against the soft fabric of her bra. Further down, she felt moisture spreading between her legs. Amanda had left her apartment with every intention of seducing Sung. She preferred to take the imitative but, in this case, Sung had beaten her to it. As her hand softly caressed her, she decided to allow Sung to dictate what happened and how it would happen.

‘I was attracted to you as well,’ Sung continued.

Amanda moaned softly.

‘I want to take you to bed.’

‘I want that also,’ she sighed.

Sung arched an eyebrow. ‘What about John?’

‘Our relationship is casual,’ she replied. She reached out and moved Sung’s hand to her other breast. ‘You have a wonderful touch.’

‘He won’t mind?’


‘I think we should go,’ suggested Sung, ‘before someone comes in and finds something she didn’t expect to see!’

‘Where?’ It really didn’t matter where they went. John would just have to be understanding and he would. That’s what she liked about him. Her selfish desire for the woman overcame everything else. It increased the more her fingers caressed her. Her flesh yearned for more touching, yearned to be free of the clothes that constrained her. She wanted to be naked with her, their bodies entwined in their passion. Not once had their conversation broached the subject of sex. Yet, she couldn’t deny that there had been a growing tension between them, one that had now found expression.

‘You decide,’ said Sung.

‘Your place then,’ she whispered. Although she knew that, by a quick telephone call, John would not disturb them at her apartment, she wanted complete isolation with her. Her voice dropped lower as Sung’s hand had parted the slit in her skirt and her fingers danced lightly over her stocking tops. Each brush of her fingers left her flesh tingling as though an electric current passed through her.

‘You went to the post office to find me, didn’t you?’ asked Sung.


‘I thought so.’

Amanda decided not to ask her how she had known that.

Sung removed her hands from her body and stepped back. ‘Enough,’ she said. She kissed her softly on the cheek before walking past her and back into the lounge. Amanda followed and they sat down to have their drinks. She actually didn’t want it now, only wanting to be back in the car and heading to her home. She felt Sung was enjoying keeping her waiting as she sipped on her own drink. Her other hand rested on her thigh, one finger making small, circular movements.

‘This is driving me mad,’ she told her.

‘Patience is a virtue,’ Sung said philosophically.


Sung laughed. ‘So, officer, do you intend to strip search me?’

‘If it’s necessary,’ she replied.

‘An interrogation?’

‘A thorough one at that,’ she promised.

Sung’s eyes lit up with expectation. ‘Sounds good.’

‘It will be.’

‘I wouldn’t have it any other way.’


The return journey to Sung’s home appeared to take longer than it had to get to the pub earlier on. It was all in her mind, of course. The fact that Sung’s hand rested on her exposed thigh had a lot to do with that. Where their flesh met it seemed to burn with an intensity that blocked out all other thoughts. When she wanted to speak, her words caught in her throat. It seemed the entire centre of her world only existed where the hand rested on her flesh.

Halfway into the trip it was Sung who broke the silence when they came to a stop at a set of traffic lights. ‘I had a dream last night,’ she said. ‘I went to bed thinking about you and how I could be with you and had the most erotic dream I’d had in quite a while. I woke up and had to masturbate to get rid of all the tension.’

Amanda glanced at her. It was gratifying to know she desired her as much as she seemed to do. Before she had a chance to answer, a car beeped its horn behind her. She hadn’t been aware the lights had changed and she was now holding up a line of traffic. Amanda drove on.

Sung began telling her about the dream, her hand now sneaking under the top of her stocking and resting heavy upon her. In her dream they had been in the boutique where they had met. It began how it had really happened, with Amanda asking the others to leave before Sung had removed her dress and stood there in the expensive lingerie she had decided to steal. It continued with her being asked to turn around which revealed the security tag. ‘Then,’ she said, ‘when you stooped down to remove it, you stayed there and kissed the small of my back. That’s one of the tenderest areas I love being kissed. It sends shivers through my whole body. Your hands rested on my hips, holding me against you.’

Amanda listened, the words an inspiration to her. There was one thing she did enjoy and that was a good, sexual story. She read novels like that and had quite a collection in her bedroom. Told in a good, original way, she could read for hours, on her bed with one hand between her legs. One old boyfriend had even written one for her.

‘I would tell you more,’ Sung said. ‘But, I don’t want the dream. I want the reality.’

‘Not fair!’ protested Amanda. ‘You start off, getting me horny and then you drop me like a stone. That’s wrong.’

‘Really?’ Sung removed her hand and let it slide deeper under the skirt until it reached her panties.

Amanda stiffened in her seat and willed herself to concentrate on the road as those delicate fingers pressed against her panties. She knew the gusset was damp; more than that, it was wet. She felt it spread under her touch.

‘You are,’ she smiled.

‘Stop that,’ warned Amanda. ‘I don’t want to lose control.’

‘Do you like being in control?’ she asked.


‘So do I.’ Sung removed her hand and held her fingers up to her nose. ‘I hope you taste as good as you smell.’

‘Tell me the rest of the dream.’

Sung didn’t answer at first. Then she sighed; long and heavily. ‘You started kissing my buttocks, your hands dropping lower and rubbing the front of those panties. You know, they feel so good against my skin, so delicate. Anyway, your tongue is on my flesh, tingling me. Each time I imagine it I break out in goose bumps. Even now. I reach down and push the panties down. I want your tongue on my sex, kissing and licking me.’

‘That’s enough,’ Amanda said.

‘I thought you wanted to know!’

‘Not any more,’ she replied. If she heard another word about kissing her sex, she would pull the car over and take her in the car. It would be intense, enjoyable and satisfying. But, she wanted more relaxed surroundings, wanted to take her time to explore the body sitting next to her. A frantic session in the car was not that.

Finally, they were pulling into her driveway and came to a stop. They exited the car and walked to the front door. Amanda realised she still had not called John. When they went inside and the door closed they kissed again and then Amanda voiced her need to use her bathroom. Following her directions she went upstairs and closed the door behind her. She pulled down her skirt and panties and sat down. Taking her mobile telephone from her bag she opted to send a text message and wrote it as she relieved herself. The display showed a departing envelope to tell her the message had been sent successfully. It beeped a few seconds later as she pulled up her panties and adjusted her skirt. It was John. Her little lie had been accepted. She felt a twinge of regret but it was short lived.

Amanda walked downstairs, emboldened with passion. She found Sung in the kitchen brewing some coffee. The rich aroma assaulted her and she accepted the offer. She sat down at the wooden table, adorned with a ceramic fruit bowl and several place mats. She watched Sung as she gathered up cups and saucers and set them down, stretching up to a cupboard for sugar. Her muscles tensed in her legs and, for such a delicate looking woman, Amanda knew there was strength in her. She had sensed it before.

‘Milk or cream?’ she asked.

‘Cream,’ she decided.

Sung removed a carton from the fridge and placed it on the table. When the coffee had brewed she brought the glass jar over and poured each of them a cup. Before she sat down, she removed her jacket.

The coffee was rich but as soon as she tasted it she no longer wanted it. It was delaying the inevitable. Seated across from her only infuriated her. She set the cup back down and fixed her gaze on her. ‘These delaying tactics serve no good,’ she said firmly. ‘It’s making me crazy!’

‘Then take control,’ she replied, challenging her.

Amanda realised that was what she wanted. She wanted to be controlled by her, to submit to her authority. Role-play was exciting; she’d always found it to be when with John or previous lovers. It was harmless as long as it wasn’t taken to extremes.

‘Miss Bohrman,’ Amanda said, taking an authoritive tone, ‘I’m investigating the theft of several items of underwear from Anna’s Fashion on the High Street. Do you know this shop?’

‘I do.’

‘Have you ever been inside?’

‘Several times,’ she answered, playing along with the questioning. ‘In fact, I was there the other day.’

‘Which day would that be?’


Amanda sat silent for a moment. It was a tactic she often used when interviewing suspects. While it was easy for her to act like this, it was made all the more difficult because of her feelings. ‘A lady, matching your description, was seen stealing several items. Because the woman was engaged with another customer you were able to get away without being apprehended.’

‘That’s preposterous!’ said Sung. ‘I did not take anything.’

‘I have a description of the items taken. With your permission I would like to search your bedroom to see if they are there.’ Amanda stood and faced her. ‘These are serious allegations.’

‘I have no choice, obviously,’ she said with resignation. She spoke with such conviction that it would have been hard to know it was an act if she already didn’t know that it was. Sung rose and led her through into the hall and then took the lead as they went upstairs. Her bedroom was next to the bathroom. Sung opened the door and led her inside.

Amanda was impressed with the bedroom. It was large, larger than her own. A large bed took pride of place. A huge fitted cabinet took up one entire wall, the centre portion being a dresser. In front of a circular mirror sat a large array of beauty products and perfumes. Across another wall sat a low series of drawers. Atop that sat a television, stereo and a laptop computer. Curtains were drawn across the window. All the furniture was pine and it’s unique scent hung in the air. It was a nice scent. Amanda liked pine. It was warm. She waited in the doorway.

Sung walked to the drawers and pointed to a set. Amanda joined her and opened the top drawer and started to search through the collection of underwear. She had more than Amanda had, all delicate and expensive looking. She took her time going through the panties, feeling the material and imagining her in them. Amanda closed the drawer and opened the next one down. In this one Sung had more unique items; a lot of rubber and leather. Amanda removed a basque and held it up to admire it. It shone in the light and she again imagined Sung wearing it. This whole ‘investigation’ thing was doing nothing but making her wet. She replaced the basque, stood up and decided it was time to make the real advances.

‘The items are not there.’

‘I told you I took nothing.’

‘That still remains to be proved, Miss Bohrman,’ Amanda told her. ‘It could well be that you are wearing them.’

‘I’m not.’

‘Please remove your clothes,’ she told her.

Sung stood there, her arms by her sides and made no attempt to move or to obey her wishes.

‘This delay is really serving no advantage,’ sighed Amanda. ‘Would you rather I charged you and took you down to the station? It would be less embarrassing to do it in the privacy of your own home.’

Sung’s brow creased as she thought about that. Without a word, her hands took hold of the bottom of her roll-neck and pulled it up over her body and over her head before she tossed it aside. With a defiant look she said, ‘Is this what you’re looking for, officer?’

‘Detective Inspector,’ she corrected her, her eyes centred on her breasts. They looked magnificent behind that bra. It really did suit her, that colour. ‘Please, remove the skirt.’

Sung reached behind her and undid the zipper and then pushed it down her legs. She wore the same, thick suspender belt and matching panties.

Amanda nodded. ‘I believe this is what I’m looking for,’ she said. She stepped closer, feeling a slight trembling the closer she got. ‘It looks like it certainly,’ she added and then reached up to touch the delicate fabric encasing her breasts. The material was sheer and she felt the hardness of the nipples beyond, their outline clear. ‘It feels like it also.’ She noticed Sung’s eyes were closed as she felt her breasts, her mouth slightly open.

‘Is it what you’re looking for?’ she asked.

‘Yes,’ she answered. ‘I’m afraid you’ll have to take them off so that I can have them tagged as evidence.’ Her voice had dropped as she spoke. It was difficult to maintain the role in the face of mounting passion.

‘Help yourself,’ said Sung.

Amanda reached around her back with one hand and unclasped the bra. She stepped back as she lifted the material from her flesh and admired her breasts. They were the same delicate colour as the rest of her body but with deeper nipples that were thick and erect, nipples larger than her own. She held them in her hands, feeling the weight of them and caressing them gently. She was rewarded with a soft moan from Sung who now licked her lips enticingly. Amanda took her time to explore the soft mounds of flesh properly, squeezing them and pinching at the nipples. She found herself in awe of this woman’s body, so perfect in its detail. Soft, unblemished skin.

‘Those panties will have to go as well,’ she said, noting how quiet her own voice had become. She lowered herself to her knees, hitching her skirt up as she did. Amanda was now facing her crotch and reached up to take hold of the waistband. Taking a deep breath she began to pull them down to reveal her shaven sex underneath. It made her pause in admiration. Then she continued, lifting each of her legs in turn to remove the panties. Her hands rested on her thighs as she gazed along her slit, slick with her juices. Then, as she had longed to do, she leant in and kissed her. Her flesh was smooth, not even the merest hint of growth in her pubic region as she kissed. Sung tasted fragrant, a light musk that reflected her own. Sung moaned and parted her legs, allowing her more access to her sex. Amanda sought out her clit and sucked upon it, feeling Sung go rigid above her.

Amanda rose up and returned to her breasts. As she kissed her, her mouth willing and pliant she caressed her breasts before bending slightly. Each one was kissed and suckled in turn and Amanda could hear the rapid beat of her heart in her chest. A quiet declaration of pleasure filtered out of her mouth and reached Amanda’s ears.

She took Sung by the wrist and led her to the bed and pushed her down upon it before climbing onto it to join her. With her legs spread, Amanda leant between them and buried her face into her sex, loving her sex as she had wanted and intended from the moment she had had her undress. This was no one off experience. Had she felt that was the case she would not have been so tender in her advances or as considerate as she was as she made love to her. Her tongue lapped at her, tasting her, delving between the tight folds of her flesh. Sung’s hands reached down and pressed her face tighter against her, rubbing her crotch against her. Whatever built up tension she had felt in the kitchen was displaced now by a bliss she quite adored.

Sung climaxed. Amanda revelled in the taste of her shaven sex, the feel of it and the way her touches affected her so strongly. Expertly, she took her to climax with her fingers and tongue, a thumb exerting a gentle pressure on her anus but not enough to penetrate her. This was similar to the way she liked to be taken orally and was pleased it affected her the same way. Sung cried out languidly as she came and pressed her hips against her as the climax overcame her. By the time Sung lay back into the bed, satiated, Amanda’s face was coated in her juices and they were spread over her sex and thighs, the tops of her stockings damp. Her scent permeated the room.

‘That was glorious, officer,’ she said, her breath heavy and laboured.

Amanda smiled and lay beside her and held her close, enjoying the feel of her body next to her. Her own body screamed for attention, demanding the same be done to her.

‘Did you find all you were looking for?’ she asked.

‘Not quite,’ she said and shuffled to her knees, unsteadied by the softness of the mattress under their combined weight. She lifted up her skirt to reveal her own wet panties and damp thighs. Streaks of moisture had leaked from her as she licked the other woman and her thighs were now sticky as it dried. Amanda gazed down at her breasts. ‘There may be one or two points I will need to go over again,’ she informed her. ‘For the moment, you can assist me in another way.’

‘In what way?’

Amanda shuffled closer to her and raised one leg, unsteadily, before placing it down on the other side of her head. Hovering a few centimetres above her face, she smiled as she pulled her panties to one side and lowered her sex to Sung’s open mouth.


Later in the evening, Amanda woke to discover that they had fallen asleep on the bed. Rubbing her eyes she looked around her in the dim light at the tangle of discarded clothes strewn all over the bed. Sung, importantly, wasn’t there. With a yawn she rolled over and stood on the floor. All she wore were her stockings and suspender belt. She picked up her blouse but saw that it was too creased to wear. There was a short, embroidered robe hanging on a hook on the door and she put that on and then went in search of Sung.

She found her downstairs, drinking coffee and smoking. She was stretched out on the couch, still wearing the boots. However, she had put on the leather basque that Amanda had admired earlier. It accentuated her figure even more and pushed her breasts high.

‘Sleep well?’ she asked.

‘Didn’t realise I had fallen asleep,’ she replied.

‘I thought I’d let you rest a while,’ she smiled.

Amanda walked over and joined her on the couch, lifting her legs up and then draping them back down across her own thighs. She rested one hand on Sung’s thighs and settled back in the couch.

‘Do you have to go home tonight?’ she asked.


‘Good,’ the other woman smiled.

‘That’s nice,’ she said, admiring the basque. ‘It really sets off your body.’

‘That’s the reason I stole it.’

Amanda’s eyes widened in shock. ‘What?’

‘Got you,’ she laughed.

Amanda slapped her thigh playfully and Sung let out a startled cry that was less to do with any actual pain than just the suddenness of the act. She moved around on the couch and drew up along her body and kissed her, pressing herself against the basque. It had it’s own unique smell, of something carefully maintained, almost as though it were new. She caressed her breasts through the leather, pressing her thigh against her sex with enough pressure to arouse and not to cause discomfort.

‘I think we’d better go upstairs,’ said Sung.

‘I think we’d better,’ she agreed.

The end.

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